0 00:00:21.810 --> 00:00:32.640 目覚ましいニュース エイチKR報道局 月野ルナアナウンサー 1 00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:37.640 現在朝の人気情報番組 活かされ目覚ましいニュースのメインキャスターを務める 2 00:00:37.640 --> 00:00:42.640 エイチKRテレビの看板女子アナウンサー 3 00:00:42.640 --> 00:00:46.640 座友の名は人に優しく 自分に厳しく 4 00:00:46.640 --> 00:00:49.640 2021年から番組を担当 5 00:00:49.640 --> 00:00:52.640 毎週月曜日から金曜日までレギュラー出演 6 00:00:52.640 --> 00:00:57.640 そんな月の穴 御夜中は何があっても平常心 7 00:00:57.640 --> 00:01:01.640 爽やかな笑顔でお茶の間からも愛される朝の顔 8 00:01:01.640 --> 00:01:06.640 今回はテレビ局での仕事現場に密着させていただきました 9 00:01:06.640 --> 00:01:07.640 活かされ 10 00:01:07.640 --> 00:01:16.140 おはようございます 11 00:01:16.140 --> 00:01:17.140 おはようございます 12 00:01:17.140 --> 00:01:18.140 おはようございます 13 00:01:18.140 --> 00:01:19.140 お久しぶりです 14 00:01:19.140 --> 00:01:20.140 お久しぶりです 15 00:01:20.140 --> 00:01:24.140 今日もちょっと密着させていただければと思いますので 16 00:01:24.140 --> 00:01:25.140 よろしくお願いします 17 00:01:25.140 --> 00:01:27.140 よろしくお願いします 18 00:01:42.540 --> 00:01:43.540 失礼します 19 00:01:43.540 --> 00:01:44.540 失礼します 20 00:01:44.540 --> 00:01:45.540 失礼します 21 00:01:53.300 --> 00:01:58.300 ページの部分の画像で差し替えと先ほどお伺いしたんですけど 22 00:01:58.300 --> 00:02:01.300 はいそうなんです これもう準備できている見た目なので 23 00:02:01.300 --> 00:02:02.300 そうなんです 24 00:02:02.300 --> 00:02:07.300 差し替えって終わった段階にまたコメント求められるような形ですかね 25 00:02:07.300 --> 00:02:08.300 はいそうなります 26 00:02:08.300 --> 00:02:12.300 朝のニュースをちょっと絡めて入れ込んでコメントをして 27 00:02:12.300 --> 00:02:15.300 また月野さんからプラウギーで 28 00:02:15.300 --> 00:02:16.300 わかりました 29 00:02:16.300 --> 00:02:18.300 コメントしていただくという流れです 30 00:02:18.300 --> 00:02:19.300 失礼しました 31 00:02:19.300 --> 00:02:20.300 失礼しました 32 00:02:21.300 --> 00:02:37.110 月野さん 33 00:02:38.110 --> 00:02:39.110 はい 34 00:02:39.110 --> 00:02:40.110 打ち合わせ中にすみません 35 00:02:40.110 --> 00:02:43.110 ちょっとだけお話を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか 36 00:02:43.110 --> 00:02:44.110 はい 37 00:02:51.420 --> 00:02:52.420 失礼します 38 00:02:52.420 --> 00:02:54.420 あっこの赤ちゃんじゃないですか 39 00:02:54.420 --> 00:02:55.420 はい 40 00:02:55.420 --> 00:02:59.420 じゃあちょっとお話を伺えればと思うんですが 41 00:02:59.420 --> 00:03:04.420 せっかくなんでですねそちらのマスクを取っていただいて 42 00:03:04.420 --> 00:03:05.420 はい 43 00:03:05.420 --> 00:03:06.420 お話聞いてもらってよろしいですか 44 00:03:06.420 --> 00:03:07.420 あっはい 45 00:03:19.070 --> 00:03:20.070 月野さん 46 00:03:20.070 --> 00:03:21.070 はい 47 00:03:21.070 --> 00:03:27.070 いよいよ目覚ましいニュースの本番ですね 48 00:03:27.070 --> 00:03:28.070 そうですね 49 00:03:30.070 --> 00:03:32.070 今の心境を伺いに来たんですが 50 00:03:32.070 --> 00:03:33.070 はい 51 00:03:33.070 --> 00:03:38.070 その前にですね今の月野さんの音量というか 52 00:03:38.070 --> 00:03:39.070 はい 53 00:03:39.070 --> 00:03:42.070 メインの業務みたいなものを教えていただけますでしょうか 54 00:03:42.070 --> 00:03:43.070 そうですね 55 00:03:43.070 --> 00:03:51.070 今はまず朝出席したら皆さんと一緒に会議をして 56 00:03:51.070 --> 00:03:55.070 今日どんなニュースをどうするかなと話し合ったり 57 00:03:55.070 --> 00:04:02.070 あとその会議をしながらネットニュースなのにも目を通して 58 00:04:02.070 --> 00:04:04.070 どんなことが今起こってるかとか 59 00:04:04.070 --> 00:04:12.140 最新のニュースで取り入れないかなと思うから 60 00:04:12.140 --> 00:04:14.140 その話が終わると 61 00:04:15.140 --> 00:04:18.140 実際にニュース番組に 62 00:04:18.140 --> 00:04:27.180 朝の看板ニュース番組のメインキャスターを務められているということで 63 00:04:27.180 --> 00:04:28.180 はい 64 00:04:28.180 --> 00:04:31.180 責任感なんかもかなりあるかなと思うんですが 65 00:04:31.180 --> 00:04:32.180 はい 66 00:04:32.180 --> 00:04:34.180 一番大事にしていることというか 67 00:04:34.180 --> 00:04:36.180 転がけていることなかったら教えてください 68 00:04:36.180 --> 00:04:46.130 常にカメラが回っているときはやっぱり編成室を通しながら 69 00:04:46.130 --> 00:04:50.130 自分をしっかりと保つことが大事だと 70 00:04:50.130 --> 00:04:56.020 カメラが止まった瞬間気が急に抜けてしまって 71 00:04:56.020 --> 00:05:00.020 あーって巣が出ちゃうこともあったり 72 00:05:00.020 --> 00:05:02.900 なるほど 73 00:05:02.900 --> 00:05:03.900 はい 74 00:05:03.900 --> 00:05:06.900 そんな時にじゃあこう素顔が見えたりする 75 00:05:06.900 --> 00:05:09.900 そうですね結構カメラ止まっちゃうと 76 00:05:09.900 --> 00:05:14.900 一気に力が抜けちゃって巣が出ちゃいます 77 00:05:14.900 --> 00:05:16.900 なるほどですごめんなさい 78 00:05:16.900 --> 00:05:18.900 すみませんちょっと朝の貴重な時間をいただいて 79 00:05:18.900 --> 00:05:19.900 ありがとうございます 80 00:05:19.900 --> 00:05:20.900 ありがとうございます 81 00:05:20.900 --> 00:05:23.900 みなさんまもなくお時間です乾杯お願いします 82 00:05:23.900 --> 00:05:25.900 はいお願いします 83 00:05:26.900 --> 00:05:28.900 はい頑張ります 84 00:05:32.730 --> 00:05:36.730 HKR報道局月野ルナアナウンサー 85 00:05:36.730 --> 00:05:39.730 生かされ目覚ましニュースのメインキャスター 86 00:05:39.730 --> 00:05:45.940 生かされ目覚ましニュースのメインキャスターを務めるにあたり 87 00:05:45.940 --> 00:05:48.940 月野アナが何度もスタッフに訴えていたのが 88 00:05:48.940 --> 00:05:52.940 御夜中は絶対に平然とニュースをお伝えするという 89 00:05:52.940 --> 00:05:56.940 HKRアナウンサー代々の伝統だったという 90 00:05:56.940 --> 00:05:58.940 ペットボーイさんがゲストで来られます 91 00:05:58.940 --> 00:05:59.940 はいお願いします 92 00:05:59.940 --> 00:06:01.940 ございましまーす 93 00:06:02.940 --> 00:06:04.940 やったやったやった 94 00:06:04.940 --> 00:06:06.940 ちょっと素手気味でお願いしますね 95 00:06:07.940 --> 00:06:08.940 はい 96 00:06:08.940 --> 00:06:12.940 皆さんもろもろ音声チェックとかしたいので 97 00:06:12.940 --> 00:06:15.940 ちょっと月野かな軽くご挨拶よろしいですか 98 00:06:15.940 --> 00:06:16.940 はい 99 00:06:16.940 --> 00:06:21.940 Good morning. I'm Luna Tsukino. Let's do our best today as well. 100 00:06:21.940 --> 00:06:23.940 Is the audio okay? 101 00:06:23.940 --> 00:06:24.940 Okay. 102 00:06:24.940 --> 00:06:25.940 Thank you. 103 00:06:25.940 --> 00:06:28.940 Please give us your reaction. 104 00:06:28.940 --> 00:06:29.940 Okay. 105 00:06:29.940 --> 00:06:32.940 We'll start the commercial soon. 106 00:06:32.940 --> 00:06:35.940 The time is 10 seconds. 107 00:06:35.940 --> 00:06:40.940 8 seconds, 7, 6, 5 seconds, 4, 3... 108 00:06:41.940 --> 00:07:02.140 This is Ikasare Mezumashi News on July 3rd, Monday. 109 00:07:02.140 --> 00:07:06.140 I'm Luna Tsukino, an HKR announcer. 110 00:07:06.140 --> 00:07:08.140 Nice to meet you. 111 00:07:08.140 --> 00:07:11.140 I'm Mei Katao. Nice to meet you. 112 00:07:11.140 --> 00:07:13.140 Nice to meet you. 113 00:07:13.140 --> 00:07:15.140 I'm Yako. Nice to meet you. 114 00:07:15.140 --> 00:07:18.140 I'm Bunjirou from Pelican Boys. Nice to meet you. 115 00:07:18.140 --> 00:07:22.140 I'm Yokoyama from Pelican Boys. Nice to meet you. 116 00:07:23.140 --> 00:07:27.960 Today's Ikasare News is... 117 00:07:27.960 --> 00:07:30.960 We'll blow away the cold in the winter. 118 00:07:30.960 --> 00:07:32.960 This is the Tanabata Special. 119 00:07:32.960 --> 00:07:35.960 We'll show you a new segment. 120 00:07:35.960 --> 00:07:38.960 Please watch until the end. 121 00:07:39.960 --> 00:07:43.960 It's been raining since last night. 122 00:07:43.960 --> 00:07:45.960 It's been a cold day. 123 00:07:45.960 --> 00:07:49.960 But the clouds cover the sky in the morning. 124 00:07:49.960 --> 00:07:52.960 I hope the winter ends soon. 125 00:07:52.960 --> 00:07:58.960 In Toshin, the average temperature in July is 5 degrees. 126 00:07:58.960 --> 00:08:05.960 In Toshin, the average temperature in July is 23 degrees. 127 00:08:05.960 --> 00:08:09.960 The temperature rises during the day. 128 00:08:09.960 --> 00:08:12.960 It's going to be warm in mid-August. 129 00:08:12.960 --> 00:08:14.960 Mid-August? 130 00:08:14.960 --> 00:08:18.960 I think it's because of the humidity. 131 00:08:19.960 --> 00:08:23.960 By the way, the weather in Roppongi is... 132 00:08:23.960 --> 00:08:27.960 The temperature is 20.1 degrees. 133 00:08:27.960 --> 00:08:32.960 It's going to be a humid day with high humidity and high temperature. 134 00:08:33.960 --> 00:08:37.960 But be careful of that on a day like today. 135 00:08:37.960 --> 00:08:38.960 That? 136 00:08:38.960 --> 00:08:45.580 That's right. It's mold. 137 00:08:45.580 --> 00:08:52.580 Especially in July, it's going to be hot and moldy. 138 00:08:52.580 --> 00:08:56.580 It's going to be a risk of food poisoning. 139 00:08:56.580 --> 00:09:08.660 By the way... 140 00:09:08.660 --> 00:09:09.660 Excuse me. 141 00:09:09.660 --> 00:09:16.030 By the way, who got food poisoning in the studio? 142 00:09:18.030 --> 00:09:20.030 Mr. Yamamoto. 143 00:09:20.030 --> 00:09:23.030 You were in a bad mood. 144 00:09:24.030 --> 00:09:30.030 When I ate the rest of the curry in the pot, I was very hungry. 145 00:09:30.030 --> 00:09:32.030 Is that true? 146 00:09:32.030 --> 00:09:37.030 When you feel it's dangerous, don't eat it even if you think it's a waste. 147 00:09:37.030 --> 00:09:38.030 I'll be careful. 148 00:09:38.030 --> 00:09:40.030 Excuse me. 149 00:09:40.030 --> 00:09:47.030 News that cheer Mr. Yamamoto up came in late last night. 150 00:09:47.030 --> 00:09:56.840 The Japanese representative of basketball is the champion of Asia. 151 00:09:56.840 --> 00:10:00.840 It's great to start with a great style for a day. 152 00:10:00.840 --> 00:10:02.840 It's really great. 153 00:10:02.840 --> 00:10:06.840 The victory of sports is the vitality of the heart. 154 00:10:06.840 --> 00:10:13.840 The teamwork that the Japanese representatives showed us is very important to us. 155 00:10:13.840 --> 00:10:15.840 That's right. 156 00:10:16.840 --> 00:10:25.840 In today's program, we will deliver the highlights of the game and the interviews of the athletes. 157 00:10:25.840 --> 00:10:29.840 We also have a special guest today. 158 00:10:29.840 --> 00:10:35.840 We will introduce a lot of information that will cheer you up. 159 00:10:35.840 --> 00:10:37.840 Please look forward to it. 160 00:10:37.840 --> 00:10:44.840 Let's deliver important information such as the latest case, weather forecast, traffic information, etc. 161 00:10:55.340 --> 00:10:59.340 This is today's lineup. 162 00:11:00.340 --> 00:11:03.340 First of all, let's start with the domestic news. 163 00:11:04.340 --> 00:11:13.340 We will tell you about the latest trends in politics, the movement of the economy, and the various topics of society. 164 00:11:13.340 --> 00:11:24.340 In particular, we will explain the important news that affects policy change and civilian life. 165 00:11:25.340 --> 00:11:34.340 Next, in the international news corner, we will deliver the latest information from all over the world. 166 00:11:34.340 --> 00:11:48.600 We will analyze the changes in international news and the events that affect the world. 167 00:11:51.600 --> 00:11:56.600 Mr. Ooba, Mr. Yamamoto, please explain later. 168 00:12:00.600 --> 00:12:03.600 And the sports corner that sportsmen can't miss. 169 00:12:03.600 --> 00:12:15.600 In this week's highlights, we will tell you about the world cup and the latest soccer information. 170 00:12:16.600 --> 00:12:27.600 We will also tell you about the hot comments of basketball players and the future tournaments. 171 00:12:28.600 --> 00:12:38.600 Next, in the entertainment corner, we will introduce the world of art, the world of movies and music. 172 00:12:38.600 --> 00:12:52.020 We will also tell you about the weather forecast. 173 00:12:52.020 --> 00:12:59.020 In the weather forecast, we will check the weather forecast for today and the forecast for the weekend. 174 00:13:00.020 --> 00:13:14.020 In this time of the season, we will deliver the latest information about the sudden change in the weather. 175 00:13:15.020 --> 00:13:24.020 In order to spend a little more time in the busy morning, we will give you a lot of life hacks and information that will help you in your health. 176 00:13:24.020 --> 00:13:28.020 We will also teach you the tips to get through the busy morning smartly. 177 00:13:29.020 --> 00:13:35.020 In addition, today's news is the July special project. 178 00:13:36.020 --> 00:13:39.020 There are a lot of perfect corners for this season. 179 00:13:40.020 --> 00:13:47.020 Also, in the program, we are looking for your opinions and impressions from the viewers. 180 00:13:48.020 --> 00:13:54.020 Please tweet with the hashtag IKASARE MESAMASHI in the comments section of SNS. 181 00:14:13.830 --> 00:14:15.830 I'm pretty nervous. 182 00:14:16.830 --> 00:14:18.830 I didn't say anything. 183 00:14:19.830 --> 00:14:21.830 I didn't say anything. 184 00:14:22.830 --> 00:14:24.830 It's okay. 185 00:14:25.830 --> 00:14:28.830 Thank you for your cooperation today. 186 00:14:28.830 --> 00:14:30.830 Please take a seat. 187 00:14:32.830 --> 00:14:36.830 Please come to the seat after the moon. 188 00:14:44.830 --> 00:14:46.830 Let's go to the scene. 189 00:14:47.830 --> 00:14:50.830 Is everyone okay with the materials? 190 00:14:52.830 --> 00:15:00.430 Yes, it's okay. 191 00:15:04.470 --> 00:15:06.470 30 minutes until the CM is received. 192 00:15:06.470 --> 00:15:08.470 Is everyone okay with the materials? 193 00:15:08.470 --> 00:15:10.470 Yes, it's okay. 194 00:15:11.470 --> 00:15:13.470 Thank you. 195 00:15:14.470 --> 00:15:17.470 Let's start with the economic news. 196 00:15:19.780 --> 00:15:21.780 15 seconds before the CM is received. 197 00:15:34.720 --> 00:15:36.720 5 seconds before the CM is received. 198 00:15:38.720 --> 00:15:44.250 I will deliver the economic news today. 199 00:15:45.250 --> 00:15:50.250 First of all, I would like to start with the latest news of the domestic economy. 200 00:15:51.250 --> 00:15:55.250 Excuse me. 201 00:15:56.250 --> 00:16:07.250 Today, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that the growth rate of economic growth in the first half of the year exceeded expectations. 202 00:16:07.250 --> 00:16:09.250 Thank you for your cooperation. 203 00:16:10.250 --> 00:16:22.250 The increase in the number of consumers and the opening of exports have been the main cause of the market's positive response. 204 00:16:23.250 --> 00:16:32.250 On the other hand, there is a lot of attention to the impact of the rise in the stock market. 205 00:16:33.250 --> 00:16:37.250 Next, I would like to talk about the international economy. 206 00:16:38.250 --> 00:16:42.250 The inflation rate in neighboring countries is getting worse. 207 00:16:43.250 --> 00:16:46.250 The impact of this is also affecting the export companies in our country. 208 00:16:47.250 --> 00:17:07.580 The government has introduced a policy to stabilize the inflation rate in the Kawase market. 209 00:17:07.580 --> 00:17:12.580 In addition, the global supply chain is in chaos. 210 00:17:13.580 --> 00:17:19.580 Many companies are attacking the production plan. 211 00:17:20.580 --> 00:17:38.210 The government has introduced a policy to stabilize the inflation rate in the Kawase market. 212 00:17:39.210 --> 00:17:50.210 The government is cooperating with related institutions in Japan and strengthening efforts to stabilize the inflation rate. 213 00:17:51.210 --> 00:18:01.210 In addition, the government has introduced a policy to support small and medium-sized companies. 214 00:18:01.210 --> 00:18:34.190 In addition, the government has introduced a policy to support small and medium-sized companies. 215 00:18:35.190 --> 00:18:42.190 These problems will have a great impact on the growth and development of Japan in the future. 216 00:18:43.190 --> 00:19:00.950 Today, we will invite experts to discuss these problems. 217 00:19:01.950 --> 00:19:03.950 Please look forward to it. 218 00:19:08.120 --> 00:19:10.120 The commercial break has started. 219 00:19:30.120 --> 00:19:34.120 30 seconds left until the commercial break. 220 00:19:35.120 --> 00:19:45.220 Are you ready? 221 00:19:46.220 --> 00:19:48.220 Yes, I'm ready. 222 00:19:49.220 --> 00:19:51.220 15 seconds left until the commercial break. 223 00:19:54.550 --> 00:19:57.550 10 seconds left until the commercial break. 224 00:19:58.550 --> 00:20:00.550 5 seconds left. 225 00:20:00.550 --> 00:20:02.550 2 seconds left until the commercial break. 226 00:20:03.550 --> 00:20:16.550 I would like to ask Mr. Yamamoto, an economist, and Mr. Oba, a financial analyst. 