0 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.500 Made by: aisubs.app 1 00:00:19.380 --> 00:00:28.980 触れる度確かめ合った 今は手の届かないこの距離が遠くて 2 00:00:28.980 --> 00:00:45.770 鳴き声どこからか聞こえた 止まった街 また動き出すその時まで 3 00:00:45.770 --> 00:00:51.970 出会った頃とは もう違うね 4 00:00:51.970 --> 00:01:04.570 少しワサマになった 二人の絆を試されてるみたい 5 00:01:04.570 --> 00:01:10.570 どこかにいる神様に 6 00:01:10.570 --> 00:01:21.770 今日も会えないから 夢に待ってみてしまうよ 7 00:01:21.770 --> 00:01:29.470 揺れる瞳 寂しさ伝わる頬を ただ拭えないこの距離が遠くて 8 00:01:29.470 --> 00:01:33.570 声だけを頼りに言おう 9 00:01:33.570 --> 00:01:41.950 畳みち咲くその花に 流した涙を注ごう 10 00:01:41.950 --> 00:01:46.650 途切れないように 11 00:01:46.650 --> 00:01:54.550 止まった街 そんな時代も大切だったと 思える日が来るなら 12 00:01:54.550 --> 00:02:51.080 この世界がまた動き出すまで 生きよう 13 00:03:37.600 --> 00:03:45.840 はい ありがとうございます 14 00:03:45.840 --> 00:03:57.820 身長156センチです 秘密でお願いします 15 00:04:01.820 --> 00:04:04.820 バストが 16 00:04:07.820 --> 00:04:09.820 何センチでしたっけ 17 00:04:10.620 --> 00:04:24.810 バストが80センチ ウエストが56センチ ヒップが86センチです 18 00:04:24.810 --> 00:04:27.810 お尻大きめです 19 00:04:27.810 --> 00:04:31.810 ナイスバディーでやらせてもらってます 20 00:04:33.810 --> 00:04:41.670 ありがとうございます 21 00:04:41.670 --> 00:04:45.670 アイドルをしてました 22 00:04:49.250 --> 00:05:00.430 歌うのが得意で グループの時もボーカルがメインでした 23 00:05:00.430 --> 00:05:07.690 斎藤重ねバージョンで大丈夫ですか 24 00:05:07.690 --> 00:05:11.690 いきます 321 25 00:05:11.690 --> 00:05:18.260 みなさんこんにちは モモイロピンク担当 斎藤重ねですお願いします 26 00:05:19.260 --> 00:05:26.280 久しぶりにやりました ありがとうございます 27 00:05:27.080 --> 00:05:43.900 好きな食べ物はドラヤキが一番好きで 最近はシュークリームとか 28 00:05:43.900 --> 00:05:47.900 甘いクリーム系の食べ物もハマってます 29 00:05:51.680 --> 00:05:57.790 いろんな人から言われます 30 00:05:58.790 --> 00:06:05.610 もう本当にドラヤキが食べるドラヤキが好きです 31 00:06:09.610 --> 00:06:17.850 はい 32 00:06:17.850 --> 00:06:19.850 はい 33 00:06:19.850 --> 00:06:25.850 中学校1年生の16歳から 高校3年生の18歳までやってました 34 00:06:25.850 --> 00:06:35.520 高校時代はサッカー部のマネージャーをしてました 35 00:06:35.520 --> 00:06:46.760 すごく大変で コモンの先生に 36 00:06:46.760 --> 00:06:49.760 お前かわいいから サッカー部のマネージャーでって 37 00:06:49.760 --> 00:06:53.760 スカウトされて入ったのがきっかけです 38 00:06:53.760 --> 00:07:04.120 いや もうみんなで仲良くって感じだったので 39 00:07:04.120 --> 00:07:06.120 あまり彼氏とかもできず 40 00:07:06.120 --> 00:07:09.120 アイドルに全力で頑張ってました 41 00:07:09.120 --> 00:07:16.620 はい 42 00:07:16.620 --> 00:07:26.860 キラキラアイドルでいたかったので 彼氏はできなかったです 43 00:07:26.860 --> 00:07:29.860 作らなかったです 44 00:07:29.860 --> 00:07:42.920 鈍感なので気づかなかったかもしれないです 45 00:07:42.920 --> 00:07:51.830 鈍感 人の行為に気づきづらいタイプです 46 00:07:51.830 --> 00:07:58.360 はい 47 00:07:58.360 --> 00:08:07.360 学校でもアイドルの時と同じ感じで もう元気で明るい 48 00:08:07.360 --> 00:08:15.600 天真乱漫な感じで毎日過ごしてました 49 00:08:15.600 --> 00:08:20.480 うん 緊張しない 50 00:08:20.480 --> 00:08:22.480 はい 51 00:08:22.480 --> 00:08:26.950 周りの人は知ってました 52 00:08:26.950 --> 00:08:33.870 そうですね 53 00:08:33.870 --> 00:08:44.470 でも学校のイベントとかで 54 00:08:44.470 --> 00:08:48.470 みんなと気軽に写真を撮るのが恒例だと思うんですけど 55 00:08:48.470 --> 00:08:52.470 あんまり自分から写真撮ろうって言えなかったので 56 00:08:52.470 --> 00:08:56.470 思い出が少し多分みんなより写真が少ないので 57 00:08:56.470 --> 00:08:59.470 そこはちょっと心残りかなって思います 58 00:08:59.470 --> 00:09:17.160 初恋 覚えてます 59 00:09:17.160 --> 00:09:26.490 なんかこれ恋だと自覚した初恋だと 60 00:09:26.490 --> 00:09:36.490 小学校1年生の時から小学校4年生ぐらいの時まで好きだった男の子なんですけど 61 00:09:36.490 --> 00:09:42.490 保育園から一緒でずっと好きで気になってはいたんですけど 62 00:09:42.490 --> 00:09:45.490 これが何か好きなのか分からなくて 63 00:09:45.490 --> 00:09:49.490 小学校に入って周りが付き合うとか付き合わないって 64 00:09:49.490 --> 00:09:51.490 きゃっきゃってなってる時に 65 00:09:51.490 --> 00:09:57.490 私の好きな人ってあの男の子なんだなって気づいてから 66 00:09:57.490 --> 00:09:59.490 ずっと片思いをしてて 67 00:09:59.490 --> 00:10:03.490 結局バレンタインのチョコをあげて帰ってこずに 68 00:10:03.490 --> 00:10:06.490 そのまま終わってしまったんですけど 69 00:10:06.490 --> 00:10:11.490 あれが一番多分甘酸っぱい初恋だったんじゃないかなって思います 70 00:10:11.490 --> 00:10:19.360 帰ってこなかったのちょっと悲しかったんですけど 71 00:10:19.360 --> 00:10:29.440 はいとってもいい思い出です 72 00:10:29.440 --> 00:10:35.180 初小谷 73 00:10:35.180 --> 00:10:46.820 記憶が浅いんですけど本当に20歳とかぐらいだったと思います 74 00:10:46.820 --> 00:10:48.820 20歳だね 75 00:10:48.820 --> 00:10:55.910 そうですね 76 00:10:55.910 --> 00:10:58.910 全力で突っ走ってました 77 00:10:58.910 --> 00:11:06.160 はい 78 00:11:06.160 --> 00:11:13.160 その時は声フェチですごく声を聞くのが好きで 79 00:11:13.160 --> 00:11:17.160 シチュエーションボイスみたいなのを聞いてしました 80 00:11:17.160 --> 00:11:26.240 何をやればいいのか全く分からなくて 81 00:11:26.240 --> 00:11:38.400 ただただ声に癒されてるってなんかちょっと気持ちいいなっていう感じでした 82 00:11:38.400 --> 00:11:48.950 今はそこまで頻繁にはしてないですけど週3回程度してます 83 00:11:48.950 --> 00:11:58.250 結構してますか 84 00:11:58.250 --> 00:12:02.250 声に芽生えた瞬間 85 00:12:02.250 --> 00:12:07.250 周りの友達がそういうことを話し始めたりしたタイミング 86 00:12:07.250 --> 00:12:16.700 その時に男性を意識する 87 00:12:16.700 --> 00:12:20.700 今までは好きか好意があるかないかだったんですけど 88 00:12:20.700 --> 00:12:30.920 男性として見るようになったのはそのくらいの時だと思います 89 00:12:38.660 --> 00:12:44.660 初体験は18歳の夏が初体験です 90 00:12:44.660 --> 00:12:50.600 そうですね 91 00:12:50.600 --> 00:12:54.600 アイドルをやっていたのもあって男性経験が少なかったので 92 00:12:54.600 --> 00:13:00.600 そこまで声に対して興味がずっとなかったんですけど 93 00:13:00.600 --> 00:13:06.600 アイドルをやめてから芽生えるようになって初体験したっていう感じです 94 00:13:06.600 --> 00:13:17.250 相手は後輩なんですけどサッカー部の後輩の友達です 95 00:13:23.220 --> 00:13:28.220 ちょっと結構深い話になるんですけど 96 00:13:28.220 --> 00:13:34.220 周りが少女同手を卒業し始めて 97 00:13:34.220 --> 00:13:39.220 自分がまだ未経験だっていうことに焦りを感じてて 98 00:13:39.220 --> 00:13:46.220 その時に好きになった人と初体験をしたいって思ったんですけど 99 00:13:46.220 --> 00:13:49.220 付き合えないとできないって思ってたら 100 00:13:49.220 --> 00:13:54.220 家に誘われて親がいないから来ないって言われて 101 00:13:54.220 --> 00:13:57.220 その時今はもう塞がってるんですけど 102 00:13:57.220 --> 00:14:01.220 ピアスを開けるっていう口実で家に行って 103 00:14:01.220 --> 00:14:06.220 ピアスを開けた後に初体験しました 104 00:14:06.220 --> 00:14:12.770 痛かったです最初は 105 00:14:12.770 --> 00:14:23.430 その後付き合いはしなかったです 106 00:14:23.430 --> 00:14:31.880 私がずっと片思いをしてて 107 00:14:31.880 --> 00:14:35.880 私から告白するのはちょっとできなくて 108 00:14:35.880 --> 00:14:42.880 そのまま自然消滅というか気持ちがだんだん薄れていってっていう感じです 109 00:14:42.880 --> 00:14:49.710 初体験自体はすごい幸せでした 110 00:14:49.710 --> 00:14:55.710 自分の好きな人と初体験だったので幸せでした 111 00:15:04.180 --> 00:15:12.400 経験人数は3人ほどです 112 00:15:12.400 --> 00:15:19.180 初体験の方と2人が彼氏です 113 00:15:26.550 --> 00:15:31.840 体位ですか? 114 00:15:31.840 --> 00:15:36.840 体位だと人の温もりを感じるのが好きなので 115 00:15:36.840 --> 00:15:38.840 正常位が一番好きです 116 00:15:42.120 --> 00:15:46.120 温もり抱きしめながらする正常位が一番好きです 117 00:15:48.120 --> 00:15:49.120 密着型 118 00:15:57.800 --> 00:15:58.800 Mだと思います 119 00:16:05.570 --> 00:16:14.570 責められてる方がすごい大切にしてくれてる感じがして嬉しいです 120 00:16:24.500 --> 00:16:27.500 男性のタイプはよく笑う方が好きです 121 00:16:27.500 --> 00:16:32.500 自分もよく笑うので一緒に楽しいことを共有できる人が好きです 122 00:16:35.390 --> 00:16:37.390 共感タイプが好きです 123 00:16:42.900 --> 00:16:50.070 好きな人の前ではキョドキョドして喋れなくなります 124 00:16:54.430 --> 00:16:55.430 出来ないですか? 125 00:16:56.430 --> 00:16:58.430 多分汗汗してます 126 00:16:58.430 --> 00:16:59.430 焦ってます 127 00:17:04.300 --> 00:17:05.300 そうですね 128 00:17:05.300 --> 00:17:07.300 目を見て話せない 129 00:17:07.300 --> 00:17:10.300 ドキドキして目を見て話せないので 130 00:17:12.300 --> 00:17:13.300 多分すぐ好きってばれます 131 00:17:15.300 --> 00:17:24.690 わざと焦らすタイプです 132 00:17:25.690 --> 00:17:28.690 早く返したいっていう気持ちもあるけど 133 00:17:28.690 --> 00:17:31.690 ちょっと焦らそうかなってなって 134 00:17:31.690 --> 00:17:35.690 数分置いてやっぱすぐ返したくて返すタイプです 135 00:17:59.700 --> 00:18:04.700 アイドルはすごく楽しくてキラキラ輝ける場所で 136 00:18:05.700 --> 00:18:07.700 楽しい気持ちで卒業したんですけど 137 00:18:07.700 --> 00:18:13.700 大人になってみて自分の体とか知識とかもたくさん得て 138 00:18:14.700 --> 00:18:17.700 自分がまだ輝ける場所があるなっていうのを思って 139 00:18:17.700 --> 00:18:19.700 AV女優転身しました 140 00:18:32.050 --> 00:18:34.050 ありのままお届けしたいです 141 00:18:39.760 --> 00:18:42.760 AVはずっと憧れの女優さんは 142 00:18:42.760 --> 00:18:46.760 前作品ちゃんと買って見てました 143 00:18:51.820 --> 00:18:56.820 その女優さんだとメンズエステのシチュエーションの 144 00:18:56.820 --> 00:18:58.820 プレイが一番好きでした 145 00:18:58.820 --> 00:19:02.350 メンズエステ 146 00:19:03.350 --> 00:19:04.350 ヌルヌルで 147 00:19:07.490 --> 00:19:09.490 多分私転んじゃう気がするんですけど 148 00:19:09.490 --> 00:19:11.490 やってみたいなって思います 149 00:19:20.400 --> 00:19:24.400 ビデオでやりたいことは今も制服着てるんですけど 150 00:19:25.400 --> 00:19:26.400 コスプレとか 151 00:19:27.400 --> 00:19:30.400 いろんな普段の日常じゃ着られないコスプレとか 152 00:19:30.400 --> 00:19:33.400 ステプレイしてみたいなって思います 153 00:19:33.400 --> 00:19:35.710 アニメとか 154 00:19:35.710 --> 00:19:37.710 そういうの全くやったことないので 155 00:19:37.710 --> 00:19:39.710 ちょっとやってみたいです 156 00:19:42.210 --> 00:19:49.900 ミードとか 157 00:19:49.900 --> 00:19:50.900 普通の制服です 158 00:19:51.900 --> 00:19:52.900 リアルな 159 00:19:53.900 --> 00:19:54.900 夏服です 160 00:19:56.900 --> 00:19:58.900 ありがとうございます 161 00:20:08.960 --> 00:20:17.860 大丈夫です 162 00:20:23.450 --> 00:20:57.160 第一ボタンが 163 00:20:57.160 --> 00:20:58.160 硬いです 164 00:21:01.160 --> 00:21:02.160 取れない 165 00:21:28.480 --> 00:21:30.480 ちょっと緊張してます 166 00:21:30.480 --> 00:21:32.480 まだ撫でないです 167 00:21:37.350 --> 00:21:40.350 いつもの3倍ぐらいボタンを外すスピードが 168 00:21:40.350 --> 00:21:41.350 遅いです 169 00:21:42.350 --> 00:21:43.350 緊張して 170 00:21:44.350 --> 00:21:47.680 緊張ですね 171 00:22:34.440 --> 00:22:35.440 かわいい下着を 172 00:22:37.440 --> 00:22:38.440 水色の 173 00:22:53.940 --> 00:22:55.940 同じぐらい緊張してるんですけど 174 00:22:55.940 --> 00:22:57.940 ちょっと違う意味で恥ずかしさもあるので 175 00:22:58.940 --> 00:23:00.940 多分今の方が緊張してます 176 00:23:07.380 --> 00:23:54.360 恥ずかしいですね 177 00:23:55.360 --> 00:24:00.560 ないです 178 