227 00:20:17.550 --> 00:20:21.550 Mr. Yamamoto and Mr. Oba, thank you for your time today. 228 00:20:22.550 --> 00:20:24.550 Thank you. 229 00:20:25.550 --> 00:20:40.550 Mr. Yamamoto, what are the reasons for the increase in economic growth in the commercial break? 230 00:20:41.550 --> 00:20:50.550 There are multiple reasons for the increase in economic growth in the commercial break. 231 00:20:50.550 --> 00:20:56.550 First of all, the recovery of domestic consumers is one of the major reasons. 232 00:20:57.550 --> 00:21:01.550 This is due to the impact of the new coronavirus. 233 00:21:02.550 --> 00:21:07.550 I think that consumers' sense of security is reflected in the progress of vaccination. 234 00:21:08.550 --> 00:21:11.550 We cannot ignore the increase in export. 235 00:21:12.550 --> 00:21:19.550 In particular, the economic recovery centered around the Asian region has had a positive impact on the export of our country. 236 00:21:20.550 --> 00:21:21.550 I see. 237 00:21:22.550 --> 00:21:28.550 The economic situation of consumers and the Asian region is an important point. 238 00:21:29.550 --> 00:21:39.550 Mr. Oba, what do you think about the impact of the increase in economic growth in the commercial break? 239 00:21:40.550 --> 00:21:48.550 In particular, the increase in economic growth in the commercial break has been a major factor in the increase in energy prices. 240 00:21:49.550 --> 00:21:51.550 What about the government? 241 00:21:52.550 --> 00:21:55.550 The government needs to build policies. 242 00:21:56.550 --> 00:22:03.550 On the other hand, in order to prevent inflation, the central bank's financial policies are also involved. 243 00:22:04.550 --> 00:22:09.550 If the inflation rate continues to rise, we will have to look at economic growth. 244 00:22:10.550 --> 00:22:11.550 Thank you. 245 00:22:11.550 --> 00:22:12.550 Thank you. 246 00:22:13.550 --> 00:22:22.550 Mr. Yamamoto, what do you think should be the impact on the export business of our country? 247 00:22:23.550 --> 00:22:31.550 I think that the export business of our country is in a very difficult situation. 248 00:22:32.550 --> 00:22:36.550 Is the government able to respond to this situation? 249 00:22:36.550 --> 00:22:41.550 The introduction to the government's export market is a short-term measure. 250 00:22:42.550 --> 00:22:50.550 In the long term, it is most important for the export business itself to manage the export risk and measure the development of the various markets. 251 00:22:51.550 --> 00:22:59.550 In addition, I think that it is necessary for the government to seek international cooperation so that the expiration date is not extended. 252 00:23:00.550 --> 00:23:02.550 I would like to ask Mr. Ooba. 253 00:23:03.550 --> 00:23:08.550 What kind of measures should companies take while the supply chain is in trouble? 254 00:23:09.550 --> 00:23:13.550 The supply chain is a very big problem for companies. 255 00:23:14.550 --> 00:23:18.550 Of course, we need to review the production plan and strengthen cooperation with suppliers. 256 00:23:19.550 --> 00:23:24.550 We need to proceed with the optimization of foreign parts and stock management. 257 00:23:25.550 --> 00:23:31.550 It is also necessary to manage the supply chain using digital technology. 258 00:23:33.550 --> 00:23:36.550 I see. Thank you. 259 00:23:37.550 --> 00:23:44.550 Next, I would like to ask the two of you for your opinions on the food problem in the world. 260 00:23:44.550 --> 00:23:56.550 First of all, I would like to talk to Mr. Yamamoto, an expert in food production, who is the leader of the Eastern Asian Food Conference. 261 00:23:57.550 --> 00:24:06.550 Mr. Yamamoto, please tell us about the current situation of the food problem. 262 00:24:07.550 --> 00:24:15.550 Mr. Yamamoto, please tell us about the current situation of the food problem. 263 00:24:16.550 --> 00:24:20.550 Currently, the food problem in the world is very complicated. 264 00:24:21.550 --> 00:24:30.550 There are many factors involved, such as the increase in population, climate change, degeneration of resources, and economic differences. 265 00:24:31.550 --> 00:24:33.550 Even in Japan? 266 00:24:33.550 --> 00:24:43.550 It is becoming a problem in Japan, but especially in foreign countries, the lack of food is getting worse, and malnutrition and famine are happening. 267 00:24:44.550 --> 00:24:47.550 It is a very difficult situation. 268 00:24:48.550 --> 00:24:55.550 Mr. Oba, is there anything we can do about this problem in our daily lives? 269 00:24:56.550 --> 00:25:02.550 First of all, it is important for each of us to try to reduce food loss. 270 00:25:03.550 --> 00:25:06.550 What kind of efforts should we make specifically? 271 00:25:07.550 --> 00:25:16.550 There are small actions such as buying products that do not leave any leftovers and that are close to consumption. 272 00:25:17.550 --> 00:25:18.550 I see. 273 00:25:18.550 --> 00:25:28.550 Also, it is important to improve the quality of agricultural products and to purchase local agricultural products. 274 00:25:29.550 --> 00:25:37.550 Mr. Yamamoto, as Mr. Oba said, each of our actions are important. 275 00:25:38.550 --> 00:25:39.550 I see. 276 00:25:40.550 --> 00:25:49.550 By the way, Mr. Yamamoto, what kind of approach do you think is necessary for the international companies to deal with this problem? 277 00:25:50.550 --> 00:26:00.550 In order to solve the food problem in the international society, SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals, are included. 278 00:26:01.550 --> 00:26:10.550 This includes the destruction of poverty, the collection of funds, and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. 279 00:26:11.550 --> 00:26:20.550 The relationship between the international cooperation and the policies of each country is critical, isn't it? 280 00:26:21.550 --> 00:26:22.550 Yes, exactly. 281 00:26:23.550 --> 00:26:36.550 Mr. Oba, is there a way for us citizens to participate in the SDGs that Mr. Yamamoto mentioned? 282 00:26:37.550 --> 00:26:45.550 There are 17 goals in the SDGs, but there are actions that we can take for each of them. 283 00:26:46.550 --> 00:26:50.550 What kind of examples do you have specifically? 284 00:26:51.550 --> 00:27:04.550 For example, it is important to actively participate in environmental protection in the area, to support high-quality trade, to choose products, and to take action on policy proposals. 285 00:27:05.550 --> 00:27:06.550 Thank you very much. 286 00:27:07.550 --> 00:27:12.550 Please check my SNS for more details. 287 00:27:13.550 --> 00:27:14.550 I understand. 288 00:27:15.550 --> 00:27:17.550 Please check it out. 289 00:27:19.550 --> 00:27:24.550 We will continue to pay attention to this issue. 290 00:27:25.550 --> 00:27:29.550 Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Oba, thank you for your valuable opinions. 291 00:27:30.550 --> 00:27:31.550 Thank you very much. 292 00:27:32.550 --> 00:27:48.550 In Ikasare Mezamashi News, we will continue to deliver the latest information about various social issues around the world, so please do not miss it. 293 00:27:49.550 --> 00:27:56.040 The next corner is for everyone to look forward to. 294 00:27:57.040 --> 00:28:03.040 The duo that won the Balala Grand Prix the other day will present a new story in the studio. 295 00:28:04.040 --> 00:28:06.040 I'm looking forward to it. 296 00:28:07.040 --> 00:28:09.040 Let's get started. 297 00:28:10.040 --> 00:28:12.040 The two are from Pelican Boys. 298 00:28:21.810 --> 00:28:23.810 I'm Bunjiro from Pelican Boys. 299 00:28:24.810 --> 00:28:26.810 I'm Yokoyama from Pelican Boys. 300 00:28:29.810 --> 00:28:32.810 Congratulations on winning the Balala Grand Prix. 301 00:28:33.810 --> 00:28:34.810 Thank you very much. 302 00:28:35.810 --> 00:28:41.810 I can't believe we won. 303 00:28:43.810 --> 00:28:46.810 It was very interesting. It was the best. 304 00:28:48.810 --> 00:28:54.810 Congratulations on winning the Balala Grand Prix yesterday. 305 00:28:55.810 --> 00:28:57.810 How do you feel now? 306 00:28:58.810 --> 00:29:01.810 Even we are surprised. 307 00:29:02.810 --> 00:29:04.810 I didn't think we could win. 308 00:29:05.810 --> 00:29:06.810 I'm just surprised. 309 00:29:07.810 --> 00:29:08.810 I'm happy. 310 00:29:09.810 --> 00:29:14.810 The number of entries exceeded 10,000 this year. 311 00:29:15.810 --> 00:29:20.810 I didn't expect to be at the top of 10,000. 312 00:29:21.810 --> 00:29:23.810 I'm glad I practiced. 313 00:29:23.810 --> 00:29:24.810 I'm glad I practiced. 314 00:29:25.810 --> 00:29:28.810 I think I can finally be called a cartoonist. 315 00:29:29.810 --> 00:29:32.810 What are you thinking about in this cartoon? 316 00:29:34.810 --> 00:29:41.810 I want the audience to enjoy it rather than want to win. 317 00:29:46.810 --> 00:29:49.810 I'm saying this, but I'm the one who's writing the story. 318 00:29:49.810 --> 00:29:50.810 I'm the one who's writing the story. 319 00:29:51.810 --> 00:29:57.810 We have prepared this project for Pelican Boys. 320 00:29:58.810 --> 00:30:04.810 If you make Tsukinoana laugh and blow out the milk, you will be presented with a regular program. 321 00:30:06.810 --> 00:30:07.810 A regular program. 322 00:30:09.810 --> 00:30:11.810 I will explain the project. 323 00:30:12.810 --> 00:30:13.810 The rules are simple. 324 00:30:14.810 --> 00:30:17.810 First, Tsukinoana will blow out the milk. 325 00:30:19.810 --> 00:30:22.810 Then, the two of Pelican Boys will present the story. 326 00:30:23.810 --> 00:30:33.810 If you make Tsukinoana laugh and blow out the milk, the two of Pelican Boys will be presented with a regular program. 327 00:30:40.810 --> 00:30:45.810 If Tsukinoana is ready, please blow out the milk. 328 00:30:46.810 --> 00:30:47.810 I blow out the milk gently. 329 00:30:48.810 --> 00:30:49.810 I blow out the milk gently. 330 00:30:51.810 --> 00:30:54.810 Are the two of Pelican Boys ready to start the story? 331 00:30:55.810 --> 00:30:57.810 Yes, we can start at any time. 332 00:31:00.810 --> 00:31:02.810 Please blow out the milk. 333 00:31:10.140 --> 00:31:16.140 It seems that the two of Pelican Boys are ready, so please show them the cartoon. 334 00:31:19.140 --> 00:31:20.140 Please. 335 00:31:22.140 --> 00:31:26.140 Hello, we are Pelican Boys. 336 00:31:27.140 --> 00:31:29.140 I'm Bunjiro of Pelican Boys. 337 00:31:30.140 --> 00:31:32.140 I'm Yokoyama of Pelican Boys. 338 00:31:33.140 --> 00:31:36.140 Please remember the name and face. 339 00:31:37.140 --> 00:31:39.140 I think you can see it well in the photo of the presentation. 340 00:31:40.140 --> 00:31:42.140 It's a 50-year-old school uniform. 341 00:31:43.140 --> 00:31:44.140 Thank you. 342 00:31:45.140 --> 00:31:47.140 I asked Mr. Ooya. 343 00:31:48.140 --> 00:31:50.140 Have you recently become a member of a sports gym? 344 00:31:51.140 --> 00:31:53.140 Yes, I recently became a member of a sports gym. 345 00:31:54.140 --> 00:31:56.140 But the gym is difficult. 346 00:31:57.140 --> 00:31:58.140 It's difficult compared to a sports gym. 347 00:31:59.140 --> 00:32:00.140 What do you mean? 348 00:32:01.140 --> 00:32:03.140 I don't know much about machines. 349 00:32:04.140 --> 00:32:08.140 Bun-chan, do you have a sports gym in your hometown? 350 00:32:09.140 --> 00:32:10.140 No, I don't. 351 00:32:10.140 --> 00:32:15.140 As I said before, you don't have a cell phone, do you? 352 00:32:16.140 --> 00:32:17.140 No, I don't. 353 00:32:18.140 --> 00:32:19.140 You don't use a smartphone, do you? 354 00:32:20.140 --> 00:32:21.140 I'm trying to open it. 355 00:32:22.140 --> 00:32:23.140 You're using a patterned system. 356 00:32:24.140 --> 00:32:25.140 Is that your father? 357 00:32:26.140 --> 00:32:27.140 My father is also a patterned system. 358 00:32:28.140 --> 00:32:31.140 Your son is going to Tokyo. 359 00:32:32.140 --> 00:32:34.140 Your father is a modern man. 360 00:32:35.140 --> 00:32:37.140 I was surprised when I went there. 361 00:32:37.140 --> 00:32:38.140 Everyone was all naked. 362 00:32:39.140 --> 00:32:40.140 They were all naked. 363 00:32:41.140 --> 00:32:42.140 I thought it was a real body. 364 00:32:43.140 --> 00:32:45.140 I'm not that angry. 365 00:32:46.140 --> 00:32:49.140 I was surprised when I went to the department store. 366 00:32:50.140 --> 00:32:51.140 I went to the toilet. 367 00:32:52.140 --> 00:32:54.140 The toilet was empty. 368 00:32:55.140 --> 00:32:56.140 The water was coming out. 369 00:32:57.140 --> 00:32:58.140 I was drinking that water. 370 00:32:59.140 --> 00:33:00.140 I thought it was a park. 371 00:33:01.140 --> 00:33:02.140 I'm too young. 372 00:33:03.140 --> 00:33:05.140 Did you make curry with that water? 373 00:33:05.140 --> 00:33:06.140 No, I didn't. 374 00:33:07.140 --> 00:33:09.140 Curry is a little... 375 00:33:10.140 --> 00:33:14.140 I'm sorry for the connection between the table and curry. 376 00:33:15.140 --> 00:33:17.140 What if there are people who eat curry? 377 00:33:18.140 --> 00:33:20.140 There are people who eat curry in the morning. 378 00:33:21.140 --> 00:33:22.140 There are. 379 00:33:23.140 --> 00:33:24.140 There are only a few people. 380 00:33:25.140 --> 00:33:26.140 I don't watch the news. 381 00:33:27.140 --> 00:33:29.140 I'm eating the curry I made. 382 00:33:30.140 --> 00:33:31.140 You make curry sleep? 383 00:33:32.140 --> 00:33:34.140 Do you think it's a baby or something? 384 00:33:35.140 --> 00:33:36.140 Don't make it sleep. 385 00:33:37.140 --> 00:33:38.140 I made it yesterday. 386 00:33:39.140 --> 00:33:40.140 I made it yesterday. 387 00:33:41.140 --> 00:33:43.140 It's like putting a blanket on the curry and making it sleep. 388 00:33:44.140 --> 00:33:46.140 I eat the curry I made yesterday. 389 00:33:47.140 --> 00:33:48.140 You make it sleep. 390 00:33:49.140 --> 00:33:50.140 Why do you say it so suddenly? 391 00:33:51.140 --> 00:33:52.140 You don't have to say it suddenly. 392 00:33:53.140 --> 00:33:56.140 You made it sleep one night. 393 00:33:57.140 --> 00:33:58.140 You made it sleep one night. 394 00:33:59.140 --> 00:34:02.140 You're hungry, so you don't just feel it. 395 00:34:02.140 --> 00:34:03.140 You're hungry, so you don't just feel it. 396 00:34:04.140 --> 00:34:05.140 There may be such a thing. 397 00:34:06.140 --> 00:34:07.140 There is such a thing. 398 00:34:08.140 --> 00:34:11.140 After one night, it will be cold. 399 00:34:12.140 --> 00:34:14.140 That cold curry is not delicious. 400 00:34:15.140 --> 00:34:16.140 I just have to microwave it. 401 00:34:17.140 --> 00:34:18.140 Wait a minute. 402 00:34:19.140 --> 00:34:20.140 Do you know the microwave? 403 00:34:21.140 --> 00:34:22.140 I know the microwave. 404 00:34:23.140 --> 00:34:25.140 I didn't think there was a microwave in the countryside. 405 00:34:27.140 --> 00:34:28.140 There is. 406 00:34:29.140 --> 00:34:30.140 It's too stupid. 407 00:34:30.140 --> 00:34:32.140 I was surprised when I went to Yamaguchi. 408 00:34:33.140 --> 00:34:34.140 There is only a forest when I went there. 409 00:34:35.140 --> 00:34:37.140 There is only a forest. 410 00:34:38.140 --> 00:34:39.140 It's a mountain. 411 00:34:40.140 --> 00:34:41.140 It's a mountain. 412 00:34:42.140 --> 00:34:43.140 I understand. 413 00:34:44.140 --> 00:34:46.140 You're making a family at the end of the insect. 414 00:34:47.140 --> 00:34:50.140 You sell mosquitoes and insects with insects. 415 00:34:51.140 --> 00:34:57.360 I do this manga. 