00:24:00.560 --> 00:24:05.530 本当に初です 179 00:24:05.530 --> 00:24:13.710 セットもかわいい下着です 180 00:24:14.710 --> 00:24:19.240 こういう感じの淡い色が好きです 181 00:24:20.240 --> 00:24:29.270 ビールポイントは 182 00:24:30.270 --> 00:24:31.270 首輪と 183 00:24:31.270 --> 00:24:32.270 お尻 184 00:24:40.120 --> 00:24:41.120 後ろ向いて 185 00:24:42.120 --> 00:24:49.100 大丈夫 186 00:25:09.060 --> 00:25:11.060 お尻のパフォーマンスはなかったです 187 00:25:17.760 --> 00:25:18.760 ありました 188 00:25:18.760 --> 00:25:19.760 ミニスカートだったので 189 00:25:20.760 --> 00:25:21.760 回った時とかに 190 00:25:21.760 --> 00:25:22.760 パンチラというか 191 00:25:23.760 --> 00:25:25.760 お店番が見える感じの振り付けとかは 192 00:25:25.760 --> 00:25:26.760 よくありました 193 00:26:11.600 --> 00:26:12.600 隠していいなら 194 00:26:12.600 --> 00:26:13.600 隠したいです 195 00:26:32.730 --> 00:26:33.730 こんな感じ 196 00:27:04.470 --> 00:27:06.470 急にドアアップになって 197 00:27:18.870 --> 00:27:19.870 靴下も 198 00:28:10.720 --> 00:28:11.720 整えてます 199 00:28:15.720 --> 00:28:31.600 初ですね 200 00:29:05.340 --> 00:29:06.340 緊張します 201 00:29:07.340 --> 00:29:09.340 お尻取られることってないので 202 00:29:13.760 --> 00:29:14.760 全身です 203 00:29:50.820 --> 00:29:55.690 はい 204 00:29:55.690 --> 00:29:56.690 いきます 205 00:30:00.220 --> 00:30:01.220 その格好してていい? 206 00:30:02.220 --> 00:30:03.220 このまま 207 00:30:03.220 --> 00:30:07.770 いきます 208 00:30:07.770 --> 00:30:08.770 3 209 00:30:08.770 --> 00:30:09.770 2 210 00:30:09.770 --> 00:30:10.770 1 211 00:30:10.770 --> 00:30:11.770 はい 212 00:30:11.770 --> 00:30:12.770 元気いっぱい桃色担当の 213 00:30:12.770 --> 00:30:13.770 斎藤明です 214 00:30:14.770 --> 00:30:15.770 お願いします 215 00:30:16.770 --> 00:30:24.270 いや恥ずかしいです 216 00:30:33.150 --> 00:30:34.150 ありがとうございます 217 00:30:47.210 --> 00:30:52.080 はい 218 00:30:52.080 --> 00:30:53.080 ドキドキがちょっと 219 00:30:53.080 --> 00:30:54.080 止まらないです 220 00:31:00.810 --> 00:31:01.810 はい 221 00:31:02.810 --> 00:31:03.810 楽しみです 222 00:31:03.810 --> 00:31:05.810 ずっと自分が知らない 223 00:31:06.810 --> 00:31:07.810 業界が 224 00:31:07.810 --> 00:31:08.810 このAVの業界だったので 225 00:31:09.810 --> 00:31:10.810 楽しみが 226 00:31:10.810 --> 00:31:11.810 一番大きいです 227 00:31:25.810 --> 00:31:26.810 アイドルの時みたいに 228 00:31:27.810 --> 00:31:28.810 キラキラ笑顔を 229 00:31:29.810 --> 00:31:30.810 届けられるようにと 230 00:31:31.810 --> 00:31:32.810 見てくれる 231 00:31:32.810 --> 00:31:33.810 ファンの方に 232 00:31:34.810 --> 00:31:35.810 笑顔になってもらえるように 233 00:31:37.810 --> 00:31:38.810 エッチな 234 00:31:38.810 --> 00:31:39.810 動画をお届けしたいと思います 235 00:31:41.810 --> 00:31:46.560 はい 236 00:31:46.560 --> 00:31:47.560 お願いします 237 00:32:03.440 --> 00:32:04.440 初めまして 238 00:32:04.440 --> 00:32:05.440 初めまして 239 00:32:07.440 --> 00:32:08.440 葛さんめっちゃかわいいね 240 00:32:09.440 --> 00:32:10.440 ありがとうございます 241 00:32:11.440 --> 00:32:12.440 めちゃくちゃかわいいよ 242 00:32:14.440 --> 00:32:18.030 いいの? 243 00:32:18.030 --> 00:32:19.030 エッチちゃんだよ 244 00:32:23.490 --> 00:32:24.490 すっごい緊張してる今 245 00:32:25.490 --> 00:32:26.490 うん 246 00:32:26.490 --> 00:32:27.490 すごい緊張してる 247 00:32:31.210 --> 00:32:32.210 人生何番目ぐらい 248 00:32:32.210 --> 00:32:33.210 緊張ですか 249 00:32:34.210 --> 00:32:35.210 一番です 250 00:32:35.210 --> 00:32:36.210 一番 251 00:32:38.210 --> 00:32:39.210 いろいろでも 252 00:32:39.210 --> 00:32:40.210 アイドル活動してた 253 00:32:40.210 --> 00:32:41.210 うん 254 00:32:41.210 --> 00:32:42.210 って聞いたんですけど 255 00:32:42.210 --> 00:32:43.210 はい 256 00:32:43.210 --> 00:32:44.210 ね 257 00:32:44.210 --> 00:32:45.210 でもいろんな 258 00:32:45.210 --> 00:32:46.210 一番最初に 259 00:32:46.210 --> 00:32:47.210 なんか 260 00:32:47.210 --> 00:32:48.210 お客さんの前に 261 00:32:48.210 --> 00:32:49.210 立つ時とか 262 00:32:49.210 --> 00:32:50.210 あったでしょ 263 00:32:50.210 --> 00:32:51.210 あった 264 00:32:51.210 --> 00:32:52.210 それも飛び越えましたか 265 00:32:53.210 --> 00:32:54.210 それも飛び越えてます 266 00:32:54.210 --> 00:32:55.210 あー 267 00:32:56.210 --> 00:32:57.210 ほんとに 268 00:32:57.210 --> 00:32:58.210 うん 269 00:32:58.210 --> 00:32:59.210 ね もう 270 00:32:59.210 --> 00:33:00.210 エッチちゃうんだよ 271 00:33:00.210 --> 00:33:03.100 さっき 272 00:33:04.100 --> 00:33:05.100 すごいよね 273 00:33:05.100 --> 00:33:06.100 すごい 274 00:33:09.180 --> 00:33:10.180 大丈夫? 275 00:33:10.180 --> 00:33:11.180 大丈夫 276 00:33:11.180 --> 00:33:12.180 ちょっと 277 00:33:12.180 --> 00:33:13.180 沢山って思った? 