416 00:34:58.360 --> 00:35:01.360 It seems that the number of followers in Yamaguchi Prefecture has decreased by 10,000. 417 00:35:02.360 --> 00:35:03.360 Our followers. 418 00:35:04.360 --> 00:35:05.360 It's only Yoko-chan. 419 00:35:06.360 --> 00:35:07.360 It's only Yoko-chan. 420 00:35:08.360 --> 00:35:11.360 I want to receive support from my hometown and work hard from now on. 421 00:35:12.360 --> 00:35:18.360 I want to see Yoko-chan working hard and become the new ambassador of Yamaguchi Prefecture. 422 00:35:19.360 --> 00:35:20.360 Can you get used to it? 423 00:35:21.360 --> 00:35:22.360 Thank you very much. 424 00:35:23.360 --> 00:35:26.250 It was fun. 425 00:35:27.250 --> 00:35:28.250 It was fun. 426 00:35:29.250 --> 00:35:30.250 I was a little nervous. 427 00:35:30.250 --> 00:35:31.250 I was nervous. 428 00:35:32.250 --> 00:35:33.250 I didn't expect it to be a moon. 429 00:35:34.250 --> 00:35:35.250 I was surprised. 430 00:35:36.250 --> 00:35:37.250 I was surprised. 431 00:35:38.250 --> 00:35:39.250 How is this? 432 00:35:40.250 --> 00:35:45.250 So, please do a regular program from autumn. 433 00:35:46.250 --> 00:35:47.250 I did it. 434 00:35:48.250 --> 00:35:49.250 It's the first regular program. 435 00:35:50.250 --> 00:35:51.250 Thank you very much. 436 00:35:53.250 --> 00:35:56.250 First of all, it's the first regular program at HKR. 437 00:35:57.250 --> 00:35:59.250 And it's your first regular program. 438 00:36:00.250 --> 00:36:02.250 What kind of program do you want? 439 00:36:03.250 --> 00:36:07.250 I want to compete in a talk show. 440 00:36:08.250 --> 00:36:11.250 I wanted to be the MC of a quiz show. 441 00:36:12.250 --> 00:36:13.250 I want to do a quiz show. 442 00:36:14.250 --> 00:36:15.250 That's good. 443 00:36:19.420 --> 00:36:23.420 How much do you expect this year's annual income? 444 00:36:24.420 --> 00:36:28.420 Last year, it wasn't 1 million yen. 445 00:36:29.420 --> 00:36:30.420 It wasn't 1 million yen in the activities of entertainers. 446 00:36:31.420 --> 00:36:32.420 In the annual income? 447 00:36:33.420 --> 00:36:34.420 I think it's about 1 million yen. 448 00:36:35.420 --> 00:36:36.420 I want to buy a company car. 449 00:36:39.420 --> 00:36:41.420 It's like you're borrowing money at a convenience store. 450 00:36:42.420 --> 00:36:46.420 The two of them became big stars overnight. 451 00:36:47.420 --> 00:36:48.420 Thank you very much. 452 00:36:51.420 --> 00:36:54.420 I think it's about us to borrow money at a convenience store. 453 00:36:55.420 --> 00:36:56.420 That's right. 454 00:36:57.420 --> 00:36:59.420 I'm a little embarrassed. 455 00:37:00.420 --> 00:37:04.420 Can you tell us about your future activities? 456 00:37:05.420 --> 00:37:06.420 Activities? 457 00:37:07.420 --> 00:37:08.420 Well... 458 00:37:09.420 --> 00:37:18.420 As usual, I want to get involved with the local business and the fans. 459 00:37:19.420 --> 00:37:25.750 I hope that more work in Yamaguchi Prefecture will be done. 460 00:37:25.750 --> 00:37:26.750 I'm looking forward to it. 461 00:37:27.750 --> 00:37:31.750 I'm happy if you come to the theater. 462 00:37:41.520 --> 00:37:44.520 Thank you for your support. 463 00:37:45.520 --> 00:37:51.520 I will do my best to make you laugh. 464 00:37:52.520 --> 00:37:54.520 Thank you very much. 465 00:37:55.520 --> 00:38:02.790 I will do my best to make you laugh. 466 00:38:03.790 --> 00:38:12.830 I'm looking forward to the future of the two of you. 467 00:38:13.830 --> 00:38:14.830 Thank you very much for today. 468 00:38:15.830 --> 00:38:16.830 Thank you very much. 469 00:38:17.830 --> 00:38:18.830 Please call me again. 470 00:38:19.830 --> 00:38:20.830 Thank you very much. 471 00:38:25.640 --> 00:38:33.360 Next is the exercise you can do at home. 472 00:38:33.360 --> 00:38:34.360 Exercise. 473 00:38:35.360 --> 00:38:42.360 I went to the gym every day and finally became an instructor. 474 00:38:43.360 --> 00:38:44.360 I'm Reina Kato. 475 00:38:45.360 --> 00:38:47.360 I'm Reina Kato. 476 00:38:48.360 --> 00:38:54.360 Today, I will introduce a new exercise that can be easily done at home. 477 00:38:55.360 --> 00:38:56.360 Thank you very much. 478 00:38:57.360 --> 00:38:59.360 My training uses my whole body. 479 00:39:00.360 --> 00:39:02.360 It is effective in strengthening the core. 480 00:39:03.360 --> 00:39:05.360 I'm looking forward to it. 481 00:39:06.360 --> 00:39:10.360 Please tell me what kind of exercise it is. 482 00:39:11.360 --> 00:39:15.360 Please stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 483 00:39:16.360 --> 00:39:17.360 I got it. 484 00:39:18.360 --> 00:39:21.360 Stretch your arms forward. 485 00:39:23.360 --> 00:39:28.360 I will try to squat position. 486 00:39:29.360 --> 00:39:30.360 Like this? 487 00:39:31.360 --> 00:39:33.360 Please jump lightly. 488 00:39:34.360 --> 00:39:35.360 Jump. 489 00:39:36.360 --> 00:39:37.360 Please lower your hips firmly. 490 00:39:38.360 --> 00:39:39.360 Please lower your hips firmly. 491 00:39:40.360 --> 00:39:42.360 This is called squat jump. 492 00:39:43.360 --> 00:39:45.360 It is a training to increase the function of worry. 493 00:39:46.360 --> 00:39:48.360 It is a training to increase the function of worry. 494 00:39:49.360 --> 00:39:50.360 I agree. 495 00:39:51.360 --> 00:39:52.360 It is effective. 496 00:39:53.360 --> 00:39:54.360 Please be aware of your breathing. 497 00:39:55.360 --> 00:39:58.360 After the jump, put out one foot. 498 00:39:59.360 --> 00:40:02.360 After the jump, put out one foot? 499 00:40:03.360 --> 00:40:06.360 It is so difficult. 500 00:40:07.360 --> 00:40:08.360 It is surprisingly difficult. 501 00:40:09.360 --> 00:40:11.360 Would you like to try it? 502 00:40:12.360 --> 00:40:14.360 I will come to my feet. 503 00:40:20.570 --> 00:40:23.570 I heard that you don't usually exercise. 504 00:40:24.570 --> 00:40:25.570 That's right. 505 00:40:26.570 --> 00:40:32.570 My muscles are in this position. 506 00:40:33.570 --> 00:40:34.570 Would you like to do it five times? 507 00:40:35.570 --> 00:40:36.570 Yes. 508 00:40:37.570 --> 00:40:38.570 One, two, three. 509 00:40:44.720 --> 00:40:46.720 My muscles are in this position. 510 00:40:47.720 --> 00:40:48.720 It goes to the whole body, doesn't it? 511 00:40:49.720 --> 00:40:50.720 That's right. 512 00:40:51.720 --> 00:40:52.720 It is easy to do at home. 513 00:40:53.720 --> 00:40:55.720 Tsukino can master it immediately. 514 00:40:56.720 --> 00:40:57.720 Thank you very much. 515 00:40:57.720 --> 00:40:58.720 That's right. 516 00:40:59.720 --> 00:41:02.720 I think everyone can do it easily at home. 517 00:41:03.720 --> 00:41:06.720 Let's move on to the next exercise. 518 00:41:07.720 --> 00:41:11.720 Next is the exercise using towels. 519 00:41:12.720 --> 00:41:14.720 Thank you very much. 520 00:41:15.720 --> 00:41:17.720 This is towel muscle training. 521 00:41:18.720 --> 00:41:19.720 Towel muscle training. 522 00:41:20.720 --> 00:41:27.720 By using towels, you can reduce the burden on the joints while putting appropriate load on the muscles. 523 00:41:28.720 --> 00:41:30.720 You can do it easily at home. 524 00:41:31.720 --> 00:41:33.720 Please teach me immediately. 525 00:41:34.720 --> 00:41:36.720 Hold the towel with both hands. 526 00:41:38.720 --> 00:41:40.720 Hold the towel with both hands and raise it up. 527 00:41:41.720 --> 00:41:44.720 Lower it down while being aware of the shoulder blades. 528 00:41:45.720 --> 00:41:47.720 Lower it down behind your head. 529 00:41:47.720 --> 00:41:48.720 Lower it down. 530 00:41:49.720 --> 00:41:50.720 Lower your waist. 531 00:41:51.720 --> 00:41:52.720 Lower your waist. 532 00:41:53.720 --> 00:41:54.720 Lower it down. 533 00:41:55.720 --> 00:41:59.720 This is also an exercise to correct posture. 534 00:42:00.720 --> 00:42:10.720 Move the towel up and down while being aware of the movement of the muscles. 535 00:42:11.720 --> 00:42:17.720 Every time I repeat it, I feel like I'm listening to the shoulder blades. 536 00:42:18.720 --> 00:42:19.720 Thank you very much. 537 00:42:20.720 --> 00:42:23.720 The movement is beautiful. It's perfect. 538 00:42:24.720 --> 00:42:27.720 This exercise stretches the muscles of the arms. 539 00:42:28.720 --> 00:42:32.720 By continuing every day, you can reduce the burden on the shoulders. 540 00:42:33.720 --> 00:42:34.720 I see. 541 00:42:35.720 --> 00:42:38.720 You can do it easily with towels at home. 542 00:42:38.720 --> 00:42:40.720 I recommend it to everyone. 543 00:42:41.720 --> 00:42:46.720 There is also a simple towel training. 544 00:42:47.720 --> 00:42:48.720 Let's do it. 545 00:42:49.720 --> 00:42:50.720 I will do my best. 546 00:42:51.720 --> 00:42:53.720 Next is a side-to-side training. 547 00:42:57.720 --> 00:43:03.720 Next, I will teach you a leg curl exercise using a towel. 548 00:43:04.720 --> 00:43:05.720 Leg curl? 549 00:43:06.720 --> 00:43:07.720 Yes. 550 00:43:08.720 --> 00:43:10.720 I will teach you a mat like this. 551 00:43:11.720 --> 00:43:14.720 Please turn your head to the side. 552 00:43:15.720 --> 00:43:16.720 Like this? 553 00:43:17.720 --> 00:43:18.720 Yes. 554 00:43:19.720 --> 00:43:22.720 Please lift one leg. 555 00:43:23.720 --> 00:43:29.720 Please lift one leg behind your right foot. 556 00:43:30.720 --> 00:43:34.720 Put a towel on your right foot and pull it with your hand. 557 00:43:35.720 --> 00:43:36.720 Like this? 558 00:43:36.720 --> 00:43:38.720 Yes, like this. 559 00:43:39.720 --> 00:43:43.720 You can train the back of your thighs. 560 00:43:44.720 --> 00:43:45.720 I see. 561 00:43:46.720 --> 00:43:53.720 If you stretch it, you can stretch the back of your legs, your hands, and your calves. 562 00:43:54.720 --> 00:43:56.720 It feels good to stretch it a lot. 563 00:43:57.720 --> 00:44:07.720 By doing this side-to-side, you can balance your legs and your muscles. 564 00:44:08.720 --> 00:44:09.720 I see. 565 00:44:10.720 --> 00:44:14.720 It's very easy, but I feel like it's very effective. 566 00:44:15.720 --> 00:44:19.720 There are many processes for towels, so you can start right away. 567 00:44:20.720 --> 00:44:21.720 That's right. 568 00:44:22.720 --> 00:44:24.720 I think I can start right away. 569 00:44:24.720 --> 00:44:25.720 This way? 570 00:44:26.720 --> 00:44:27.720 Let's do the other side. 571 00:44:28.720 --> 00:44:33.590 Stretch it well. 572 00:44:34.590 --> 00:44:35.590 Yes. 573 00:44:36.590 --> 00:44:38.590 How do you feel when you look at the camera? 574 00:44:39.590 --> 00:44:41.590 It feels good to stretch your muscles. 575 00:44:42.590 --> 00:44:50.590 From the back of your legs to the back of your calves and knees, you can stretch the muscles of your thighs that you don't usually see. 576 00:44:51.590 --> 00:44:53.590 It means it's effective. 577 00:44:54.590 --> 00:44:55.590 Thank you very much. 578 00:44:55.590 --> 00:44:56.590 Thank you very much. 579 00:44:58.970 --> 00:45:03.970 With this, I think you were able to exercise at home. 580 00:45:04.970 --> 00:45:05.970 Thank you very much. 581 00:45:07.970 --> 00:45:10.970 I'm looking forward to training from now on. 582 00:45:11.970 --> 00:45:15.970 Viewers, please try this new exercise. 583 00:45:16.970 --> 00:45:18.970 You can easily do it at home. 584 00:45:24.300 --> 00:45:25.300 Ikasare 585 00:45:25.300 --> 00:45:33.450 Tsukinoana became the face of the morning loved by everyone on the broadcast every day. 586 00:45:36.780 --> 00:45:41.780 She was also one of the backers who supported the field as an AD when she joined the company. 587 00:45:47.680 --> 00:45:52.680 This time, the first official release of the precious images of Tsukinoana during the AD era. 588 00:46:01.490 --> 00:46:02.490 Tsukinoana 589 00:46:02.490 --> 00:46:03.490 Are you listening? 590 00:46:04.490 --> 00:46:07.490 I'm thinking about the next recording. 591 00:46:08.490 --> 00:46:09.490 Thank you very much. 592 00:46:14.490 --> 00:46:15.490 Pelican Boys 593 00:46:15.490 --> 00:46:16.490 Yes 594 00:46:17.490 --> 00:46:18.490 What do you think about this? 595 00:46:19.490 --> 00:46:23.490 I want a little more people as a producer. 596 00:46:24.490 --> 00:46:25.490 Is there no MC Koho? 597 00:46:26.490 --> 00:46:31.490 Then, what about Kouji Ayano and Takeshi Takeshi? 598 00:46:32.490 --> 00:46:34.490 There is also the next movie version. 599 00:46:35.490 --> 00:46:37.490 Kouji Ayano is expensive. 600 00:46:38.490 --> 00:46:40.490 That's right, but what about Koho? 601 00:46:41.490 --> 00:46:42.490 It can't be helped. 602 00:46:43.490 --> 00:46:44.490 Kouji Ayano and Takeshi Takeshi 603 00:46:44.490 --> 00:46:45.490 Yes 604 00:46:46.490 --> 00:46:48.490 Is there anything else? 605 00:46:49.490 --> 00:46:53.490 I heard it before. 606 00:46:54.490 --> 00:46:59.490 It's Dangan Manila and Koishida Shinichi. 607 00:47:00.490 --> 00:47:03.490 Isn't that the office over there? 608 00:47:04.490 --> 00:47:05.490 No, there are a lot. 609 00:47:05.490 --> 00:47:06.490 Isn't it? 610 00:47:06.490 --> 00:47:09.490 That's right, but there's a lot of momentum. 611 00:47:10.490 --> 00:47:11.490 So the ratings are good. 612 00:47:12.490 --> 00:47:15.490 Then, I'll call Koho. 613 00:47:18.490 --> 00:47:19.490 Is it written? 614 00:47:19.490 --> 00:47:23.490 Yes, Dangan Manila and Koishida Shinichi. 615 00:47:24.490 --> 00:47:25.490 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 616 00:47:25.490 --> 00:47:26.490 It's down, it's down, it's down, it's down. 617 00:47:27.490 --> 00:47:28.490 It's not an MC. 618 00:47:29.490 --> 00:47:30.490 Are you okay? 619 00:47:31.490 --> 00:47:32.490 I don't know. 620 00:47:32.490 --> 00:47:33.490 Listen to the story. 621 00:47:33.490 --> 00:47:34.490 Yes 622 00:47:36.490 --> 00:47:37.490 Then 623 00:47:38.490 --> 00:47:46.820 What is it? 624 00:47:47.820 --> 00:47:48.820 I've never heard of it. 625 00:47:49.820 --> 00:47:50.820 It's selling pretty well now. 626 00:47:51.820 --> 00:47:52.820 It's selling well now. 627 00:47:53.820 --> 00:47:56.820 When it comes out, there are a few viewers. 628 00:47:57.820 --> 00:47:58.820 I understand. 629 00:47:59.820 --> 00:48:01.820 Kyushu, Kokura, and Shokichi. 630 00:48:02.820 --> 00:48:03.820 That's strange. 631 00:48:04.820 --> 00:48:06.820 But you said it a little last time. 632 00:48:07.820 --> 00:48:08.820 Is that so? 633 00:48:09.820 --> 00:48:10.820 Then I'll call Koho. 634 00:48:10.820 --> 00:48:11.820 Tsukida 635 00:48:11.820 --> 00:48:12.820 Yes 636 00:48:12.820 --> 00:48:13.820 Kokura, Shokichi 637 00:48:14.820 --> 00:48:15.820 MC 638 00:48:16.820 --> 00:48:17.820 It's MC-50. 639 00:48:17.820 --> 00:48:18.820 Don't you know? 640 00:48:18.820 --> 00:48:19.820 Sorry 641 00:48:21.820 --> 00:48:22.820 Study, study. 642 00:48:23.820 --> 00:48:24.820 Yes 643 00:48:25.820 --> 00:48:26.820 What is kanji? 644 00:48:27.820 --> 00:48:28.820 Kokura 645 00:48:28.820 --> 00:48:29.820 I don't need it, I don't need it. 646 00:48:30.820 --> 00:48:31.820 Kokura 647 00:48:31.820 --> 00:48:32.820 Shokichi 648 00:48:33.820 --> 00:48:34.820 And 649 00:48:35.820 --> 00:48:36.820 Is there anything else? 650 00:48:36.820 --> 00:48:37.820 That's right. 651 00:48:43.940 --> 00:48:45.940 That's a bit of a mess. 652 00:48:46.940 --> 00:48:47.940 That's right. 653 00:48:47.940 --> 00:48:48.940 There seems to be a lot of unnecessary things. 654 00:48:48.940 --> 00:48:49.940 That's right. 655 00:48:49.940 --> 00:48:50.940 But it's really good, isn't it? 656 00:48:51.940 --> 00:48:52.940 That's right. 657 00:48:52.940 --> 00:48:53.940 It's already on sale. 658 00:48:53.940 --> 00:48:54.940 It's already out, isn't it? 659 00:48:55.940 --> 00:48:56.940 I don't have to put it in. 660 00:48:56.940 --> 00:48:57.940 That's right, that's right. 661 00:48:57.940 --> 00:48:58.940 I'm going to Koho. 662 00:48:58.940 --> 00:48:59.940 Are you going? 663 00:48:59.940 --> 00:49:00.940 Are you going? 664 00:49:01.940 --> 00:49:02.940 Well 665 00:49:02.940 --> 00:49:03.940 Guest, guest 666 00:49:04.940 --> 00:49:05.940 Go down a little more. 667 00:49:06.940 --> 00:49:08.940 Go down a little more, go down a little more, go down a little more. 668 00:49:08.940 --> 00:49:09.940 Go down a little more, go down a little more, go down a little more. 669 00:49:09.940 --> 00:49:10.940 It's just Koho. 670 00:49:10.940 --> 00:49:11.940 I'm going to name it. 671 00:49:16.500 --> 00:49:17.500 Tsukino 672 00:49:17.500 --> 00:49:18.500 Yes 673 00:49:18.500 --> 00:49:19.500 Something forward 674 00:49:20.500 --> 00:49:21.500 Well 675 00:49:23.500 --> 00:49:25.500 Our generation 676 00:49:26.500 --> 00:49:27.500 Zenkin 677 00:49:28.500 --> 00:49:29.500 Zenkin? 678 00:49:30.500 --> 00:49:32.500 He's a popular YouTuber right now. 679 00:49:33.500 --> 00:49:34.500 YouTuber 680 00:49:35.500 --> 00:49:39.770 It's a little nice. 681 00:49:39.770 --> 00:49:43.770 If you come here, you don't think there are that many people, do you? 682 00:49:47.460 --> 00:49:50.460 But there are more than a million followers. 683 00:49:51.460 --> 00:49:52.460 It's amazing. 684 00:49:52.460 --> 00:49:53.460 I'm really coming now. 685 00:49:54.460 --> 00:49:55.460 Yes 686 00:49:55.460 --> 00:49:56.460 With a YouTuber 687 00:50:00.950 --> 00:50:02.950 If it was a TV, it would be the best. 688 00:50:09.230 --> 00:50:10.230 I don't know. 689 00:50:11.230 --> 00:50:12.230 The other one is 690 00:50:12.230 --> 00:50:13.230 Well 691 00:50:14.230 --> 00:50:15.230 A handsome actor 692 00:50:15.230 --> 00:50:16.230 Yoshida 693 00:50:16.230 --> 00:50:17.230 Ah 694 00:50:17.230 --> 00:50:18.230 A handsome voice actor 695 00:50:18.230 --> 00:50:19.230 Yoshida 696 00:50:19.230 --> 00:50:20.230 Akira 697 00:50:21.230 --> 00:50:22.230 Voice actor? 698 00:50:22.230 --> 00:50:23.230 Yes 699 00:50:23.230 --> 00:50:24.230 No, that's not true at all. 700 00:50:25.230 --> 00:50:26.230 No, it's impossible. 701 00:50:26.230 --> 00:50:27.230 It's possible, it's possible. 702 00:50:27.230 --> 00:50:28.230 Are you serious? 703 00:50:28.230 --> 00:50:29.230 You're a voice actor now. 704 00:50:29.230 --> 00:50:31.230 You have a lot of popularity. 705 00:50:32.230 --> 00:50:33.230 I see. 706 00:50:33.230 --> 00:50:35.230 Then you can write his name. 707 00:50:35.230 --> 00:50:36.230 Oh, yes. 708 00:50:37.230 --> 00:50:40.570 Well 709 00:50:45.440 --> 00:50:46.440 Do you know Tsukino? 710 00:50:46.440 --> 00:50:48.750 That's right. 711 00:50:49.750 --> 00:50:50.750 That's right. 712 00:50:51.750 --> 00:50:52.750 You're a voice actor now. 713 00:50:53.750 --> 00:50:54.750 Ah 714 00:51:03.210 --> 00:51:05.210 Everyone is pushing now. 715 00:51:06.210 --> 00:51:07.210 Voice actor 716 00:51:11.210 --> 00:51:12.210 Is it Ryusei Kanagawa? 717 00:51:14.210 --> 00:51:15.210 Who is it? 718 00:51:16.210 --> 00:51:17.210 What kind of person? 719 00:51:17.210 --> 00:51:19.210 I've been doing a lot of dramas lately. 720 00:51:20.210 --> 00:51:21.210 Really? 721 00:51:22.210 --> 00:51:23.210 Female popularity is amazing. 722 00:51:23.210 --> 00:51:24.210 Yes 723 00:51:25.210 --> 00:51:26.210 Is it Ryusei Kanagawa? 724 00:51:27.210 --> 00:51:28.210 Yes 725 00:51:30.210 --> 00:51:32.210 I made a mistake with the old high-end. 726 00:51:34.210 --> 00:51:35.210 Then write his name. 727 00:51:36.210 --> 00:51:37.210 Yes 728 00:51:38.210 --> 00:51:41.210 Is that a guest candidate? 729 00:51:41.210 --> 00:51:42.210 That's right. 730 00:51:44.210 --> 00:51:45.210 Is there an MC? 731 00:51:52.130 --> 00:52:01.160 Oh 732 00:52:01.160 --> 00:52:02.160 You know 733 00:52:02.160 --> 00:52:03.160 Yes 734 00:52:03.160 --> 00:52:04.160 Is there anyone who looks like an MC? 735 00:52:04.160 --> 00:52:05.160 Yes 736 00:52:05.160 --> 00:52:06.160 Is there anyone who looks like an MC? 737 00:52:06.160 --> 00:52:07.160 Guests 738 00:52:07.160 --> 00:52:08.160 Guests 739 00:52:09.160 --> 00:52:10.160 Guests 740 00:52:10.160 --> 00:52:11.160 I want to be a program. 741 00:52:11.160 --> 00:52:12.160 That's right. 742 00:52:13.160 --> 00:52:14.160 Well 743 00:52:15.160 --> 00:52:16.160 Well, MC 744 00:52:17.160 --> 00:52:18.160 Ah 745 00:52:19.160 --> 00:52:20.160 You can be an entertainer. 746 00:52:20.160 --> 00:52:21.160 You can be an entertainer. 747 00:52:21.160 --> 00:52:22.160 You can be an entertainer. 748 00:52:23.160 --> 00:52:25.160 Is there anyone who looks younger? 749 00:52:25.160 --> 00:52:26.160 There is. 750 00:52:26.160 --> 00:52:27.160 There is. 751 00:52:27.160 --> 00:52:29.160 Then 752 00:52:45.700 --> 00:52:47.700 I'm pretty young. 753 00:52:47.700 --> 00:52:48.700 That's right. 754 00:52:48.700 --> 00:52:51.700 I think I'm a MC these days. 755 00:52:52.700 --> 00:52:53.700 That's right. 756 00:52:53.700 --> 00:52:55.700 There is an entertainer. 757 00:52:56.700 --> 00:52:57.700 That's right. 758 00:52:57.700 --> 00:52:58.700 Well 759 00:52:59.700 --> 00:53:00.700 If you forget, write it down. 760 00:53:00.700 --> 00:53:01.700 I forgot. 761 00:53:02.700 --> 00:53:04.700 When you're done writing 762 00:53:04.700 --> 00:53:05.700 Yes 763 00:53:05.700 --> 00:53:06.700 Write down the location of the players. 764 00:53:06.700 --> 00:53:07.700 Oh, that's right. 765 00:53:07.700 --> 00:53:08.700 Is that written? 766 00:53:08.700 --> 00:53:09.700 Yes 767 00:53:12.580 --> 00:53:16.750 Well 768 00:53:16.750 --> 00:53:17.750 Wait 769 00:53:17.750 --> 00:53:18.750 Here 770 00:53:18.750 --> 00:53:19.750 Well 771 00:53:19.750 --> 00:53:20.750 Okay 772 00:53:20.750 --> 00:53:29.410 The amount of money we have received so far is 26,000 yen. 773 00:53:29.410 --> 00:53:31.410 It's a lot, isn't it? 774 00:53:31.410 --> 00:53:36.410 Well, I think there is a place for it. 775 00:53:36.410 --> 00:53:43.550 I'm a little shocked. 776 00:53:43.550 --> 00:53:45.550 Isn't that the most dangerous thing? 777 00:53:45.550 --> 00:53:48.550 What if it comes to broadcast later? 778 00:53:48.550 --> 00:53:51.550 I don't think so. 779 00:53:51.550 --> 00:53:56.550 I wonder how much money is going to be collected. 780 00:53:56.550 --> 00:53:59.550 Well, if it's money, it's the same. 781 00:53:59.550 --> 00:54:01.550 It's a fashion level, isn't it? 782 00:54:01.550 --> 00:54:02.550 Well, that's right. 783 00:54:02.550 --> 00:54:03.550 How much is it? 784 00:54:03.550 --> 00:54:07.570 How much is it? 785 00:54:07.570 --> 00:54:08.570 50,000 yen? 786 00:54:08.570 --> 00:54:09.570 50,000 yen? 787 00:54:09.570 --> 00:54:11.570 No, it's enough if you go like this. 788 00:54:11.570 --> 00:54:14.570 It's enough if you go like this. 789 00:54:14.570 --> 00:54:17.570 It was troublesome, wasn't it? 790 00:54:17.570 --> 00:54:20.570 Yes, that's right. 791 00:54:20.570 --> 00:54:22.570 Did you run away? 792 00:54:22.570 --> 00:54:24.570 Well, that's right. 793 00:54:24.570 --> 00:54:26.570 It was quite difficult, wasn't it? 794 00:54:26.570 --> 00:54:28.570 Well, that's right. 795 00:54:28.570 --> 00:54:30.570 What did you say in the end? 796 00:54:30.570 --> 00:54:35.570 Well, I wonder if it's about the gala. 797 00:54:35.570 --> 00:54:37.570 After all, it's a gala. 798 00:54:37.570 --> 00:54:40.570 It's a gala, isn't it? 799 00:54:40.570 --> 00:54:41.570 Well, that's right. 800 00:54:41.570 --> 00:54:43.570 But it's a gala, isn't it? 801 00:54:43.570 --> 00:54:45.570 The time and so on. 802 00:54:45.570 --> 00:54:46.570 Well, that's right. 803 00:54:46.570 --> 00:54:49.570 When will the time come? 804 00:54:49.570 --> 00:54:52.570 Well, it's about the time and so on. 805 00:54:52.570 --> 00:54:53.570 Oh, the time limit. 806 00:54:53.570 --> 00:54:54.570 The time limit. 807 00:54:54.570 --> 00:54:55.570 Yes, that's right. 808 00:54:55.570 --> 00:54:59.570 It's troublesome, isn't it? 809 00:54:59.570 --> 00:55:03.570 But maybe you can negotiate with them. 810 00:55:03.570 --> 00:55:04.570 Oh, negotiation. 811 00:55:04.570 --> 00:55:05.570 That's right. 812 00:55:05.570 --> 00:55:06.570 It may not happen. 813 00:55:06.570 --> 00:55:07.570 That's right. 814 00:55:07.570 --> 00:55:09.570 It won't happen, will it? 815 00:55:09.570 --> 00:55:12.570 I'm a little afraid of moving. 816 00:55:12.570 --> 00:55:16.570 Well, I'm a little afraid of it. 817 00:55:17.570 --> 00:55:32.310 Oh, you can check it now. 818 00:55:32.310 --> 00:55:34.310 Do you have the next name card? 819 00:55:34.310 --> 00:55:36.310 Yes, because I received it. 820 00:55:36.310 --> 00:55:38.310 Yes, thank you. 821 00:55:38.310 --> 00:55:41.310 Please check it and settle it. 822 00:55:41.310 --> 00:55:43.310 Yes, I'm following me. 823 00:55:43.310 --> 00:55:45.310 I don't really know, please give me my phone number. 824 00:55:45.310 --> 00:55:53.270 Yes, I got it. 825 00:55:53.270 --> 00:56:00.270 I'll talk to her after that, בס Okay. 826 00:56:00.270 --> 00:56:02.270 Excuse me. 827 00:56:02.270 --> 00:56:06.230 Yes, thank you for your hard work the other day. 828 00:56:06.230 --> 00:56:08.790 I'm going to do my best to prepare for the 1st round. 829 00:56:17.030 --> 00:56:18.790 Oh, it's been 5 minutes. 830 00:56:18.790 --> 00:56:21.790 Thank you for your hard work the other day. 831 00:56:21.790 --> 00:56:25.670 Yes, I haven't made an official appearance yet, 832 00:56:25.670 --> 00:56:28.590 but there's something I'd like you to check. 833 00:56:28.590 --> 00:56:32.150 Yes, yes. 834 00:56:32.150 --> 00:56:35.310 Ah, the location will be decided in the middle of next month. 835 00:56:35.310 --> 00:56:38.310 By the way, the schedule... 836 00:56:38.310 --> 00:56:40.590 Yes, ah, ah, it's okay. 837 00:56:40.590 --> 00:56:42.550 Oh, thank you. 838 00:56:42.550 --> 00:56:48.430 And if the schedule is decided, I'd like to pay the tax. 839 00:56:48.430 --> 00:56:50.270 Yes. 840 00:56:50.270 --> 00:56:54.990 By the way, if you get this kind of interview, 841 00:56:54.990 --> 00:56:59.870 you can tell me how much the tax was before. 842 00:56:59.870 --> 00:57:02.110 Hey, hey, hey, hey. 843 00:57:02.110 --> 00:57:02.670 Yes. 844 00:57:02.670 --> 00:57:04.430 If you say that, it will be expensive. 845 00:57:04.430 --> 00:57:10.060 Hey, hey, hey, hey. 846 00:57:10.060 --> 00:57:19.450 I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do it. 847 00:57:19.450 --> 00:57:22.850 Oh, yes, I'd like a little more. 848 00:57:22.850 --> 00:57:24.050 I see. 849 00:57:24.050 --> 00:57:27.280 I'm sorry. 850 00:57:28.400 --> 00:57:32.240 I'm sorry, but the production fee is low. 851 00:57:32.240 --> 00:57:34.560 It's a late night round. 852 00:57:34.560 --> 00:57:36.800 Yes, yes. 853 00:57:36.800 --> 00:57:40.800 Oh, then how about 40,000 yen? 854 00:57:40.800 --> 00:57:46.270 Thank you. 855 00:57:46.270 --> 00:57:51.630 Then I'll give you 40,000 yen as a tax. 856 00:57:51.630 --> 00:57:52.910 Yes. 857 00:57:52.910 --> 00:57:56.950 I think I'll take a picture of the board next month. 858 00:57:56.950 --> 00:57:58.070 Yes. 859 00:57:58.070 --> 00:57:58.910 Yes, yes, yes. 860 00:57:58.910 --> 00:58:02.110 Thank you very much. 861 00:58:02.110 --> 00:58:07.380 I'll go with about 15 people, so is the number okay? 862 00:58:07.380 --> 00:58:10.820 Well, by the way, 863 00:58:10.820 --> 00:58:15.340 I'm going to ask about 15 people. 864 00:58:15.420 --> 00:58:17.500 Is it okay? 865 00:58:17.500 --> 00:58:19.260 Oh, yes. 866 00:58:19.260 --> 00:58:20.820 Yes, thank you very much. 867 00:58:20.820 --> 00:58:22.100 Is it okay? 868 00:58:22.100 --> 00:58:23.580 How long will it take? 869 00:58:23.580 --> 00:58:28.140 How long will it take from what time to what time? 870 00:58:28.140 --> 00:58:31.860 Yes. 871 00:58:31.860 --> 00:58:36.050 Yes, yes. 872 00:58:36.050 --> 00:58:37.010 Oh, I see. 873 00:58:37.010 --> 00:58:40.700 Yes. 874 00:58:40.700 --> 00:58:42.060 Yes. 875 00:58:42.060 --> 00:58:44.340 Oh, the sales time is over. 876 00:58:44.340 --> 00:58:46.220 Yes. 877 00:58:46.220 --> 00:58:47.660 Oh, I see. 878 00:58:47.660 --> 00:58:49.340 Oh, yes, yes. 879 00:58:49.340 --> 00:58:56.420 Oh, thank you very much. 880 00:58:56.420 --> 00:58:58.420 Oh, this day, yes. 881 00:58:58.420 --> 00:58:59.860 Oh, I see. 882 00:58:59.860 --> 00:59:02.580 This day, the sound system is out of stock. 883 00:59:02.580 --> 00:59:03.620 Yes. 884 00:59:03.620 --> 00:59:08.620 And if it's outside of that room, you can use it, so the time is... 885 00:59:08.620 --> 00:59:09.380 Yuzuki-kun. 886 00:59:09.380 --> 00:59:12.860 Yuzuki-kun, that's right. 887 00:59:12.860 --> 00:59:17.260 Oh, but it doesn't bother the customer of that appointment. 888 00:59:17.260 --> 00:59:19.060 I'm sorry. 889 00:59:19.060 --> 00:59:20.260 Yes, yes. 890 00:59:20.260 --> 00:59:21.940 Yes, it's okay. 891 00:59:21.940 --> 00:59:23.460 Yes. 892 00:59:23.460 --> 00:59:26.620 Yuzuki-kun, can you sign the guest's autograph? 893 00:59:26.620 --> 00:59:33.220 Oh, and I have a guest's autograph, so please decorate it. 894 00:59:33.220 --> 00:59:35.140 Yes. 895 00:59:35.140 --> 00:59:36.980 Yes. 896 00:59:36.980 --> 00:59:38.620 Oh, excuse me. 897 00:59:38.620 --> 00:59:39.620 Yes. 898 00:59:39.620 --> 00:59:47.140 Yes, I will tell you the details of the time and the plan in the email from here, so thank you in advance. 899 00:59:47.140 --> 00:59:52.130 Yes, then I'm sorry. 900 00:59:52.130 --> 00:59:52.490 Is it okay? 901 00:59:52.490 --> 00:59:52.930 Yes, it's okay. 902 00:59:52.930 --> 00:59:53.650 Thank you very much. 903 00:59:53.650 --> 00:59:54.850 Thank you very much. 904 00:59:54.850 --> 00:59:56.450 I'm glad I was able to do it. 905 00:59:56.450 --> 00:59:58.330 I'm glad, Tsukimo-chan. 906 00:59:58.330 --> 01:00:00.250 Thank you very much. 907 01:00:00.250 --> 01:00:01.250 You can do it. 908 01:00:01.250 --> 01:00:02.130 Thank you very much. 909 01:00:02.130 --> 01:00:03.450 It's a good thing. 910 01:00:03.450 --> 01:00:07.050 Well, then, since it's Ui-ta-1, why don't you eat something? 911 01:00:07.050 --> 01:00:08.290 Oh, okay, okay. 912 01:00:08.290 --> 01:00:09.410 I'm in a hurry. 913 01:00:09.410 --> 01:00:12.570 Well, then, buy something big for the next time. 914 01:00:12.570 --> 01:00:24.210 Oh, um, snacks and juice, please. 915 01:00:24.210 --> 01:00:31.740 Oh, Nielsen-san, thank you very much. 916 01:00:31.740 --> 01:00:32.260 Thank you very much. 917 01:00:32.260 --> 01:00:33.380 Oh, that's nice. 918 01:00:33.380 --> 01:00:34.420 Yes, I understand. 919 01:00:34.420 --> 01:00:35.580 Buy something for the next time. 920 01:00:35.580 --> 01:00:36.700 Yes. 921 01:00:36.700 --> 01:00:38.460 You want to hear it properly, don't you? 922 01:00:38.700 --> 01:00:39.700 Yes, I heard it. 923 01:00:39.700 --> 01:00:41.820 Please leave it to me. 924 01:00:41.820 --> 01:00:45.220 What about Takeda-san over there? 925 01:00:45.220 --> 01:00:46.620 Oh, Takeda-san. 926 01:00:46.620 --> 01:00:47.780 Please close your eyes for a moment. 927 01:00:47.780 --> 01:01:00.700 Oh, yes, I'll check it out. 928 01:01:00.700 --> 01:01:02.940 What do you think? 929 01:01:02.940 --> 01:01:07.180 Oh, he's not here. 930 01:01:07.180 --> 01:01:07.980 Oh, he's not here? 931 01:01:07.980 --> 01:01:08.340 Yes. 932 01:01:08.340 --> 01:01:09.820 I didn't contact you earlier. 