278 00:33:13.180 --> 00:33:14.180 うん 279 00:33:15.180 --> 00:33:16.180 思ってない 280 00:33:16.180 --> 00:33:17.180 思ってないの 281 00:33:17.180 --> 00:33:18.180 うん 282 00:33:18.180 --> 00:33:19.180 結構付き合った人 283 00:33:19.180 --> 00:33:20.180 若い人多い 284 00:33:20.180 --> 00:33:21.180 若い人が多い 285 00:33:21.180 --> 00:33:22.180 でも 286 00:33:23.180 --> 00:33:25.180 あ なんにぐらい付けたの 287 00:33:25.180 --> 00:33:26.180 2人です 288 00:33:26.180 --> 00:33:28.940 あ 何歳? 289 00:33:28.940 --> 00:33:29.940 年上って 290 00:33:29.940 --> 00:33:30.940 3個目で 291 00:33:31.940 --> 00:33:32.940 それだけか 292 00:33:38.340 --> 00:33:39.340 ちょっと楽しみだな 293 00:33:39.340 --> 00:33:40.340 皆さん 294 00:33:42.340 --> 00:33:44.340 アクション 鳴っちゃう 295 00:33:44.340 --> 00:33:46.340 You don't have to shake hands. 296 00:33:46.340 --> 00:33:48.340 You look beautiful. 297 00:33:48.340 --> 00:33:50.340 That's what idols do. 298 00:34:02.000 --> 00:34:04.000 You have to be nervous. 299 00:34:04.000 --> 00:34:10.260 I'm nervous. 300 00:34:10.260 --> 00:34:12.260 Let's start with Kasane. 301 00:34:16.830 --> 00:34:18.830 Have you been working out lately? 302 00:34:18.830 --> 00:34:20.830 No, I haven't. 303 00:34:20.830 --> 00:34:22.830 Do you work out with other members? 304 00:34:22.830 --> 00:34:24.830 I work out with other members. 305 00:34:24.830 --> 00:34:46.920 I'm scared. 306 00:34:59.320 --> 00:35:01.320 I want to kiss you. 307 00:35:26.400 --> 00:35:32.270 It was your lips. 308 00:35:34.270 --> 00:35:36.270 It smells good. 309 00:36:01.600 --> 00:36:03.600 I want to kiss all the fans. 310 00:36:13.230 --> 00:36:15.230 Show me your bottom. 311 00:36:17.730 --> 00:36:19.730 Show me more. 312 00:36:20.730 --> 00:36:22.730 Your bottom is cute. 313 00:36:23.730 --> 00:36:25.730 Are you embarrassed? 314 00:36:25.730 --> 00:36:27.730 Your bottom is beautiful. 315 00:36:29.730 --> 00:36:31.730 Show me your bottom. 316 00:37:04.960 --> 00:37:06.960 Your bottom is soft. 317 00:37:22.120 --> 00:37:30.100 You can kiss me. 318 00:37:31.100 --> 00:37:33.100 I want to kiss you. 319 00:37:34.100 --> 00:37:36.100 Your bottom is beautiful. 320 00:37:37.100 --> 00:37:39.100 Your bottom is getting red. 321 00:37:39.100 --> 00:37:41.100 Is it getting red? 322 00:37:48.780 --> 00:37:52.090 It smells good. 323 00:37:52.090 --> 00:37:54.090 It's a pleasant entrance. 324 00:37:54.090 --> 00:38:02.840 Is it a pleasant entrance? 325 00:38:14.080 --> 00:38:16.080 It's hot. 326 00:38:17.080 --> 00:38:19.080 I'm sorry. 327 00:38:50.090 --> 00:38:52.090 It's perfect. 328 00:38:57.560 --> 00:38:59.560 What kind of person do you like? 329 00:38:59.560 --> 00:39:01.560 I like people who laugh a lot. 330 00:39:01.560 --> 00:39:05.000 Do you laugh a lot? 331 00:39:05.000 --> 00:39:07.000 Do you laugh a lot? 332 00:39:32.710 --> 00:39:34.710 It's hard to be touched by an idol. 333 00:39:40.220 --> 00:39:49.870 What? 334 00:40:06.130 --> 00:40:08.130 I like Kuriko the most. 335 00:40:08.130 --> 00:40:10.130 Do you like Kuriko? 336 00:40:11.130 --> 00:40:13.130 Even though you're an idol? 337 00:40:16.130 --> 00:40:18.130 I like Kuriko the most. 338 00:40:18.130 --> 00:40:24.930 Is there anyone else? 339 00:40:24.930 --> 00:40:26.930 Do you like each other? 340 00:40:26.930 --> 00:40:31.270 Do you know each other? 341 00:40:31.270 --> 00:40:33.270 Do you know each other? 342 00:40:46.560 --> 00:40:53.520 Can you see each other? 343 00:40:53.520 --> 00:40:55.520 Do you take pictures? 344 00:40:55.520 --> 00:40:57.520 Do you take pictures? 345 00:40:57.520 --> 00:40:59.520 I don't. 346 00:40:59.520 --> 00:41:01.520 I don't. 347 00:41:01.520 --> 00:41:03.520 Do you take pictures together? 348 00:41:03.520 --> 00:41:05.520 I don't. 349 00:41:05.520 --> 00:41:07.520 Do you take pictures together? 350 00:41:07.520 --> 00:41:09.520 We take pictures together. 351 00:41:28.880 --> 00:41:35.780 Your bottom is beautiful. 352 00:41:35.780 --> 00:41:37.780 Your bottom is beautiful. 353 00:41:37.780 --> 00:41:48.450 What do you like the most about your body? 354 00:41:48.450 --> 00:41:50.450 I like my hips the most. 355 00:41:50.450 --> 00:41:52.450 Why? 356 00:41:52.450 --> 00:41:54.450 My hips are often praised. 357 00:41:54.450 --> 00:41:56.450 Your hips are often praised? 358 00:41:58.450 --> 00:42:00.450 Who are you showing it to? 359 00:42:00.450 --> 00:42:02.450 Who are you showing it to? 360 00:42:02.450 --> 00:42:04.450 It's not like that. 361 00:42:04.450 --> 00:42:06.450 Can you put your face on it? 362 00:42:08.450 --> 00:42:11.760 Look at me. 363 00:42:11.760 --> 00:42:16.680 It's really beautiful. 364 00:42:16.680 --> 00:42:28.370 Do you have a tea bag? 365 00:42:28.370 --> 00:42:42.560 Do you have a tea bag? 366 00:42:42.560 --> 00:42:44.560 I have a tea bag. 367 00:42:44.560 --> 00:42:46.560 Really? 368 00:42:46.560 --> 00:42:48.560 Can I have a tea bag? 369 00:43:27.300 --> 00:43:31.190 I was embarrassed not to lick my buttocks. 370 00:43:33.190 --> 00:43:46.040 Are you nervous? 371 00:43:46.040 --> 00:43:48.040 I'm nervous. 372 00:43:48.040 --> 00:43:50.040 I want to show my buttocks. 373 00:43:50.040 --> 00:43:52.040 I want to show my buttocks. 374 00:43:52.040 --> 00:43:54.040 You said you wanted to lick my buttocks. 375 00:43:54.040 --> 00:44:27.010 I want to lick your buttocks. 376 00:44:27.010 --> 00:44:30.390 She got it. 377 00:44:30.390 --> 00:44:33.830 Your bottom is beautiful. 378 00:44:33.830 --> 00:44:37.400 Your bottom is beautiful. 379 00:44:37.400 --> 00:44:41.090 Your bottom is beautiful. 380 00:44:41.090 --> 00:44:43.090 What color do you have the most? 381 00:44:43.090 --> 00:44:45.090 I have many pastel colors. 382 00:44:45.090 --> 00:44:47.090 What do you mean pink? 383 00:44:47.090 --> 00:44:49.090 I have a lot of pastel colors. 384 00:44:49.090 --> 00:45:01.010 What do you like the most? 385 00:45:01.010 --> 00:45:11.650 I like jacuzzi. 386 00:45:11.650 --> 00:45:13.650 I like jacuzzi. 387 00:45:13.650 --> 00:45:15.650 I have to see you. 388 00:45:15.650 --> 00:45:31.960 What do you want me to do with my wrist? 389 00:45:31.960 --> 00:45:34.960 You don't touch it by yourself, do you? 390 00:45:34.960 --> 00:45:35.960 I do. 391 00:45:35.960 --> 00:45:50.320 Don't look at it. 392 00:45:50.320 --> 00:46:02.350 It's like a boundary line between an idol and an AV. 393 00:46:02.350 --> 00:46:19.000 You have a beautiful wrist. 394 00:46:19.000 --> 00:46:27.710 Mine is beautiful, but yours is beautiful, too. 395 00:46:27.710 --> 00:46:29.710 Do you like my wrist? 396 00:46:29.710 --> 00:46:33.020 Yes. 397 00:46:33.020 --> 00:46:56.970 It feels good, doesn't it? 398 00:46:56.970 --> 00:47:16.250 Don't scratch it. 399 00:47:16.250 --> 00:47:23.250 It feels good, doesn't it? 400 00:47:23.250 --> 00:47:37.990 It's better to lick it. 401 00:47:37.990 --> 00:47:41.990 I want you to lick my wrist. 402 00:47:41.990 --> 00:48:09.370 It's good, isn't it? 403 00:48:09.370 --> 00:48:11.370 It's delicious. 404 00:48:11.370 --> 00:48:12.370 It's delicious. 405 00:48:12.370 --> 00:48:33.480 It's sensitive, isn't it? 406 00:48:33.480 --> 00:48:37.240 It's amazing. 407 00:48:37.240 --> 00:48:39.240 It's good for the whole body. 408 00:48:39.240 --> 00:48:41.240 It's good for the whole body. 409 00:48:41.240 --> 00:48:45.000 It's sensitive, isn't it? 410 00:48:45.000 --> 00:48:56.390 You're looking at a lot of things, aren't you? 411 00:48:56.390 --> 00:48:58.390 I'm curious. 412 00:49:15.150 --> 00:49:20.610 Did you see the AV? 413 00:49:20.610 --> 00:49:22.610 I can't believe it. 414 00:49:22.610 --> 00:49:24.610 What are you looking at? 415 00:49:24.610 --> 00:49:26.610 I'm looking at a lot of things. 416 00:49:26.610 --> 00:49:31.610 I'm looking at the same actress as in the previous movie. 417 00:49:31.610 --> 00:49:34.610 You're a very strong fan. 418 00:49:34.610 --> 00:49:37.610 Who's been watching you recently? 419 00:49:37.610 --> 00:49:42.610 I graduated from Yua Mikami recently. 420 00:49:42.610 --> 00:49:51.520 Really? 421 00:49:51.520 --> 00:49:54.520 I don't remember. 422 00:49:54.520 --> 00:49:57.520 I'm in love with Yua. 423 00:50:08.180 --> 00:50:35.620 I'm going to take this off. 424 00:50:35.620 --> 00:50:37.620 What are you going to do? 425 00:50:37.620 --> 00:50:39.620 I don't know. 426 00:50:39.620 --> 00:50:41.620 I don't know. 427 00:50:46.620 --> 00:50:50.620 What are you going to do? 428 00:50:50.620 --> 00:50:55.620 I'm going to watch the movie, but I'm not going to do anything with it. 429 00:50:55.620 --> 00:50:58.620 What are you going to do? 430 00:50:58.620 --> 00:51:00.620 I'm going to listen to the voice. 431 00:51:00.620 --> 00:51:02.620 I like the voice. 432 00:51:02.620 --> 00:51:05.620 It's like a situation voice. 433 00:51:05.620 --> 00:51:08.620 Is there a situation voice now? 434 00:51:08.620 --> 00:51:14.850 It's like a situation voice. 435 00:51:38.590 --> 00:51:47.920 What's wrong? 436 00:51:47.920 --> 00:51:49.920 You're hiding your face with your bare feet. 437 00:51:49.920 --> 00:51:53.800 I'm embarrassed. 438 00:51:53.800 --> 00:51:55.800 It's okay. 439 00:52:00.270 --> 00:52:02.270 I'm going to turn off the lights. 440 00:52:02.270 --> 00:52:10.680 I'm going to turn it off again. 441 00:52:10.680 --> 00:52:20.290 Do you know if you're wet or not? 442 00:52:20.290 --> 00:52:22.290 Do you understand? 