933 01:01:09.820 --> 01:01:10.780 I was wondering how the meeting was going. 934 01:01:10.780 --> 01:01:12.140 Oh, I heard you were doing it. 935 01:01:12.140 --> 01:01:13.020 I was doing it. 936 01:01:13.020 --> 01:01:15.740 I didn't come, but I heard you were a little late. 937 01:01:15.740 --> 01:01:16.300 What? 938 01:01:16.300 --> 01:01:17.580 The meeting... 939 01:01:17.580 --> 01:01:18.900 Oh, there it is, there it is. 940 01:01:18.900 --> 01:01:19.620 Yes, yes, yes, yes. 941 01:01:19.620 --> 01:01:20.220 Oh, he's here. 942 01:01:20.220 --> 01:01:21.180 Oh, there it is, there it is. 943 01:01:21.180 --> 01:01:22.740 Oh, I heard you were a little late. 944 01:01:22.740 --> 01:01:23.700 Well, I don't know the time yet. 945 01:01:23.700 --> 01:01:24.300 Yes. 946 01:01:24.300 --> 01:01:26.500 Oh, I don't know. 947 01:01:26.500 --> 01:01:29.140 Hey, can I check your phone number? 948 01:01:29.140 --> 01:01:31.540 Oh, yes, I understand. 949 01:01:31.540 --> 01:01:35.410 It hasn't started yet. 950 01:01:35.410 --> 01:01:37.820 I don't know. 951 01:01:37.820 --> 01:01:39.820 Oh, hello. 952 01:01:39.820 --> 01:01:43.180 Yes, yes. 953 01:01:43.180 --> 01:01:45.260 Yes, I'm Tsukino from HRK. 954 01:01:45.260 --> 01:01:47.540 Yes, I'm at your service. 955 01:01:47.540 --> 01:01:48.340 Yes. 956 01:01:48.340 --> 01:01:49.900 Oh, Takeda-san. 957 01:01:49.900 --> 01:01:52.460 Well, 958 01:01:52.460 --> 01:01:53.460 It hasn't started yet, has it? 959 01:01:53.460 --> 01:01:54.980 Yes, it has. 960 01:01:54.980 --> 01:01:56.220 Yes. 961 01:01:56.220 --> 01:01:57.580 Well, next. 962 01:01:57.580 --> 01:01:58.820 Yes. 963 01:01:58.820 --> 01:02:01.580 I guess it's okay. 964 01:02:01.580 --> 01:02:06.700 Do you know how long it will take to get here? 965 01:02:06.700 --> 01:02:09.180 Yes. 966 01:02:09.180 --> 01:02:12.060 Oh, yes, yes. 967 01:02:12.060 --> 01:02:13.140 Oh, I understand. 968 01:02:13.140 --> 01:02:14.860 Yes, yes, it's okay. 969 01:02:14.860 --> 01:02:16.780 Yes. 970 01:02:16.780 --> 01:02:17.980 Yes. 971 01:02:17.980 --> 01:02:18.740 Oh, it's okay. 972 01:02:18.740 --> 01:02:20.140 Yes. 973 01:02:20.180 --> 01:02:21.180 I'm waiting for you. 974 01:02:21.180 --> 01:02:23.060 Yes. 975 01:02:23.060 --> 01:02:23.420 Yes. 976 01:02:23.420 --> 01:02:24.700 Well, when you get here, 977 01:02:24.700 --> 01:02:27.420 I'll pick you up downstairs. 978 01:02:27.420 --> 01:02:28.820 Yes. 979 01:02:28.820 --> 01:02:29.580 Yes. 980 01:02:29.580 --> 01:02:34.090 Excuse me. 981 01:02:34.090 --> 01:02:38.210 Oh, it hasn't started yet. 982 01:02:38.210 --> 01:02:39.930 It looks like it's not started yet. 983 01:02:39.930 --> 01:02:40.690 Oh, it hasn't started yet? 984 01:02:40.690 --> 01:02:41.570 Yes. 985 01:02:41.570 --> 01:02:43.170 Oh, it hasn't started yet. 986 01:02:43.170 --> 01:02:43.810 Oh, it hasn't started yet. 987 01:02:43.810 --> 01:02:46.570 Well, it will take about an hour. 988 01:02:46.570 --> 01:02:59.300 Well, 989 01:02:59.300 --> 01:02:59.860 Tsukino. 990 01:02:59.860 --> 01:03:00.540 Oh, yes. 991 01:03:00.540 --> 01:03:01.740 The next program. 992 01:03:01.740 --> 01:03:02.140 Yes. 993 01:03:02.140 --> 01:03:04.180 I'm sure you've got a message. 994 01:03:04.180 --> 01:03:05.180 Yes. 995 01:03:05.180 --> 01:03:06.580 Please check the mail. 996 01:03:06.580 --> 01:03:07.820 Yes, I understand. 997 01:03:07.820 --> 01:03:10.820 I'll contact Takeru again. 998 01:03:10.820 --> 01:03:12.420 Yes, please. 999 01:03:12.420 --> 01:03:14.940 How many people are you going to contact? 1000 01:03:14.940 --> 01:03:22.220 Well, maybe I can't see my phone right now. 1001 01:03:22.220 --> 01:03:23.180 Hello, hello, thank you for your hard work. 1002 01:03:23.180 --> 01:03:24.700 Thank you for your hard work. 1003 01:03:24.700 --> 01:03:26.300 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 1004 01:03:26.300 --> 01:03:29.700 Yes. 1005 01:03:29.700 --> 01:03:33.530 Thank you very much. 1006 01:03:34.490 --> 01:03:38.140 Oh, it's over. 1007 01:03:38.140 --> 01:03:39.180 Yes. 1008 01:03:39.180 --> 01:03:40.300 Yes. 1009 01:03:40.300 --> 01:03:50.720 Well, I checked the mail yesterday. 1010 01:03:50.720 --> 01:03:55.000 I'm sorry. 1011 01:03:55.000 --> 01:03:59.160 I don't know, but I sent it to the west. 1012 01:03:59.160 --> 01:04:00.400 What? 1013 01:04:00.400 --> 01:04:01.200 Oh, I see. 1014 01:04:01.200 --> 01:04:08.160 I'll take you shopping now, so I'd like something. 1015 01:04:08.160 --> 01:04:09.920 Oh, I see. 1016 01:04:09.920 --> 01:04:11.840 Wait a minute. 1017 01:04:12.720 --> 01:04:14.520 Yes. 1018 01:04:14.520 --> 01:04:15.320 Do you like it? 1019 01:04:15.320 --> 01:04:16.120 I like it. 1020 01:04:16.120 --> 01:04:19.200 Check, check. 1021 01:04:19.200 --> 01:04:20.800 I'll take you to the cafe. 1022 01:04:20.800 --> 01:04:22.080 Yes. 1023 01:04:22.080 --> 01:04:25.120 Do you know what I'm talking about? 1024 01:04:25.120 --> 01:04:26.480 Oh, I see. 1025 01:04:26.480 --> 01:04:30.360 You're asking me what I like. 1026 01:04:30.360 --> 01:04:31.040 Yes, yes, yes. 1027 01:04:31.040 --> 01:04:41.640 Is that okay? 1028 01:04:41.640 --> 01:04:42.720 Yes. 1029 01:04:42.720 --> 01:04:43.520 I'm applying cream. 1030 01:04:43.520 --> 01:04:46.080 Oh, you're applying cream. 1031 01:04:46.080 --> 01:04:49.840 Yes, yes, yes. 1032 01:04:49.840 --> 01:04:50.560 That's right. 1033 01:04:50.600 --> 01:04:52.720 I'm going to be a little bit of a guard. 1034 01:04:52.720 --> 01:04:56.340 Yes. 1035 01:04:56.340 --> 01:05:00.020 Ah, the first day, something. 1036 01:05:00.020 --> 01:05:03.500 I'm going to have a good time with you. 1037 01:05:03.500 --> 01:05:04.500 No, it's a little messy. 1038 01:05:04.500 --> 01:05:24.720 I'm a little floating. 1039 01:05:24.720 --> 01:06:02.860 Oh! 1040 01:06:02.860 --> 01:06:05.460 I told you, so I'll do it. 1041 01:06:05.460 --> 01:06:06.420 Did you check? 1042 01:06:06.420 --> 01:06:07.660 Yes, yes, I did. 1043 01:06:07.660 --> 01:06:09.060 Oh, there's a price you paid. 1044 01:06:09.060 --> 01:06:12.620 Oh, yes, I have the money I got from the exchange. 1045 01:06:12.620 --> 01:06:13.100 Okay. 1046 01:06:13.100 --> 01:06:14.420 Then pay it. 1047 01:06:14.420 --> 01:06:15.100 Yes. 1048 01:06:15.100 --> 01:06:15.580 Come back quickly. 1049 01:06:15.580 --> 01:06:16.840 Yes, I will. 1050 01:06:16.840 --> 01:06:17.840 Don't forget the book. 1051 01:06:17.840 --> 01:06:18.840 Yes, I got it. 1052 01:06:29.320 --> 01:06:30.320 Are you ready for the next campaign? 1053 01:06:33.320 --> 01:06:34.320 You haven't written the book yet, have you? 1054 01:06:34.320 --> 01:06:35.320 I'm sorry. 1055 01:06:35.320 --> 01:06:36.320 It's a bit high. 1056 01:06:36.320 --> 01:06:37.320 Yes. 1057 01:06:37.320 --> 01:06:38.320 I see. 1058 01:06:39.320 --> 01:06:40.320 Let's make it exciting. 1059 01:06:40.320 --> 01:06:41.320 Yes. 1060 01:06:42.320 --> 01:06:53.720 Let's make it exciting. 1061 01:06:54.720 --> 01:06:55.720 Okay. 1062 01:06:56.720 --> 01:07:05.620 Yes. 1063 01:07:05.620 --> 01:07:07.620 There are some parts that I want. 1064 01:07:07.620 --> 01:07:08.620 Okay. 1065 01:07:08.620 --> 01:07:10.620 Let's stop talking for now. 1066 01:07:10.620 --> 01:07:11.620 Okay. 1067 01:07:11.620 --> 01:07:20.910 Okay. 1068 01:07:20.910 --> 01:07:24.410 And then... 1069 01:07:25.410 --> 01:07:26.410 Let's clap. 1070 01:07:27.410 --> 01:07:34.140 I can't read it. 1071 01:07:34.140 --> 01:07:35.140 I'm sorry. 1072 01:07:35.140 --> 01:07:36.140 Let's rewrite it. 1073 01:07:43.250 --> 01:07:44.250 Okay. 1074 01:07:44.250 --> 01:07:51.020 The letters are too small. 1075 01:07:53.020 --> 01:08:16.210 Let's change the topic. 1076 01:08:16.210 --> 01:08:17.210 Okay. 1077 01:08:36.220 --> 01:08:37.220 Okay. 1078 01:08:38.220 --> 01:08:39.220 Next. 1079 01:08:39.220 --> 01:08:40.220 Okay. 1080 01:08:40.220 --> 01:08:41.220 Let's clap with the stick. 1081 01:08:41.220 --> 01:08:42.220 Okay. 1082 01:08:42.220 --> 01:08:43.220 The stick is over there. 1083 01:08:43.220 --> 01:08:44.220 Okay. 1084 01:08:45.220 --> 01:08:46.220 Let's stick it together. 1085 01:08:46.220 --> 01:08:47.220 Okay. 1086 01:08:59.900 --> 01:09:27.940 Let's clap. 1087 01:09:27.940 --> 01:09:33.900 Okay. 1088 01:09:33.900 --> 01:09:34.900 Are you ready? 1089 01:09:34.900 --> 01:09:35.900 Yes, I'm ready. 1090 01:09:36.900 --> 01:09:37.900 Can you show me how to do it? 1091 01:09:52.840 --> 01:09:53.840 I'm sorry. 1092 01:09:53.840 --> 01:09:54.840 I messed up. 1093 01:09:54.840 --> 01:09:55.840 Can you stretch it? 1094 01:09:55.840 --> 01:09:56.840 Okay. 1095 01:09:58.840 --> 01:09:59.840 Let's clap. 1096 01:09:59.840 --> 01:10:00.840 Okay. 1097 01:10:01.840 --> 01:10:21.210 Did you put all the scripts together? 1098 01:10:21.210 --> 01:10:22.210 Yes. 1099 01:10:22.210 --> 01:10:27.280 Check them all. 1100 01:10:27.280 --> 01:10:28.280 Okay. 1101 01:10:28.280 --> 01:10:29.280 I'll check them. 1102 01:10:30.280 --> 01:10:32.280 And a copy plus three parts. 1103 01:10:32.280 --> 01:10:33.280 Okay. 1104 01:10:33.280 --> 01:10:34.280 Three parts. 1105 01:10:34.280 --> 01:10:35.280 I got it. 1106 01:10:37.280 --> 01:10:39.280 You can write it down right away. 1107 01:10:39.280 --> 01:10:40.280 Okay. 1108 01:10:40.280 --> 01:10:41.280 I got it. 1109 01:10:41.280 --> 01:10:51.330 Three parts. 1110 01:10:51.330 --> 01:10:52.330 Okay. 1111 01:10:52.330 --> 01:11:26.300 It's fixed at half past six. 1112 01:11:26.300 --> 01:11:27.300 Okay. 1113 01:11:27.300 --> 01:11:28.300 Check it. 1114 01:11:28.300 --> 01:11:29.300 Okay. 1115 01:11:34.940 --> 01:11:35.940 Okay. 1116 01:11:35.940 --> 01:11:36.940 Here it is. 1117 01:11:36.940 --> 01:11:37.940 Here it is. 1118 01:11:37.940 --> 01:11:38.940 Okay. 1119 01:11:38.940 --> 01:11:39.940 I got it. 1120 01:11:45.000 --> 01:11:46.000 By the way, 1121 01:11:46.000 --> 01:11:47.000 Yes? 1122 01:11:47.000 --> 01:11:48.000 Did you get a call from Suzuki Mouko's manager? 1123 01:11:48.000 --> 01:11:49.000 Yes. 1124 01:11:49.000 --> 01:11:50.000 He said he wanted to check the time. 1125 01:11:50.000 --> 01:11:51.000 Oh, the time. 1126 01:11:51.000 --> 01:11:52.000 Did you get a call? 1127 01:11:52.000 --> 01:11:53.000 Yes. 1128 01:11:53.000 --> 01:11:54.000 Okay. 1129 01:11:54.000 --> 01:11:55.000 Okay. 1130 01:11:56.000 --> 01:11:59.000 I think I got an order yesterday. 1131 01:11:59.000 --> 01:12:01.000 Suzuki Mouko's manager didn't answer your call, did he? 1132 01:12:01.000 --> 01:12:03.000 I'll put his number in my phone. 1133 01:12:09.160 --> 01:12:11.160 I got a call. 1134 01:12:11.160 --> 01:12:12.160 Okay. 1135 01:12:12.160 --> 01:12:16.160 My name is Tsukino, and I'm in charge of HKR. 1136 01:12:16.160 --> 01:12:17.160 Okay. 1137 01:12:18.160 --> 01:12:22.160 Did you get a call from Suzuki Mouko's manager 1138 01:12:22.160 --> 01:12:25.160 because you wanted to check the time? 1139 01:12:25.160 --> 01:12:26.160 Yes. 1140 01:12:27.160 --> 01:12:28.160 Okay. 1141 01:12:28.160 --> 01:12:29.160 It's fixed at half past six. 1142 01:12:29.160 --> 01:12:30.160 Okay. 1143 01:12:30.160 --> 01:12:31.160 Here it is. 1144 01:12:31.160 --> 01:12:34.040 Okay. 1145 01:12:34.040 --> 01:12:35.040 It's... 1146 01:12:35.040 --> 01:12:36.040 Oh, it's not. 1147 01:12:36.040 --> 01:12:37.040 Okay. 1148 01:12:37.040 --> 01:12:38.040 I'm sorry. 1149 01:12:38.040 --> 01:12:39.040 Okay. 1150 01:12:39.040 --> 01:12:40.040 It's at half past three. 1151 01:12:40.040 --> 01:12:41.040 Okay. 1152 01:12:41.040 --> 01:12:43.040 The living room is on the third floor. 1153 01:12:43.040 --> 01:12:44.040 Okay. 1154 01:12:45.040 --> 01:12:49.040 Oh, do you have a meeting with the director before the show? 1155 01:12:49.040 --> 01:12:51.040 About ten minutes ago. 1156 01:12:51.040 --> 01:12:52.040 Okay. 1157 01:12:52.040 --> 01:12:54.480 I think it's okay. 1158 01:12:54.480 --> 01:12:55.480 Oh, I see. 1159 01:12:55.480 --> 01:12:59.480 No matter how hard you press the record button, 1160 01:12:59.480 --> 01:13:02.480 I wonder if you can get out before the top. 1161 01:13:02.480 --> 01:13:03.480 Okay. 1162 01:13:04.480 --> 01:13:05.480 Okay. 1163 01:13:05.480 --> 01:13:07.480 Oh, the Shinkansen to Nagoya. 1164 01:13:08.480 --> 01:13:11.480 The Shinkansen to Nagoya. 1165 01:13:11.480 --> 01:13:12.480 Okay. 1166 01:13:12.480 --> 01:13:13.480 It's at 22 o'clock. 1167 01:13:13.480 --> 01:13:15.480 I want to get out at 22 o'clock. 1168 01:13:16.480 --> 01:13:17.480 Okay. 1169 01:13:17.480 --> 01:13:18.480 I got it. 1170 01:13:18.480 --> 01:13:20.480 I'll tell the director. 1171 01:13:20.480 --> 01:13:21.480 Okay. 1172 01:13:21.480 --> 01:13:22.480 Okay. 1173 01:13:22.480 --> 01:13:23.480 Okay. 1174 01:13:24.480 --> 01:13:25.480 Okay. 1175 01:13:25.480 --> 01:13:27.480 I'll be waiting for you at half past three tomorrow. 1176 01:13:27.480 --> 01:13:28.480 Thank you. 1177 01:13:29.480 --> 01:13:30.480 Okay. 1178 01:13:30.480 --> 01:13:31.480 Excuse me. 1179 01:13:39.430 --> 01:13:40.430 What is it? 1180 01:13:40.430 --> 01:13:41.430 Oh, well... 1181 01:13:42.430 --> 01:13:45.430 I want to get on the Shinkansen to Nagoya. 1182 01:13:45.430 --> 01:13:48.430 I want to get out by 22 o'clock. 1183 01:13:48.430 --> 01:13:49.430 The Shinkansen to Nagoya. 1184 01:13:49.430 --> 01:13:51.430 The Shinkansen to Nagoya. 1185 01:13:51.430 --> 01:13:53.430 Do you have any plans for the next show? 1186 01:13:53.430 --> 01:13:55.430 Oh, I see. 1187 01:13:56.430 --> 01:13:58.430 I heard you have a job in Nagoya. 1188 01:14:00.430 --> 01:14:03.430 Is there anything else you want to do? 1189 01:14:03.430 --> 01:14:04.430 I don't know. 1190 01:14:05.430 --> 01:14:07.430 I want to check the position. 1191 01:14:07.430 --> 01:14:08.430 Okay. 1192 01:14:08.430 --> 01:14:09.430 Can you stand next to me? 1193 01:14:09.430 --> 01:14:11.430 Okay, I got it. 1194 01:14:11.430 --> 01:14:29.140 I'm going to check the background. 1195 01:14:29.140 --> 01:14:30.140 Okay. 1196 01:14:30.140 --> 01:15:23.050 I'm going to the camera. 1197 01:15:23.050 --> 01:15:24.050 Okay. 1198 01:15:24.050 --> 01:15:26.050 Can you stand next to me? 1199 01:15:26.050 --> 01:15:27.050 I'm going to the camera. 1200 01:15:27.050 --> 01:15:28.050 Ready. 1201 01:15:28.050 --> 01:15:29.050 Start. 1202 01:15:29.050 --> 01:15:34.050 Thank you for coming today, Suzuki. 1203 01:15:35.050 --> 01:15:37.050 Thank you. 1204 01:15:37.050 --> 01:15:39.050 Did you eat anything for breakfast today? 1205 01:15:39.050 --> 01:15:42.050 I ate rice balls. 1206 01:15:42.050 --> 01:15:45.050 What's on top of the rice balls? 1207 01:15:45.050 --> 01:15:48.050 Fish and cod roe. 1208 01:15:48.050 --> 01:15:49.050 I see. 1209 01:15:49.050 --> 01:15:51.050 You like cod roe. 1210 01:15:52.050 --> 01:15:53.050 That's right. 1211 01:15:53.050 --> 01:15:56.050 My mother is from Fukuoka. 1212 01:15:56.050 --> 01:15:58.050 Do you like tonkotsu ramen? 1213 01:15:58.050 --> 01:16:01.050 I like miso ramen. 1214 01:16:01.050 --> 01:16:03.050 I see. 1215 01:16:03.050 --> 01:16:06.050 Do you have anything else you like? 1216 01:16:06.050 --> 01:16:08.050 Well, 1217 01:16:11.050 --> 01:16:13.050 I like 1218 01:16:13.050 --> 01:16:14.050 mentaiko, 1219 01:16:14.050 --> 01:16:16.050 rice, 1220 01:16:16.050 --> 01:16:17.050 ramen, 1221 01:16:17.050 --> 01:16:19.050 and motsunabe. 1222 01:16:19.050 --> 01:16:21.050 You're from Fukuoka. 1223 01:16:21.050 --> 01:16:23.050 That's right. 