443 00:52:22.290 --> 00:52:31.840 I understand. 444 00:52:31.840 --> 00:52:35.840 It doesn't matter if you can't get wet. 445 00:52:35.840 --> 00:52:38.840 I see. 446 00:52:38.840 --> 00:52:40.840 Do you think you're wet or not? 447 00:52:40.840 --> 00:52:46.400 I think I'm wet. 448 00:52:46.400 --> 00:52:48.400 What are you doing? 449 00:52:48.400 --> 00:52:52.360 That's right. 450 00:52:52.360 --> 00:52:54.360 It's soaked. 451 00:52:55.360 --> 00:53:00.970 It's soaked. 452 00:53:00.970 --> 00:53:06.650 You're getting hot. 453 00:53:06.650 --> 00:53:08.650 I'm getting hot. 454 00:53:08.650 --> 00:53:12.030 Do you want me to touch you? 455 00:53:12.030 --> 00:53:14.030 Do you want me to touch you? 456 00:53:20.810 --> 00:53:24.890 You're going to get hot. 457 00:53:27.890 --> 00:53:41.960 You're sweating. 458 00:53:41.960 --> 00:53:43.960 You're sweating. 459 00:53:43.960 --> 00:53:54.030 I can see your sweat. 460 00:53:54.030 --> 00:53:59.580 You're beautiful. 461 00:54:00.580 --> 00:54:05.880 You're small. 462 00:54:05.880 --> 00:54:07.880 You're as small as Kasane. 463 00:54:13.260 --> 00:54:15.260 You're as small as an idol. 464 00:54:15.260 --> 00:54:17.260 I'm embarrassed. 465 00:54:17.260 --> 00:54:19.260 I'm embarrassed. 466 00:54:19.260 --> 00:54:21.260 You're embarrassed. 467 00:54:40.450 --> 00:54:41.450 Do you understand? 468 00:54:41.450 --> 00:54:46.620 I'm embarrassed. 469 00:54:48.620 --> 00:54:50.620 You're amazing. 470 00:54:52.620 --> 00:54:54.620 You're wet. 471 00:54:55.620 --> 00:55:01.810 Can you get wet like this? 472 00:55:01.810 --> 00:55:03.810 It's easy to get wet. 473 00:55:10.800 --> 00:55:23.130 I feel good. 474 00:55:25.130 --> 00:55:27.130 You can feel it a lot. 475 00:55:43.710 --> 00:55:45.710 You'll be surprised when you touch it. 476 00:56:56.780 --> 00:56:58.780 How do you feel? 477 00:56:58.780 --> 00:57:00.780 I feel good. 478 00:57:01.780 --> 00:57:06.310 Can I touch you? 479 00:57:13.180 --> 00:57:14.180 I can't. 480 00:57:14.180 --> 00:57:16.180 I'm embarrassed. 481 00:57:37.590 --> 00:57:39.590 Can you look at me? 482 00:57:39.590 --> 00:58:00.950 I can touch you with my elbow. 483 00:58:09.450 --> 00:58:26.170 How do you feel? 484 00:58:26.170 --> 00:58:43.560 I feel good. 485 00:58:49.200 --> 00:58:51.200 How do you feel? 486 00:58:51.200 --> 00:58:53.200 I feel good. 487 00:59:05.540 --> 00:59:07.540 Don't you feel hot? 488 00:59:07.540 --> 00:59:09.540 I feel good. 489 01:00:01.500 --> 01:00:10.700 You're wet. 490 01:00:10.700 --> 01:00:15.680 How do you feel? 491 01:00:15.680 --> 01:00:17.680 I feel good. 492 01:00:17.680 --> 01:00:19.680 I feel good. 493 01:00:21.680 --> 01:00:29.280 You're wet. 494 01:00:30.280 --> 01:00:32.280 Touch me. 495 01:00:36.280 --> 01:00:38.280 You're wet. 496 01:00:39.280 --> 01:00:43.800 Touch me. 497 01:00:45.800 --> 01:00:47.800 There are people who like you the most. 498 01:00:47.800 --> 01:00:53.260 There are people who like you the most. 499 01:00:53.260 --> 01:00:55.260 You like me the most. 500 01:00:57.260 --> 01:00:59.260 You're an idol. 501 01:01:01.260 --> 01:01:08.410 Look at me. 502 01:01:15.790 --> 01:01:17.790 I feel good. 503 01:01:17.790 --> 01:01:27.240 Don't you feel hot? 504 01:01:27.240 --> 01:01:29.240 Do you feel hot? 505 01:01:29.240 --> 01:01:35.370 I feel good. 506 01:01:40.600 --> 01:01:51.470 Touch me. 507 01:01:51.470 --> 01:01:53.470 You feel hot. 508 01:01:53.470 --> 01:02:46.220 There are people who like you the most. 509 01:02:46.220 --> 01:03:01.820 It hurts. 510 01:03:58.240 --> 01:04:18.960 It hurts. 511 01:04:29.070 --> 01:04:34.360 Do you like living together? 512 01:04:34.360 --> 01:04:36.360 Yes. 513 01:04:36.360 --> 01:04:38.360 Do you like living together? 514 01:04:38.360 --> 01:04:44.560 I don't like living together. 515 01:06:14.980 --> 01:06:16.980 Are you going to wake up? 516 01:06:19.980 --> 01:06:21.980 Let me go. 517 01:06:21.980 --> 01:06:23.980 Do you want to sleep? 518 01:06:27.930 --> 01:06:29.930 It's hard. 519 01:06:29.930 --> 01:06:37.660 It's hard. 520 01:06:37.660 --> 01:06:43.470 Let me go. 521 01:06:44.470 --> 01:06:55.520 You touched me. 522 01:06:56.520 --> 01:06:58.520 It's hard. 523 01:07:07.800 --> 01:07:09.800 You're blowing me. 524 01:07:09.800 --> 01:07:11.800 You're blowing me. 525 01:07:13.800 --> 01:07:15.800 Do you want to sleep? 526 01:07:15.800 --> 01:07:24.870 I want to sleep. 527 01:07:24.870 --> 01:07:26.870 Are you going to go up? 528 01:07:26.870 --> 01:07:28.870 Are you going to go up? 529 01:07:28.870 --> 01:07:43.830 Are you going to go up? 530 01:07:43.830 --> 01:07:45.830 Are you going to go up? 531 01:07:45.830 --> 01:07:47.830 Why? 532 01:07:47.830 --> 01:07:49.830 Why? 533 01:07:49.830 --> 01:07:54.400 How does it feel to be among the people you've met so far? 534 01:07:54.400 --> 01:08:04.450 Feels good. 535 01:08:04.450 --> 01:08:10.710 Your hands are like mangos. 536 01:08:11.710 --> 01:08:19.460 Is it good? 537 01:08:19.460 --> 01:08:20.460 Yeah. 538 01:08:32.630 --> 01:08:53.030 It's too big to fit in the back. 539 01:08:53.030 --> 01:08:54.030 Really? 540 01:08:55.030 --> 01:08:57.030 Can you do it while looking at it? 541 01:08:57.030 --> 01:09:19.000 Sane-chan, you're good at it. 542 01:09:55.810 --> 01:09:57.810 I'm nervous. 543 01:09:57.810 --> 01:09:59.810 Can you do it while looking at it? 544 01:10:01.810 --> 01:10:08.580 What are you doing? 545 01:10:09.580 --> 01:10:11.580 I'm drawing a picture. 546 01:10:11.580 --> 01:10:18.510 Can you do it a little more? 547 01:10:19.510 --> 01:11:12.520 You're good at it. 548 01:12:07.760 --> 01:12:09.760 Can you look at me? 549 01:12:10.760 --> 01:12:17.330 You can stretch your legs. 550 01:12:20.600 --> 01:12:22.600 Sane-chan, do you like licking? 551 01:12:47.680 --> 01:12:49.680 Can you lick me too? 552 01:12:49.680 --> 01:12:51.680 You looked happy when you touched me. 553 01:12:51.680 --> 01:13:03.760 Stretch your legs. 554 01:13:03.760 --> 01:13:05.760 Can you put it in your mouth and pull it? 555 01:13:12.920 --> 01:13:14.920 How did you feel when you put it in your mouth? 556 01:13:14.920 --> 01:13:16.920 It's like candy. 557 01:13:18.920 --> 01:13:19.920 Was it sweet? 558 01:13:19.920 --> 01:13:20.920 Yeah. 559 01:13:57.930 --> 01:14:03.240 Have you ever lived in a man's mouth? 560 01:14:06.240 --> 01:14:08.240 Sane-chan, you're good at it. 561 01:14:10.240 --> 01:14:12.240 I want to put it out. 562 01:14:23.900 --> 01:14:38.410 I'm going to put it out. 563 01:14:39.410 --> 01:14:48.100 Tell me if you want to put it in. 564 01:14:50.100 --> 01:14:54.950 I want to put it in. 565 01:14:54.950 --> 01:14:55.950 Do you want to put it in? 566 01:14:55.950 --> 01:14:57.950 I don't know. 567 01:14:59.950 --> 01:15:16.510 What if I put it in? 568 01:15:16.510 --> 01:15:22.640 Will it come out if I put it in? 569 01:15:22.640 --> 01:15:24.640 That's right. 570 01:15:26.640 --> 01:15:28.640 It's not ready yet. 571 01:15:29.640 --> 01:15:31.640 I'm a little nervous. 572 01:15:42.180 --> 01:15:52.600 I want to put it in. 573 01:15:52.600 --> 01:15:54.600 Do you want to have sex? 574 01:15:54.600 --> 01:16:03.570 It's going to be heavy. 575 01:16:03.570 --> 01:16:04.570 It's going to be. 576 01:16:04.570 --> 01:16:14.990 It's hard. 577 01:16:16.990 --> 01:16:18.990 Let's take it easy. 578 01:16:19.990 --> 01:16:26.820 Let's wait a minute. 579 01:16:26.820 --> 01:16:27.820 It's okay. 580 01:16:27.820 --> 01:16:28.820 Is it a little big? 581 01:16:28.820 --> 01:16:39.940 It's a little big. 582 01:16:39.940 --> 01:16:41.940 What are you doing? 583 01:17:43.880 --> 01:17:44.880 I couldn't see it. 584 01:17:44.880 --> 01:17:46.880 Can't you see it? 585 01:17:46.880 --> 01:17:48.880 I can see it. 586 01:17:57.670 --> 01:18:01.430 How was it? 587 01:18:01.430 --> 01:18:06.150 Can I move a little? 588 01:18:50.710 --> 01:18:52.710 I hit my head. 589 01:18:59.540 --> 01:19:01.540 It's amazing. 590 01:19:01.540 --> 01:19:03.540 It's embarrassing. 591 01:19:03.540 --> 01:19:05.540 Should I move it a little? 592 01:19:06.540 --> 01:19:11.960 Can you move it a little? 593 01:19:11.960 --> 01:19:15.280 It was in there. 594 01:19:16.280 --> 01:19:24.550 Does it feel good? 595 01:19:24.550 --> 01:19:26.550 It's really narrow. 596 01:19:32.550 --> 01:19:37.080 I can see a lot. 597 01:19:37.080 --> 01:19:56.070 I can see a lot. 598 01:20:23.260 --> 01:20:25.260 Let's make it different. 599 01:20:25.260 --> 01:20:27.260 Is there anything you like? 600 01:20:27.260 --> 01:20:29.260 I've done it before. 601 01:20:30.260 --> 01:20:32.260 Do you want me to move it back? 602 01:20:32.260 --> 01:20:35.830 Do you want me to move it back? 603 01:20:49.100 --> 01:20:51.100 Were you embarrassed? 604 01:21:13.610 --> 01:21:15.610 The entrance feels good. 605 01:21:15.610 --> 01:21:17.610 The entrance? 