1224 01:16:23.050 --> 01:16:28.050 You like motsunabe, but what else do you want to put in it? 1225 01:16:28.050 --> 01:16:30.050 I want to put a lot of chives in it. 1226 01:16:30.050 --> 01:16:35.410 That's right. 1227 01:16:35.410 --> 01:16:38.410 I like soy sauce, too. 1228 01:16:38.410 --> 01:16:40.410 I see. 1229 01:16:42.410 --> 01:16:46.410 I like the charm of Fukuoka. 1230 01:16:46.410 --> 01:16:52.680 Do you have a favorite place in Fukuoka? 1231 01:16:53.680 --> 01:16:55.680 My favorite place? 1232 01:16:55.680 --> 01:17:01.680 I like places that are not too much of a city and have nature. 1233 01:17:01.680 --> 01:17:02.680 That's right. 1234 01:17:02.680 --> 01:17:04.680 It's like a combination of nature and the city. 1235 01:17:04.680 --> 01:17:05.680 That's right. 1236 01:17:05.680 --> 01:17:25.800 I think it's a very easy place to live in. 1237 01:17:25.800 --> 01:17:26.800 Next. 1238 01:17:26.800 --> 01:17:27.800 Yes. 1239 01:17:27.800 --> 01:17:28.800 Let's go to Daisuke Sato. 1240 01:17:28.800 --> 01:17:29.800 Yes. 1241 01:17:29.800 --> 01:17:34.460 Let's go. 1242 01:17:34.460 --> 01:17:35.460 Yes. 1243 01:17:35.460 --> 01:17:36.460 Let's go. 1244 01:17:36.460 --> 01:17:38.460 Yes. 1245 01:17:38.460 --> 01:17:40.460 Don't do anything you don't understand. 1246 01:17:40.460 --> 01:17:41.460 Yes. 1247 01:17:41.460 --> 01:17:51.390 Yes. 1248 01:17:51.390 --> 01:17:53.390 Thank you for coming today. 1249 01:17:53.390 --> 01:17:56.390 Thank you very much. 1250 01:17:56.390 --> 01:18:01.080 Sato, what are you going to eat today? 1251 01:18:01.080 --> 01:18:04.080 I don't really eat breakfast. 1252 01:18:04.080 --> 01:18:06.080 Sato, you eat a lot. 1253 01:18:06.080 --> 01:18:12.080 I ate a grilled fish set meal. 1254 01:18:12.080 --> 01:18:14.080 You like Japanese food, don't you, Sato? 1255 01:18:14.080 --> 01:18:17.080 Yes, I love it. 1256 01:18:17.080 --> 01:18:19.080 What else did you eat? 1257 01:18:19.080 --> 01:18:25.080 I ate a banana and yogurt for dessert. 1258 01:18:25.080 --> 01:18:48.210 I heard you bought a dog. 1259 01:18:48.210 --> 01:18:50.210 That's right. 1260 01:18:50.210 --> 01:18:54.210 I was lucky to have a puppy. 1261 01:18:54.210 --> 01:18:57.210 Can you tell us an episode? 1262 01:18:57.210 --> 01:18:59.210 An episode? 1263 01:18:59.210 --> 01:19:01.210 That's right. 1264 01:19:01.210 --> 01:19:05.210 It's my first time taking a walk with a puppy. 1265 01:19:05.210 --> 01:19:08.210 I recently made my debut on a walk. 1266 01:19:08.210 --> 01:19:11.210 I'm not used to it yet. 1267 01:19:11.210 --> 01:19:13.210 It's like the asphalt is scary. 1268 01:19:13.210 --> 01:19:19.210 The moment I got off the asphalt while hugging it, 1269 01:19:19.210 --> 01:19:24.210 I was very scared and immediately got on my lap. 1270 01:19:24.210 --> 01:19:27.210 It's a very loving puppy. 1271 01:19:27.210 --> 01:19:55.870 Why do you know? 1272 01:19:55.870 --> 01:19:57.870 That's right. 1273 01:19:57.870 --> 01:19:59.870 That's right. 1274 01:20:00.870 --> 01:20:05.870 I wanted to raise other animals with a dog. 1275 01:20:05.870 --> 01:20:12.370 I wondered what would happen if I raised a cat with a dog. 1276 01:20:12.370 --> 01:20:24.720 I wondered if dogs and cats could get along. 1277 01:20:24.720 --> 01:20:27.720 That's right. 1278 01:20:27.720 --> 01:20:30.720 My dog is called Momotaro. 1279 01:20:30.720 --> 01:20:32.720 That's right. 1280 01:20:32.720 --> 01:20:34.720 Is it a demon? 1281 01:20:34.720 --> 01:20:38.680 Let's make it a demon. 1282 01:20:38.680 --> 01:20:41.680 Cats' ears are like demons, aren't they? 1283 01:20:56.570 --> 01:21:00.570 It's embarrassing because I don't show it on TV. 1284 01:21:01.570 --> 01:21:08.320 I'm pretty shy. 1285 01:21:08.320 --> 01:21:11.320 Just a little bit. 1286 01:21:11.320 --> 01:21:13.320 Good, good, good. 1287 01:21:13.320 --> 01:21:15.320 Momotaro, good, good. 1288 01:21:15.320 --> 01:21:17.320 Good, good, good. 1289 01:21:17.320 --> 01:21:19.320 Do you want a big puppy? 1290 01:21:19.320 --> 01:21:21.320 Momotaro, Momotaro. 1291 01:21:21.320 --> 01:21:23.320 Good, good, good. 1292 01:21:23.320 --> 01:21:26.320 What does it look like? 1293 01:21:26.320 --> 01:22:32.630 Next. 1294 01:22:32.630 --> 01:22:37.480 Yes. 1295 01:22:37.480 --> 01:22:40.480 Shibu, raise your legs. 1296 01:22:40.480 --> 01:22:47.950 Oh, yes. 1297 01:22:47.950 --> 01:22:50.950 Is it okay for the cameraman to be around here? 1298 01:22:50.950 --> 01:22:52.950 Good. 1299 01:22:52.950 --> 01:22:57.520 The setting is OK. 1300 01:22:57.520 --> 01:22:59.520 Let's take a photo. 1301 01:22:59.520 --> 01:23:01.520 Yes. 1302 01:23:01.520 --> 01:23:02.520 Raise it. 1303 01:23:02.520 --> 01:23:05.720 Yes. 1304 01:23:05.720 --> 01:23:06.720 Action. 1305 01:23:06.720 --> 01:23:07.720 Oh, sorry. 1306 01:23:07.720 --> 01:23:09.720 Yes. 1307 01:23:09.720 --> 01:23:12.720 In the middle of the bowl. 1308 01:23:12.720 --> 01:23:13.720 Like this? 1309 01:23:13.720 --> 01:23:15.720 Like this. 1310 01:23:15.720 --> 01:23:16.720 Oh, sorry. 1311 01:23:16.720 --> 01:23:18.720 Hey, don't do that. 1312 01:23:18.720 --> 01:23:19.720 I can't take it. 1313 01:23:19.720 --> 01:23:21.720 I'm sorry. 1314 01:23:21.720 --> 01:23:25.160 Can you see the angle more? 1315 01:23:25.160 --> 01:23:26.160 Oh, I'm sorry. 1316 01:23:26.160 --> 01:23:31.460 Don't do that. 1317 01:23:31.460 --> 01:23:33.460 Move your legs to the side. 1318 01:23:33.460 --> 01:23:34.460 That's right, that's right. 1319 01:23:34.460 --> 01:23:37.460 Can you do it? 1320 01:23:37.460 --> 01:23:41.460 One, two, three, four. 1321 01:23:41.460 --> 01:23:42.460 Oh, that's good. 1322 01:23:42.460 --> 01:23:43.460 Next. 1323 01:23:43.460 --> 01:23:44.460 Yes. 1324 01:23:44.460 --> 01:23:52.120 Yes. 1325 01:23:52.120 --> 01:23:54.120 Can you do it in front of the bowl? 1326 01:23:54.120 --> 01:23:56.120 Yes. 1327 01:23:56.120 --> 01:23:57.120 Hey. 1328 01:23:57.120 --> 01:23:59.120 I'm sorry. 1329 01:23:59.120 --> 01:24:01.120 Don't laugh now. 1330 01:24:01.120 --> 01:24:04.880 I'm sorry. 1331 01:24:04.880 --> 01:24:05.880 Let's take a photo. 1332 01:24:05.880 --> 01:24:07.880 Yes, I'm sorry. 1333 01:24:07.880 --> 01:24:11.220 Stay still. 1334 01:24:11.220 --> 01:24:13.220 Yes. 1335 01:24:13.220 --> 01:24:17.220 One, two, three, four, five. 1336 01:24:17.220 --> 01:24:19.220 Yes, next. 1337 01:24:19.220 --> 01:24:20.220 Yes. 1338 01:24:20.220 --> 01:24:30.830 Can you change the triangle a little? 1339 01:24:30.830 --> 01:24:40.670 Oh, here? 1340 01:24:40.670 --> 01:24:42.670 Yes. 1341 01:24:42.670 --> 01:24:44.670 Can you do it a little more? 1342 01:24:44.670 --> 01:24:48.000 Yes. 1343 01:24:48.000 --> 01:24:49.000 One. 1344 01:24:49.000 --> 01:24:51.960 I'm sorry. 1345 01:24:51.960 --> 01:24:52.960 Hey. 1346 01:24:52.960 --> 01:24:53.960 I'm sorry. 1347 01:24:53.960 --> 01:25:11.760 Oh, I'm sorry. 1348 01:25:11.760 --> 01:25:12.760 Don't laugh. 1349 01:25:12.760 --> 01:25:15.760 I'm sorry. 1350 01:25:15.760 --> 01:25:16.760 Stay still. 1351 01:25:16.760 --> 01:25:25.980 Yes. 1352 01:25:25.980 --> 01:25:26.980 Okay. 1353 01:25:26.980 --> 01:25:27.980 Yes. 1354 01:25:27.980 --> 01:25:28.980 Next. 1355 01:25:28.980 --> 01:25:29.980 Yes. 1356 01:25:29.980 --> 01:25:30.980 I'm sorry. 1357 01:25:30.980 --> 01:25:31.980 I'll change it. 1358 01:25:31.980 --> 01:25:33.980 Yes. 1359 01:25:33.980 --> 01:25:36.980 The position is around here. 1360 01:25:36.980 --> 01:25:37.980 Let's do it a little more. 1361 01:25:37.980 --> 01:25:38.980 Yes. 1362 01:25:38.980 --> 01:25:39.980 Good. 1363 01:25:39.980 --> 01:25:47.660 The setting is okay. 1364 01:25:47.660 --> 01:25:48.660 In the middle. 1365 01:25:48.660 --> 01:25:49.660 Oh, yes. 1366 01:25:49.660 --> 01:25:50.660 I'm sorry. 1367 01:25:50.660 --> 01:25:51.660 Let's take a picture. 1368 01:25:51.660 --> 01:25:52.660 Yes. 1369 01:25:52.660 --> 01:25:57.790 In the middle. 1370 01:25:57.790 --> 01:25:58.790 In the middle. 1371 01:25:58.790 --> 01:25:59.790 Yes. 1372 01:25:59.790 --> 01:26:00.790 Let's take a picture from the middle. 1373 01:26:00.790 --> 01:26:01.790 Yes. 1374 01:26:01.790 --> 01:26:02.790 That's good. 1375 01:26:02.790 --> 01:26:11.320 Be aware of the camera. 1376 01:26:11.320 --> 01:26:12.320 Yes. 1377 01:26:12.320 --> 01:26:13.320 I'm sorry. 1378 01:26:13.320 --> 01:26:18.520 It's shaking. 1379 01:26:18.520 --> 01:26:19.520 I'm sorry. 1380 01:26:19.520 --> 01:26:20.520 One more time. 1381 01:26:20.520 --> 01:26:21.520 Yes. 1382 01:26:21.520 --> 01:26:24.980 Yes. 1383 01:26:24.980 --> 01:26:25.980 The surface is dirty. 1384 01:26:25.980 --> 01:26:26.980 Oh, I'm sorry. 1385 01:26:26.980 --> 01:26:27.980 It's clean. 1386 01:26:27.980 --> 01:26:33.240 Have you ever done push-ups? 1387 01:26:33.240 --> 01:26:34.240 Oh, I'm sorry. 1388 01:26:34.240 --> 01:26:35.240 I haven't. 1389 01:26:35.240 --> 01:26:36.240 Look at the camera. 1390 01:26:36.240 --> 01:26:41.680 Yes. 1391 01:26:41.680 --> 01:26:42.680 Aya-san, look. 1392 01:26:42.680 --> 01:26:43.680 Yes. 1393 01:26:43.680 --> 01:26:44.680 One. 1394 01:26:44.680 --> 01:26:47.760 Two. 1395 01:26:47.760 --> 01:26:48.760 Three. 1396 01:26:48.760 --> 01:26:49.760 Four. 1397 01:26:49.760 --> 01:26:50.760 Five. 1398 01:26:50.760 --> 01:26:53.200 It's a little high. 1399 01:26:53.200 --> 01:26:54.200 Oh, I'm sorry. 1400 01:26:54.200 --> 01:26:55.200 Six. 1401 01:26:55.200 --> 01:26:56.200 Seven. 1402 01:26:56.200 --> 01:26:57.200 Eight. 1403 01:26:57.200 --> 01:26:58.200 Nine. 1404 01:26:58.200 --> 01:26:59.200 Ten. 1405 01:26:59.200 --> 01:27:00.200 Ten. 1406 01:27:00.200 --> 01:27:01.200 Ten. 1407 01:27:01.200 --> 01:27:02.200 Ten. 1408 01:27:02.200 --> 01:27:03.200 Ten. 1409 01:27:03.200 --> 01:27:04.200 We've been working a little too long. 1410 01:27:04.200 --> 01:27:05.200 Ah, I'm sorry. 1411 01:27:05.200 --> 01:27:06.200 Yosuke. 1412 01:27:06.200 --> 01:27:07.200 Yes. 1413 01:27:07.200 --> 01:27:08.200 Let's do this together. 1414 01:27:08.200 --> 01:27:15.120 Yes. 1415 01:27:15.120 --> 01:27:16.120 One. 1416 01:27:16.120 --> 01:27:19.520 Two. 1417 01:27:19.520 --> 01:27:24.520 Three. 1418 01:27:24.520 --> 01:27:29.400 Four. 1419 01:27:29.400 --> 01:27:30.400 Are you going to do it one more time? 1420 01:27:30.400 --> 01:27:31.400 Do it one more time. 1421 01:27:31.400 --> 01:27:32.400 Let's do this one more time. 1422 01:27:32.400 --> 01:27:33.400 Yes. 1423 01:27:33.400 --> 01:27:34.400 That's good. 1424 01:27:34.400 --> 01:27:35.400 I guess it's okay. 1425 01:27:35.400 --> 01:27:47.880 Yes. 1426 01:27:47.880 --> 01:28:06.390 Keep going. 1427 01:28:06.390 --> 01:28:07.390 Yes. 1428 01:28:07.390 --> 01:28:08.390 Yes. 1429 01:28:08.390 --> 01:28:09.390 Thank you very much. 1430 01:28:09.390 --> 01:28:13.390 We're going to start, so let the other team start. 1431 01:28:13.390 --> 01:28:15.390 Yes, I got it. 1432 01:28:21.860 --> 01:28:27.860 An announcer, Luna Tsukino, who has grown into a popular female announcer after a difficult time. 1433 01:28:28.860 --> 01:28:33.860 This time, she will get a preview of the final interview of the HKR News Agency of Tsukino Ana. 1434 01:28:34.860 --> 01:28:38.860 I will show you the special appearance of Tsukino Ana when she was still a student. 1435 01:28:43.990 --> 01:28:44.990 I will take advantage of it. 1436 01:28:48.770 --> 01:28:49.770 Next person, please. 1437 01:28:50.770 --> 01:28:51.770 Excuse me. 1438 01:29:02.660 --> 01:29:03.660 It's okay to wear a mask. 1439 01:29:04.660 --> 01:29:05.160 Yes. 1440 01:29:05.660 --> 01:29:08.660 Then, please introduce yourself. 1441 01:29:09.660 --> 01:29:10.660 Yes. 1442 01:29:11.660 --> 01:29:15.660 I'm Luna Tsukino, a third-year student at the Faculty of Economics and Economics. 1443 01:29:16.660 --> 01:29:20.660 Please tell me why you want to become an announcer. 1444 01:29:21.660 --> 01:29:22.660 Yes. 1445 01:29:23.660 --> 01:29:28.660 I'm sorry. 1446 01:29:29.660 --> 01:29:39.740 I'm sorry to inform people of more accurate information. 1447 01:29:40.740 --> 01:29:43.740 I was a little nervous, so I took a memo. 1448 01:29:44.740 --> 01:29:46.740 Is it okay to talk while looking at the memo? 1449 01:29:47.740 --> 01:29:48.740 Yes, it's okay. 1450 01:29:48.740 --> 01:30:06.600 The reason why I want to become an announcer is to tell people of more accurate information. 1451 01:30:07.600 --> 01:30:08.600 And... 1452 01:30:11.170 --> 01:30:12.170 Excuse me. 1453 01:30:13.170 --> 01:30:15.170 I want to contribute to society. 1454 01:30:16.170 --> 01:30:17.170 I see. 1455 01:30:18.170 --> 01:30:21.170 Why do you think an announcer can contribute to society? 1456 01:30:22.170 --> 01:30:23.170 Yes. 1457 01:30:24.170 --> 01:30:27.170 An announcer influences many people. 1458 01:30:29.170 --> 01:30:35.170 I thought it would be a new culture and a trend. 1459 01:30:36.170 --> 01:30:41.170 And I felt attracted to that responsibility. 1460 01:30:42.170 --> 01:30:43.170 I felt attracted to it. 1461 01:30:44.170 --> 01:30:45.170 I see. 1462 01:30:46.170 --> 01:30:53.170 Do you have any experiences that you think are useful for studying and working at a university to become an announcer? 1463 01:30:54.170 --> 01:30:55.170 Yes. 1464 01:30:55.170 --> 01:31:00.170 When I was in high school, I was a member of the Ministry of Education. 1465 01:31:01.170 --> 01:31:06.170 I have worked in various events. 1466 01:31:07.170 --> 01:31:10.170 I also participated in a speech contest. 1467 01:31:11.170 --> 01:31:18.170 It was a good opportunity to learn how to speak in a speech contest. 1468 01:31:19.170 --> 01:31:22.170 An announcer is a job that speaks in person. 1469 01:31:22.170 --> 01:31:23.170 An announcer is a job that speaks in person. 1470 01:31:24.170 --> 01:31:26.170 Do you have anything to do when you are nervous? 1471 01:31:27.170 --> 01:31:28.170 Yes. 1472 01:31:29.170 --> 01:31:30.170 Excuse me. 1473 01:31:31.170 --> 01:31:39.170 When I'm nervous, I take a deep breath and calm down. 1474 01:31:40.170 --> 01:31:42.170 Do you think that's all right? 1475 01:31:43.170 --> 01:31:53.170 I can also ask the viewers to have confidence in themselves by remembering the strong will to deliver the best information. 1476 01:31:54.170 --> 01:31:59.170 Please tell me about your goals when you become an announcer. 1477 01:32:00.170 --> 01:32:08.170 First of all, my goal is to be recognized by the viewers as a reliable announcer. 1478 01:32:08.170 --> 01:32:09.170 That's my goal. 1479 01:32:10.170 --> 01:32:11.170 Specifically? 1480 01:32:12.170 --> 01:32:19.170 Specifically, I want to improve my language skills so that I can handle international news. 1481 01:32:20.170 --> 01:32:25.170 What do you think is important as an announcer? 1482 01:32:26.170 --> 01:32:34.170 An announcer needs accurate information transmission capabilities and empathy. 1483 01:32:35.170 --> 01:32:36.170 Is there anything else? 1484 01:32:36.170 --> 01:32:43.170 In addition, I think it is necessary to continue to learn with a wide range of communication skills. 1485 01:32:44.170 --> 01:32:48.170 What kind of announcer do you want to be specifically? 1486 01:32:49.170 --> 01:32:57.170 I want to be an announcer that the viewers can trust and support from the bottom of their hearts. 1487 01:32:58.170 --> 01:33:02.170 What do you feel is necessary for that? 1488 01:33:04.800 --> 01:33:15.800 I think it is necessary to have a wide range of knowledge to deliver the best information to many people regardless of domestic and foreign news. 1489 01:33:16.800 --> 01:33:20.800 What did you do? 1490 01:33:21.800 --> 01:33:22.800 Excuse me. 1491 01:33:23.800 --> 01:33:24.800 It's all right. 1492 01:33:25.800 --> 01:33:31.800 How did you overcome the difficult experience you have had so far? 1493 01:33:31.800 --> 01:33:32.800 Please tell me. 1494 01:33:33.800 --> 01:33:45.800 I was able to successfully complete the event safely by cooperating with the circle members when there was a good line of trouble in the event planning of the university. 1495 01:33:46.800 --> 01:33:51.800 What is a good line of trouble? 1496 01:33:52.800 --> 01:33:54.800 That is... 1497 01:33:56.800 --> 01:33:57.800 Is it all right? 1498 01:33:58.800 --> 01:34:00.800 Yes, I'm sorry. 1499 01:34:01.800 --> 01:34:02.800 That is... 1500 01:34:03.800 --> 01:34:09.800 It happened in the middle of the school festival talk event, but one of the customers fainted and fell. 1501 01:34:10.800 --> 01:34:15.800 I see. What did you do to deal with that trouble? 1502 01:34:16.800 --> 01:34:23.800 I waited for an ambulance to come while calling out to the fallen customer who prioritized life and death. 1503 01:34:24.800 --> 01:34:27.800 You were able to respond well to such a sudden announcement. 1504 01:34:28.800 --> 01:34:38.800 I was able to receive an ambulance from a firefighter in the neighborhood. 1505 01:34:39.800 --> 01:34:43.800 What did you learn from that experience? 1506 01:34:44.800 --> 01:34:50.800 I learned the importance of acting calmly even in difficult situations. 1507 01:34:51.800 --> 01:34:55.800 Is it all right for you to reproduce the situation at that time? 1508 01:34:55.800 --> 01:34:57.800 Is it all right for you to reproduce the situation at that time? 1509 01:34:58.800 --> 01:35:02.800 Please show me how you rescued the fallen customer. 1510 01:35:03.800 --> 01:35:07.800 This is to see the expressiveness needed by the announcer. 1511 01:35:08.800 --> 01:35:09.800 I understand. 1512 01:35:10.800 --> 01:35:18.430 Please stand up. 1513 01:35:19.430 --> 01:35:20.430 Yes. 1514 01:35:26.960 --> 01:35:27.960 Is it okay if I open the door? 1515 01:35:28.960 --> 01:35:30.960 Yes, please open the door. 1516 01:35:33.980 --> 01:35:34.980 Please stand up. 1517 01:35:35.980 --> 01:35:45.080 Yes. 1518 01:35:46.080 --> 01:35:47.080 Please open the door. 1519 01:35:57.300 --> 01:35:58.300 Is it all right? 1520 01:35:59.300 --> 01:36:00.300 Is it all right? 1521 01:36:01.300 --> 01:36:03.300 Please stand in front of the camera. 1522 01:36:04.300 --> 01:36:05.300 Yes. 1523 01:36:06.300 --> 01:36:07.300 Is it all right? 1524 01:36:08.300 --> 01:36:09.300 Is it all right? 1525 01:36:10.300 --> 01:36:12.300 Can you hear my voice? 1526 01:36:13.300 --> 01:36:20.380 I will help you from now on, so please rest assured. 1527 01:36:21.380 --> 01:36:26.380 I will help you from now on, so please rest assured. 1528 01:36:28.380 --> 01:36:29.380 Excuse me. 1529 01:36:30.380 --> 01:36:32.380 Can you call an ambulance? 1530 01:36:33.380 --> 01:36:34.380 Excuse me. 1531 01:36:35.380 --> 01:36:37.380 Please call an ambulance. 1532 01:36:39.380 --> 01:36:40.380 Is it all right? 1533 01:36:41.380 --> 01:36:42.380 Can you hear me? 1534 01:36:43.380 --> 01:36:44.380 It's all right. 1535 01:36:45.380 --> 01:36:47.380 Let's take off the mask. 1536 01:36:48.380 --> 01:36:52.800 Yes. 1537 01:36:53.800 --> 01:36:54.800 Is it all right? 1538 01:36:55.800 --> 01:36:56.800 Please rest assured. 1539 01:36:57.800 --> 01:36:59.800 Can you see my face? 1540 01:36:59.800 --> 01:37:07.270 I will help you from now on, so please rest assured. 1541 01:37:08.270 --> 01:37:09.270 It's all right. 1542 01:37:10.270 --> 01:37:14.820 Is it all right? 1543 01:37:16.820 --> 01:37:18.820 Can you tell me your name? 1544 01:37:19.820 --> 01:37:22.820 Can I ask your name? 1545 01:37:23.820 --> 01:37:26.820 My name is Tsukino. 1546 01:37:27.820 --> 01:37:30.820 Please tell me your name. 1547 01:37:34.670 --> 01:37:41.990 Is your house around here? 1548 01:37:44.490 --> 01:37:48.490 Do you have any special disease? 1549 01:37:49.490 --> 01:37:54.560 It's all right. 1550 01:37:55.560 --> 01:38:00.560 Please open the door so that the air can pass through. 1551 01:38:02.560 --> 01:38:03.560 Is it all right? 1552 01:38:04.560 --> 01:38:08.560 After that, are you just waiting for an ambulance? 1553 01:38:08.560 --> 01:38:21.560 I was waiting for an ambulance from a firefighter. 1554 01:38:22.560 --> 01:38:24.560 I see. Please show it to me. 1555 01:38:25.560 --> 01:38:26.560 Yes. 1556 01:38:27.560 --> 01:38:28.560 Can you breathe? 1557 01:38:29.560 --> 01:38:30.560 Can you breathe? 1558 01:38:31.560 --> 01:38:33.560 It's all right to breathe slowly, so please breathe. 1559 01:38:41.950 --> 01:38:42.950 Is it all right? 1560 01:38:42.950 --> 01:38:44.950 I will massage you slowly. 1561 01:38:45.950 --> 01:38:46.950 Please relax. 1562 01:38:47.950 --> 01:38:49.950 Please relax. 1563 01:39:04.590 --> 01:39:05.590 Can you hear me? 1564 01:39:14.940 --> 01:39:15.940 Is it all right? 1565 01:39:17.940 --> 01:39:19.940 Did you ask for artificial respiration? 1566 01:39:20.940 --> 01:39:21.940 Yes. 1567 01:39:22.940 --> 01:39:23.940 Then please do it together. 1568 01:39:24.940 --> 01:39:25.940 Yes. 1569 01:40:09.850 --> 01:40:10.850 Is it all right? 1570 01:40:11.850 --> 01:40:12.850 Can you hear my voice? 1571 01:40:21.240 --> 01:40:22.240 Thank you. 1572 01:40:22.240 --> 01:40:23.240 Thank you. 1573 01:40:24.240 --> 01:40:26.240 After that, you left it to the ambulance, right? 1574 01:40:27.240 --> 01:40:28.240 Yes. 1575 01:40:29.240 --> 01:40:30.240 I left it to you. 1576 01:40:31.240 --> 01:40:32.240 You were very energetic. 1577 01:40:33.240 --> 01:40:34.240 You were very lucky. 1578 01:40:35.240 --> 01:40:36.240 Thank you. 1579 01:40:37.240 --> 01:40:40.240 Next, can you do an air food report? 1580 01:40:41.240 --> 01:40:42.240 An air food report? 1581 01:40:43.240 --> 01:40:44.240 Yes. 1582 01:40:45.240 --> 01:40:50.240 Please tell me how you feel when you see food in front of you. 1583 01:40:50.240 --> 01:40:51.240 Yes. 1584 01:41:01.110 --> 01:41:02.110 Wow. 1585 01:41:03.110 --> 01:41:05.110 It looks delicious. 1586 01:41:06.110 --> 01:41:10.110 Each grain is shining. 1587 01:41:12.110 --> 01:41:19.110 Then I will eat this plump salmon roe. 1588 01:41:20.110 --> 01:41:22.110 Then I will eat it. 1589 01:41:23.110 --> 01:41:52.790 Each grain pops in my mouth and smells like the sea. 1590 01:41:53.790 --> 01:41:57.320 But it's delicious. 1591 01:41:58.320 --> 01:41:59.320 This is salmon roe. 1592 01:42:00.320 --> 01:42:08.320 The taste of each grain is sweet and delicious. 1593 01:42:13.380 --> 01:42:17.380 Next, I would like to eat this grilled salmon. 1594 01:42:17.380 --> 01:42:18.380 I think it's delicious. 1595 01:42:19.380 --> 01:42:20.380 It's amazing. 1596 01:42:21.380 --> 01:42:31.380 The oil is very glossy and smells good. 1597 01:42:32.380 --> 01:42:34.380 Then I would like to eat it. 1598 01:42:34.380 --> 01:42:35.380 I think it's delicious. 1599 01:42:54.440 --> 01:42:59.440 It's very fragrant in my mouth. 1600 01:43:00.440 --> 01:43:59.330 The taste of salmon roe is also delicious. 1601 01:44:14.760 --> 01:44:19.760 Next, I would like to eat this salmon roe. 1602 01:44:19.760 --> 01:44:21.760 Next, I would like to eat this salmon roe. 1603 01:44:22.760 --> 01:44:31.780 The oil of the salmon roe is glossy. 1604 01:44:32.780 --> 01:44:34.780 Look at this shine. 1605 01:44:38.240 --> 01:44:41.240 I was not good at light. 1606 01:44:42.240 --> 01:44:46.240 But after eating salmon roe, it was easy to eat. 1607 01:44:47.240 --> 01:44:50.240 So I became a light boy. 1608 01:44:50.240 --> 01:44:54.240 Next, I would like to eat this grilled salmon roe. 1609 01:44:55.240 --> 01:45:04.240 The taste of grilled salmon roe and salmon roe is very refreshing. 1610 01:45:05.240 --> 01:45:06.240 Then I would like to eat it. 1611 01:45:11.880 --> 01:45:15.880 The oil of the salmon roe is sweet and melting. 1612 01:45:15.880 --> 01:45:19.250 Next, I would like to eat this grilled salmon roe. 1613 01:45:20.250 --> 01:45:26.250 The texture of grilled salmon roe is also good. 1614 01:45:27.250 --> 01:45:30.250 The more you chew, the sweeter it is and it is very delicious. 1615 01:45:31.250 --> 01:45:57.820 Next, I would like to eat this sea urchin roe. 1616 01:46:01.160 --> 01:46:02.160 It seems to be melting now. 1617 01:46:04.660 --> 01:46:05.660 I will eat it before it melts. 1618 01:46:17.360 --> 01:46:20.360 The sweetness of the sea urchin roe spreads in my mouth. 1619 01:46:26.320 --> 01:46:31.320 The smell of sea urchin roe is very refreshing and delicious. 1620 01:46:32.320 --> 01:46:40.890 The taste of sea urchin roe is mixed with the taste of sea urchin roe. 1621 01:46:43.200 --> 01:46:45.200 The sea urchin roe has a wonderful harmony. 1622 01:47:21.440 --> 01:47:25.440 Next, I would like to eat this grilled salmon roe. 1623 01:47:26.440 --> 01:47:28.440 The surface is brown. 1624 01:47:29.440 --> 01:47:30.440 It is grilled in a good color. 1625 01:47:31.440 --> 01:47:35.440 The contrast between yellow and brown is beautiful. 1626 01:47:36.440 --> 01:47:38.440 Then I would like to eat it. 1627 01:47:46.540 --> 01:47:47.540 It is very delicious. 1628 01:47:48.540 --> 01:47:57.800 Do you use alcohol to hide the taste of sea urchin roe? 1629 01:47:58.800 --> 01:48:01.800 Oh, you use soju. 1630 01:48:02.800 --> 01:48:06.800 That's why it smells like brandy. 1631 01:48:07.800 --> 01:48:08.800 It is delicious. 1632 01:48:09.800 --> 01:48:10.800 It seems to be eating grilled sweets. 1633 01:48:11.800 --> 01:48:12.800 It is very delicious. 1634 01:48:29.620 --> 01:48:33.620 Next, I would like to eat this sea urchin roe. 1635 01:48:38.700 --> 01:48:50.430 The sea urchin roe oil spreads in my mouth. 1636 01:48:53.430 --> 01:48:58.430 The sweetness of the sea urchin roe is just right. 1637 01:49:02.790 --> 01:49:05.790 It is a very good oil. 1638 01:49:06.790 --> 01:49:10.700 That's great. 1639 01:49:16.150 --> 01:49:17.150 Next, I would like to eat this. 1640 01:49:18.150 --> 01:49:24.150 Do you have any points that you can distinguish from other students to become an announcer? 1641 01:49:25.150 --> 01:49:26.150 Excuse me. 1642 01:49:27.150 --> 01:49:36.150 I have found a skill that is not required at the actual broadcasting station through my experience in the broadcasting station. 1643 01:49:37.150 --> 01:49:40.150 I am confident that I can handle 17 people in any situation. 1644 01:49:41.150 --> 01:49:44.150 You have found a basic skill as an announcer in the broadcasting station. 1645 01:49:45.150 --> 01:49:46.150 Yes. 1646 01:49:47.150 --> 01:49:49.150 Then, please show me your發生スキル. 1647 01:49:50.150 --> 01:49:51.150 I understand. 1648 01:49:52.150 --> 01:49:54.150 Please read the offer to introduce the sponsor of HKR. 1649 01:49:54.150 --> 01:49:55.150 I understand. 1650 01:49:56.150 --> 01:49:57.150 Please come in. 1651 01:49:58.150 --> 01:49:59.150 Please come in. 1652 01:50:00.150 --> 01:50:07.110 Please start at the right time. 1653 01:50:08.110 --> 01:50:09.110 Please come in. 1654 01:50:10.110 --> 01:50:14.110 This program is Abenaji that illuminates the future. 1655 01:50:15.110 --> 01:50:20.110 Aspiration Technologies that shapes dreams. 1656 01:50:21.110 --> 01:50:26.110 Health Wave Pharmaceutical that protects your health. 1657 01:50:26.110 --> 01:50:34.110 Room Life Design that gives color to your daily life. 1658 01:50:36.480 --> 01:50:37.480 Excuse me. 1659 01:50:38.480 --> 01:50:47.480 Next, Next Revisions that will change the future with an innovative idea. 1660 01:50:48.480 --> 01:50:50.480 Please continue a little more. 1661 01:50:51.480 --> 01:50:55.480 Please be aware of the camera and touch the other person more slowly. 1662 01:50:55.480 --> 01:50:56.480 Yes. 1663 01:50:57.480 --> 01:51:03.480 Health Wave Pharmaceutical that supports your healthy lifestyle. 1664 01:51:06.760 --> 01:51:11.760 Earth Ecology that creates an environment-friendly future. 1665 01:51:13.760 --> 01:51:16.760 Excuse me for your daily life. 1666 01:51:17.760 --> 01:51:23.760 Night Happiness Factory that delivers smiles to your daily life. 1667 01:51:24.760 --> 01:51:27.760 Abenaji that illuminates the future. 1668 01:51:28.760 --> 01:51:35.710 Aspiration Vision Innovations that supports your health and beauty. 1669 01:51:36.710 --> 01:51:37.710 Excuse me. 1670 01:51:38.710 --> 01:51:43.710 Blue Full Life Pharmaceutical that supports your health and beauty. 1671 01:51:44.710 --> 01:51:47.710 Make every day more convenient. 1672 01:51:48.710 --> 01:51:49.710 Quick Serve Delivery. 1673 01:51:50.710 --> 01:51:51.710 Thank you very much. 1674 01:51:52.710 --> 01:51:53.710 Thank you. 1675 01:51:54.710 --> 01:51:58.710 Next, please talk to this camera. 1676 01:51:59.710 --> 01:52:04.710 This is the final interview of the announcer, so the camera is also the standard. 1677 01:52:06.710 --> 01:52:12.710 Please talk to this camera as if you were a young baby. 1678 01:52:13.710 --> 01:52:15.710 Yes, I am a young baby. 1679 01:52:16.710 --> 01:52:19.710 Please talk to it as if you were a mother. 1680 01:52:20.710 --> 01:52:21.710 Yes, I understand. 1681 01:52:22.710 --> 01:52:24.710 Please talk to it as if you were a mother. 1682 01:52:25.710 --> 01:52:35.570 Oriko-san. 1683 01:52:36.570 --> 01:52:40.570 Oh, did I wake up? 1684 01:52:41.570 --> 01:52:43.570 I'm sleepy, aren't I? 1685 01:52:44.570 --> 01:52:45.570 Are you okay? 1686 01:52:47.570 --> 01:52:50.570 Oh, you don't cry when you wake up, do you? 1687 01:52:51.570 --> 01:52:52.570 Okay, okay. 1688 01:52:52.570 --> 01:52:53.570 Oriko. 1689 01:52:55.570 --> 01:53:02.570 Then, I'll let you drink my favorite milk. 1690 01:53:03.570 --> 01:53:06.570 Please open your mouth. 1691 01:53:08.570 --> 01:53:09.570 Me. 1692 01:53:10.570 --> 01:53:11.570 Yes. 1693 01:53:12.570 --> 01:53:14.570 Take a sip. 1694 01:53:15.570 --> 01:53:17.570 It's a sip. 1695 01:53:19.570 --> 01:53:21.570 You can drink milk well. 1696 01:53:22.570 --> 01:53:23.570 You're great. 1697 01:53:24.570 --> 01:53:25.570 Wow. 1698 01:53:26.570 --> 01:53:28.570 You're a good drinker. 1699 01:53:29.570 --> 01:53:33.570 You'll be a big and cool boy. 1700 01:53:34.570 --> 01:53:36.570 Drink a lot. 1701 01:53:38.570 --> 01:53:39.570 Choo-choo. 1702 01:53:40.570 --> 01:53:41.570 Choo-choo. 1703 01:53:44.570 --> 01:53:46.570 You're a good boy. 1704 01:53:48.570 --> 01:53:50.570 Shall I pat your chest? 1705 01:53:50.570 --> 01:53:51.570 Choo-choo. 1706 01:53:52.570 --> 01:53:53.570 Choo-choo. 1707 01:53:54.570 --> 01:53:55.570 Choo-choo. 1708 01:53:56.570 --> 01:53:57.570 Choo-choo. 1709 01:53:58.570 --> 01:53:59.570 It's okay. 1710 01:54:00.570 --> 01:54:04.570 After drinking milk, you can pat your chest. 1711 01:54:05.570 --> 01:54:06.570 Choo-choo. 1712 01:54:07.570 --> 01:54:08.570 Choo-choo. 1713 01:54:09.570 --> 01:54:10.570 Can you do it well? 1714 01:54:11.570 --> 01:54:12.570 Choo-choo. 1715 01:54:13.570 --> 01:54:14.570 Choo-choo. 1716 01:54:15.570 --> 01:54:16.570 Pat your chest. 1717 01:54:17.570 --> 01:54:18.570 You did it well. 1718 01:54:18.570 --> 01:54:19.570 You're great. 1719 01:54:20.570 --> 01:54:23.570 You're still small, but you're a good boy. 1720 01:54:24.570 --> 01:54:25.570 You're cute. 1721 01:54:26.570 --> 01:54:27.570 Your cheeks are soft. 1722 01:54:28.570 --> 01:54:32.270 Do you like me? 1723 01:54:34.270 --> 01:54:37.270 You love me too. 1724 01:54:40.270 --> 01:54:43.270 It's time to sleep. 1725 01:54:44.270 --> 01:54:47.270 Are you sleepy after drinking milk? 1726 01:54:47.270 --> 01:54:48.270 Choo-choo. 1727 01:54:49.270 --> 01:54:50.270 Choo-choo. 1728 01:54:51.270 --> 01:54:54.090 Choo-choo. 1729 01:54:55.090 --> 01:54:56.090 Choo-choo. 1730 01:54:57.090 --> 01:54:58.090 It feels good. 1731 01:55:00.090 --> 01:55:03.090 Your eyes are getting bigger. 1732 01:55:05.090 --> 01:55:06.090 Choo-choo. 1733 01:55:07.090 --> 01:55:08.090 Choo-choo. 1734 01:55:09.090 --> 01:55:15.800 It feels good. 1735 01:55:17.800 --> 01:55:18.800 Choo-choo. 1736 01:55:19.800 --> 01:55:21.800 What's wrong? 1737 01:55:22.800 --> 01:55:23.800 What's wrong? 1738 01:55:24.800 --> 01:55:25.800 Did you wake up again? 1739 01:55:26.800 --> 01:55:29.750 What's wrong? 1740 01:55:30.750 --> 01:55:31.750 Your eyes are so round. 1741 01:55:32.750 --> 01:55:34.750 You're staring at me. 1742 01:55:35.750 --> 01:55:36.750 You're cute. 1743 01:55:37.750 --> 01:55:38.750 Your cheeks are soft. 1744 01:55:38.750 --> 01:55:39.750 Soft. 1745 01:55:43.750 --> 01:55:45.750 It's dark outside. 1746 01:55:46.750 --> 01:55:48.750 The stars are shining. 1747 01:55:53.750 --> 01:55:56.750 Shall we sing the song of the stars? 1748 01:55:59.750 --> 01:56:00.750 You don't like it? 1749 01:56:01.750 --> 01:56:02.750 You don't like the song? 1750 01:56:11.880 --> 01:56:13.880 You don't want to sleep? 1751 01:56:16.880 --> 01:56:18.880 Do you want to continue drinking milk? 1752 01:56:21.880 --> 01:56:23.880 Aren't you full yet? 1753 01:56:26.840 --> 01:56:29.840 Shall we do milk-choo-choo again? 1754 01:56:32.840 --> 01:56:33.840 Let's do it. 1755 01:56:42.980 --> 01:56:43.980 It's hot. 1756 01:56:44.980 --> 01:56:45.980 Isn't it hot? 1757 01:56:46.980 --> 01:56:47.980 Isn't it cold? 1758 01:56:53.980 --> 01:56:55.980 You're good at drinking a lot. 1759 01:56:57.980 --> 01:56:59.980 You're getting full. 1760 01:57:01.980 --> 01:57:02.980 Drink a lot of milk. 1761 01:57:03.980 --> 01:57:04.980 Sleep a lot. 1762 01:57:08.360 --> 01:57:09.360 You'll grow up. 1763 01:57:11.360 --> 01:57:12.360 When you grow up, 1764 01:57:13.360 --> 01:57:15.360 Will you marry me? 1765 01:57:18.360 --> 01:57:20.360 Your cheeks are soft. 1766 01:57:29.360 --> 01:57:31.360 I'll sing you a lullaby. 1767 01:57:32.360 --> 01:57:34.360 Can you sleep well? 1768 01:58:02.760 --> 01:58:12.660 You're a good boy. 1769 01:58:14.660 --> 01:58:15.660 Your eyes are so round. 1770 01:58:16.660 --> 01:58:17.660 You're cute. 1771 01:58:18.660 --> 01:58:19.660 It's okay. 1772 01:59:10.450 --> 01:59:14.210 Did you get a lot of milk? 1773 01:59:14.210 --> 01:59:26.800 You're a good boy. 1774 01:59:28.800 --> 01:59:30.800 You got a lot of milk. 1775 01:59:31.800 --> 01:59:34.800 I'll give you a good boy. 1776 01:59:35.800 --> 01:59:36.800 Good boy. 1777 01:59:36.800 --> 01:59:38.800 Good boy. 1778 01:59:38.800 --> 01:59:40.800 You did a good job. 1779 01:59:40.800 --> 01:59:42.800 You don't feel good. 1780 01:59:42.800 --> 01:59:44.800 I'll buy you some milk. 1781 01:59:44.800 --> 01:59:46.800 You'll feel better soon. 1782 01:59:47.800 --> 01:59:48.800 Good boy. 1783 01:59:48.800 --> 01:59:49.800 Good boy. 1784 01:59:49.800 --> 01:59:51.800 You'll feel better soon. 1785 01:59:52.800 --> 01:59:54.800 Let's take off your pants. 1786 01:59:59.180 --> 02:00:02.180 I'll wipe it clean. 1787 02:00:03.180 --> 02:00:04.180 Does it tickle? 1788 02:00:05.180 --> 02:00:06.180 Are you okay? 1789 02:00:11.180 --> 02:00:12.180 I wiped it clean. 1790 02:00:19.550 --> 02:00:20.550 Do you feel better? 1791 02:00:21.550 --> 02:00:23.550 All you have to do is sleep. 1792 02:00:24.550 --> 02:00:25.550 Good night. 1793 02:00:25.550 --> 02:00:26.550 Mikawa-san, 1794 02:00:26.550 --> 02:00:29.550 I love you the most in the world. 1795 02:00:39.090 --> 02:00:40.090 Thank you very much. 1796 02:00:42.090 --> 02:00:44.090 Thank you very much. 1797 02:00:45.090 --> 02:00:48.090 Your passion and vision were very impressive. 1798 02:00:49.090 --> 02:00:50.090 Finally, 1799 02:00:50.090 --> 02:00:53.090 Please say a word of encouragement. 1800 02:00:55.090 --> 02:01:00.090 Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. 1801 02:01:01.090 --> 02:01:04.090 I still have a lot of things to learn. 1802 02:01:05.090 --> 02:01:09.090 I will do my best from now on. 1803 02:01:10.090 --> 02:01:15.090 I will do my best to connect with my confidence. 1804 02:01:16.090 --> 02:01:19.090 I will do my best to move forward every day. 1805 02:01:20.090 --> 02:01:22.090 Thank you very much for today. 1806 02:01:23.090 --> 02:01:24.090 Thank you very much. 1807 02:01:24.090 --> 02:01:30.760 Mikawa-san 1808 02:01:32.760 --> 02:01:35.130 Mikawa-san 1809 02:01:50.660 --> 02:01:51.660 Hello, everyone. 1810 02:01:52.660 --> 02:01:53.660 Today is a special day. 1811 02:01:54.660 --> 02:01:55.660 It's Tanabata. 1812 02:01:56.660 --> 02:01:57.660 Once a year, 1813 02:01:57.660 --> 02:02:00.660 Horihime and Hikogoshi meet across the Amaroga River. 1814 02:02:01.660 --> 02:02:09.660 We also have a tradition to write a wish and tie it to a bamboo leaf. 1815 02:02:10.660 --> 02:02:11.660 Today, 1816 02:02:11.660 --> 02:02:15.660 Let's think about our wishes together in this corner. 1817 02:02:16.660 --> 02:02:17.660 By the way, 1818 02:02:17.660 --> 02:02:21.660 Do you have any memories of Tanabata when you were a child? 1819 02:02:22.660 --> 02:02:24.660 When I was a student, 1820 02:02:24.660 --> 02:02:26.660 There was a bamboo leaf in the hall. 1821 02:02:26.660 --> 02:02:31.660 My classmates all hung a wish on the bamboo leaf. 1822 02:02:32.660 --> 02:02:33.660 It looks fun. 1823 02:02:35.660 --> 02:02:36.660 What about the moon flowers? 1824 02:02:37.660 --> 02:02:40.660 I was in the nearby shopping street. 1825 02:02:40.660 --> 02:02:48.660 I tied a bamboo leaf with my sister on the bamboo leaf. 1826 02:02:49.660 --> 02:02:50.660 It's a nice shopping street. 1827 02:02:51.660 --> 02:02:53.660 What kind of wishes were written on the bamboo leaf? 1828 02:02:53.660 --> 02:02:57.660 I always wrote that I wanted to be good at studying. 1829 02:02:58.660 --> 02:03:01.660 I wrote that I wanted to be a space pilot. 1830 02:03:01.660 --> 02:03:04.660 I had a big dream as a child. 1831 02:03:05.660 --> 02:03:06.660 But that's good. 1832 02:03:07.660 --> 02:03:10.660 Tanabata is a wonderful day to make dreams come true. 1833 02:03:11.660 --> 02:03:12.660 That's right. 1834 02:03:12.660 --> 02:03:15.660 Now that I think about it, my heart is full. 1835 02:03:16.660 --> 02:03:21.660 Tanabata is a very special day that remains in our hearts. 1836 02:03:23.660 --> 02:03:25.660 Looking back on our memories, 1837 02:03:25.660 --> 02:03:29.660 Today, we would like to write a wish on the bamboo leaf. 1838 02:03:32.660 --> 02:03:33.660 Tsukino-san, 1839 02:03:33.660 --> 02:03:36.660 What would you like to write on the Tanabata's bamboo leaf? 1840 02:03:37.660 --> 02:03:43.660 I would like to wish for the health and happiness of my family. 1841 02:03:44.660 --> 02:03:48.660 Let's write a wish on this bamboo leaf. 1842 02:03:49.660 --> 02:03:50.660 Here you are. 1843 02:03:51.660 --> 02:03:53.660 That's a nice wish. 1844 02:03:54.660 --> 02:03:55.660 Thank you. 1845 02:03:57.660 --> 02:03:59.660 Health and happiness are important. 1846 02:04:03.740 --> 02:04:06.740 It's nice to be with my family like Tsukino-san. 1847 02:04:07.740 --> 02:04:08.740 Thank you. 1848 02:04:08.740 --> 02:04:10.740 I love my family. 1849 02:04:13.740 --> 02:04:16.740 People often talk about your family on this program. 1850 02:04:17.740 --> 02:04:18.740 That's right. 1851 02:04:19.740 --> 02:04:20.740 It's embarrassing. 1852 02:04:22.740 --> 02:04:24.740 It's a wonderful thing, isn't it? 1853 02:04:32.110 --> 02:04:34.110 Health and happiness. 1854 02:04:35.110 --> 02:04:38.110 Can you show it to the camera? 1855 02:04:40.110 --> 02:04:42.110 Please say your wish again. 1856 02:04:43.110 --> 02:04:47.110 My wish is for the health and happiness of my family. 1857 02:04:48.110 --> 02:04:49.110 Thank you. 1858 02:04:50.110 --> 02:04:51.110 It's wonderful. 1859 02:04:51.110 --> 02:04:59.110 Let's write a wish on this bamboo leaf. 1860 02:05:00.110 --> 02:05:02.110 Where should we write a wish? 1861 02:05:03.110 --> 02:05:04.110 That's a good idea. 1862 02:05:07.700 --> 02:05:09.700 Let's write a wish on the bottom. 1863 02:05:09.700 --> 02:05:17.520 Where should we write a wish? 1864 02:05:18.520 --> 02:05:20.520 Let's write a wish again. 1865 02:05:20.520 --> 02:05:21.520 Are you okay? 1866 02:05:21.520 --> 02:05:22.520 I'm okay. 1867 02:05:23.520 --> 02:05:24.520 Let's write a wish. 1868 02:05:25.520 --> 02:05:29.220 I'm looking forward to writing a wish. 1869 02:05:29.220 --> 02:05:30.220 Are you okay? 1870 02:05:30.220 --> 02:05:31.220 I'm okay. 1871 02:05:32.220 --> 02:05:33.220 Thank you. 1872 02:05:38.900 --> 02:05:41.900 Let's write a wish one last time. 1873 02:05:42.900 --> 02:05:46.900 My wish is for the health and happiness of my family. 1874 02:05:47.900 --> 02:05:48.900 Thank you. 1875 02:05:48.900 --> 02:05:52.900 What kind of wish do you want to make? 1876 02:05:52.900 --> 02:06:00.900 My wish is for children all over the world to have dreams. 1877 02:06:01.900 --> 02:06:03.900 That's wonderful. 1878 02:06:04.900 --> 02:06:08.900 Let's write a wish on the bamboo leaf. 1879 02:06:11.900 --> 02:06:13.900 Children all over the world. 1880 02:06:13.900 --> 02:06:15.900 Do you have too many dreams? 1881 02:06:15.900 --> 02:06:17.900 No, it's not like that. 1882 02:06:17.900 --> 02:06:19.900 I think it's a wonderful wish. 1883 02:06:20.900 --> 02:06:24.900 Last year, I made a big wish. 1884 02:06:24.900 --> 02:06:27.900 I was asked if it was too big. 1885 02:06:27.900 --> 02:06:30.900 I was worried about it. 1886 02:06:32.900 --> 02:06:39.900 I think it's a good idea to have big dreams. 1887 02:06:40.900 --> 02:06:43.900 I'm glad you said that. 1888 02:06:43.900 --> 02:06:45.900 I'm confident. 1889 02:06:48.900 --> 02:06:50.900 My dream is long. 1890 02:06:50.900 --> 02:06:52.900 Please wait a little longer. 1891 02:06:52.900 --> 02:06:53.900 I'm okay. 1892 02:06:57.900 --> 02:06:59.900 I want to be able to grow. 1893 02:07:02.900 --> 02:07:05.900 I'm asking for this. 1894 02:07:05.900 --> 02:07:10.900 I've been asking for this for a year. 1895 02:07:10.900 --> 02:07:12.900 Is that so? 1896 02:07:12.900 --> 02:07:14.900 That's wonderful. 1897 02:07:15.900 --> 02:07:18.900 I hope your dream comes true. 1898 02:07:19.900 --> 02:07:24.900 Let's write a wish together. 1899 02:07:24.900 --> 02:07:30.900 My wish is for children all over the world to have dreams. 1900 02:07:30.900 --> 02:07:33.900 Let's hang it up. 1901 02:07:34.900 --> 02:07:39.900 I'm going to hang it around here. 1902 02:07:50.960 --> 02:07:52.960 It's done. 1903 02:07:52.960 --> 02:07:54.960 That's wonderful. 1904 02:07:54.960 --> 02:07:56.960 Thank you very much. 1905 02:08:01.400 --> 02:08:03.400 Next. 1906 02:08:08.830 --> 02:08:17.830 Let's make our wishes come true. 1907 02:08:17.830 --> 02:08:19.830 That's right. 1908 02:08:20.830 --> 02:08:25.830 It's a special day to make a wish. 1909 02:08:25.830 --> 02:08:27.830 That's right. 1910 02:08:27.830 --> 02:08:32.830 Please write a wish to Tanzaku. 1911 02:08:32.830 --> 02:08:35.830 Please enjoy Tanabata. 1912 02:08:35.830 --> 02:08:40.830 When you tie Tanzaku to Sasanoha, 1913 02:08:40.830 --> 02:08:43.830 If you think about your wishes in your heart, 1914 02:08:43.830 --> 02:08:47.830 It is said that the probability of coming true will increase. 1915 02:08:47.830 --> 02:08:57.700 I hope your wishes will also reach Orime and Hikoboshi. 1916 02:08:57.700 --> 02:08:59.700 I'm sorry, Tanabata. 1917 02:08:59.700 --> 02:09:03.700 The night of Tanabata looks up at the sky. 1918 02:09:03.700 --> 02:09:09.700 It's also wonderful to look at the beautiful starry sky. 1919 02:09:09.700 --> 02:09:13.700 I hope tonight will be a wonderful night for everyone. 1920 02:09:17.480 --> 02:09:19.480 Thank you very much. 1921 02:09:19.480 --> 02:09:21.480 Thank you very much. 1922 02:09:22.480 --> 02:09:25.480 I can't get used to it no matter how many times I do it. 1923 02:09:30.480 --> 02:09:32.480 Thank you very much. 1924 02:09:33.480 --> 02:09:35.480 Next. 1925 02:09:35.480 --> 02:09:42.640 Are you okay? 1926 02:09:42.640 --> 02:09:59.390 Yes, I'm fine. 1927 02:09:59.390 --> 02:10:49.800 Please wait a moment. 1928 02:10:51.800 --> 02:12:11.380 Tanabata will be on the stage soon. 1929 02:12:11.380 --> 02:12:13.380 Please finish the last test. 1930 02:12:13.380 --> 02:12:17.380 Please wait for 5 seconds before the end of the test. 1931 02:12:18.380 --> 02:12:25.970 Have a happy day today. 1932 02:12:25.970 --> 02:12:27.970 One, two, three, four. 1933 02:12:28.970 --> 02:12:38.880 Have a nice day. 1934 02:12:39.880 --> 02:12:41.880 5 seconds before the end of the test. 1935 02:12:41.880 --> 02:12:43.880 This is the highlight of this program. 1936 02:12:43.880 --> 02:12:59.320 The Japanese representative of the Othet Ball will not miss the information about the Asian champion. 1937 02:12:59.320 --> 02:13:12.230 I can't say anything. 1938 02:13:14.730 --> 02:13:16.730 Please accept the commercial. 1939 02:13:16.730 --> 02:13:19.730 The Japanese national transportation expenses are getting worse. 1940 02:13:19.730 --> 02:13:25.730 The government is accepting the commercial from overseas. 1941 02:13:25.730 --> 02:13:28.730 Let's talk about the economic news in the future. 1942 02:13:29.730 --> 02:13:37.730 In particular, the economic development centered around the Asian region has strengthened its relationship with the supplier. 1943 02:13:37.730 --> 02:13:40.730 Mr. Ogawa, what do you think about this kind of problem? 1944 02:13:40.730 --> 02:13:46.730 I think it's a good idea to stretch the muscles of your arms and continue every day. 1945 02:13:46.730 --> 02:13:48.730 I feel like I'm listening to you. 1946 02:13:48.730 --> 02:13:49.730 What? 1947 02:13:49.730 --> 02:13:52.730 But the floor is more than 1 million people. 1948 02:13:52.730 --> 02:14:14.220 I'm sorry. 1949 02:14:19.030 --> 02:14:24.390 5 seconds before the end of the test. 1950 02:14:30.170 --> 02:14:42.790 It's a good idea to have a good atmosphere without redness and without redness. 1951 02:14:42.790 --> 02:14:46.790 I'm ready for everyday life. 1952 02:14:46.790 --> 02:14:50.790 I can smile in my daily life. 1953 02:14:50.790 --> 02:14:52.790 5 seconds before the end of the test. 1954 02:14:54.790 --> 02:14:56.790 I feel good. 1955 02:14:59.790 --> 02:15:02.790 That's all for today's wake-up highlights. 1956 02:15:02.790 --> 02:15:13.220 Luna's personal data 1957 02:15:13.220 --> 02:15:19.220 My hobbies are singing, radio, movies, and music. 1958 02:15:19.220 --> 02:15:22.220 My strengths don't get angry. 1959 02:15:22.220 --> 02:15:25.220 My shortcomings are negative. 1960 02:15:25.220 --> 02:15:29.220 My nicknames are Luna and Lunannan. 1961 02:15:29.220 --> 02:15:36.220 The most delicious food I've ever had was fried chicken my mother made for me when I was depressed because I dropped something. 1962 02:15:36.220 --> 02:15:47.280 What I want to do as an announcer in the future is a variety show with announcers lined up in a row. 1963 02:15:47.280 --> 02:15:50.600 Let's go.