606 01:21:17.610 --> 01:21:19.610 I can't move it. 607 01:22:36.410 --> 01:22:45.290 I can't move it. 608 01:22:47.290 --> 01:22:53.580 How does it feel to go? 609 01:22:53.580 --> 01:23:51.390 It's amazing. 610 01:23:59.130 --> 01:24:01.130 I can't move it. 611 01:24:01.130 --> 01:24:08.410 I can't move it. 612 01:24:08.410 --> 01:24:10.410 I can't move it. 613 01:24:10.410 --> 01:24:12.410 Have you ever been like this? 614 01:24:12.410 --> 01:24:15.720 I haven't. 615 01:24:15.720 --> 01:24:17.720 It's called back pain. 616 01:24:17.720 --> 01:24:45.710 It's called back pain. 617 01:25:56.600 --> 01:25:58.600 It's amazing, isn't it? 618 01:25:58.600 --> 01:26:00.600 I can see it. 619 01:26:02.600 --> 01:26:23.960 It's amazing. 620 01:26:56.730 --> 01:26:58.730 I've gone again. 621 01:26:58.730 --> 01:27:02.750 Do you like intense things? 622 01:27:02.750 --> 01:27:09.450 Yes. 623 01:27:09.450 --> 01:27:11.450 I'm sweating. 624 01:27:11.450 --> 01:27:13.450 I'm sweating. 625 01:27:13.450 --> 01:27:28.220 Do you like intense things? 626 01:27:28.220 --> 01:27:30.220 I like it slowly. 627 01:27:30.220 --> 01:27:48.060 You like it slowly? 628 01:27:48.060 --> 01:27:50.060 It's really tight. 629 01:27:50.060 --> 01:28:01.150 It's really tight. 630 01:28:07.080 --> 01:28:33.370 It feels good. 631 01:28:33.370 --> 01:28:35.370 I like your style. 632 01:28:41.770 --> 01:28:43.770 I'm doing dance training. 633 01:28:51.770 --> 01:28:53.770 Do you do Kendo? 634 01:28:53.770 --> 01:28:55.770 I used to do it. 635 01:28:55.770 --> 01:29:09.070 Your hips are beautiful. 636 01:29:40.760 --> 01:29:45.160 Oh, no. 637 01:30:25.470 --> 01:30:27.470 It feels good. 638 01:30:45.080 --> 01:30:47.080 It feels good. 639 01:30:47.080 --> 01:30:49.080 Do you like it together? 640 01:30:49.080 --> 01:30:51.080 Yes. 641 01:31:20.460 --> 01:31:28.190 I'm surprised. 642 01:31:43.680 --> 01:31:45.680 It's okay. 643 01:31:45.680 --> 01:31:51.680 I'll open it. 644 01:32:42.380 --> 01:32:44.380 It's in your mouth. 645 01:32:44.380 --> 01:32:46.380 It's in my mouth. 646 01:32:46.380 --> 01:32:53.470 It's the first time. 647 01:32:53.470 --> 01:32:59.720 It's amazing. 648 01:33:06.490 --> 01:33:08.490 I don't know. 649 01:33:08.490 --> 01:33:10.490 It's the smell of life. 650 01:33:27.370 --> 01:33:29.370 How was it? 651 01:33:29.370 --> 01:33:31.370 I was nervous. 652 01:33:35.200 --> 01:33:37.200 You look relaxed. 653 01:33:37.200 --> 01:33:39.200 Yes. 654 01:33:43.200 --> 01:33:45.200 I'm relaxed. 655 01:33:45.200 --> 01:33:47.200 I'm relaxed. 656 01:33:49.200 --> 01:33:51.200 You're sweating a lot. 657 01:33:51.200 --> 01:33:59.180 I'm sweating a lot. 658 01:33:59.180 --> 01:34:01.180 Thank you. 659 01:34:03.180 --> 01:34:05.180 I'm sweating a lot. 660 01:34:05.180 --> 01:34:07.180 You're sweating a lot. 661 01:34:07.180 --> 01:34:09.180 Really? 662 01:34:09.180 --> 01:34:11.180 I'm sweating a lot. 663 01:34:11.180 --> 01:34:13.180 I'm sweating a lot. 664 01:34:13.180 --> 01:34:15.180 I'm sweating a lot. 665 01:34:19.180 --> 01:34:25.690 I was nervous. 666 01:34:25.690 --> 01:34:27.690 I was nervous for the first time. 667 01:34:33.070 --> 01:34:35.070 It was fun for the first time. 668 01:34:35.070 --> 01:34:39.470 The bag was the most comfortable. 669 01:34:39.470 --> 01:34:46.680 I was happy that you made me feel good. 670 01:34:46.680 --> 01:34:48.680 I was happy that you made me feel good. 671 01:34:58.440 --> 01:35:00.440 I'm looking forward to the future. 672 01:35:00.440 --> 01:35:02.440 I'm looking forward to more situations. 673 01:35:02.440 --> 01:35:06.080 I'm looking forward to more situations. 674 01:35:15.400 --> 01:35:17.400 The people who have been supporting me since I was an idol. 675 01:35:17.400 --> 01:35:19.400 The people who have been supporting me since I was an idol. 676 01:35:19.400 --> 01:35:21.400 The people who have been supporting me since I was an idol. 677 01:35:21.400 --> 01:35:23.400 I'm looking forward to the future. 678 01:35:23.400 --> 01:35:25.400 I'm looking forward to the future. 679 01:35:25.400 --> 01:35:27.400 I'm looking forward to the future. 680 01:35:35.210 --> 01:35:37.210 Thank you very much. 681 01:35:37.210 --> 01:35:40.590 Thank you very much. 682 01:35:40.590 --> 01:35:42.590 I don't remember the name of the song but it's a song. 683 01:35:42.590 --> 01:35:44.590 I don't remember the name of the song but it's a song. 684 01:35:58.940 --> 01:36:00.940 I will do my best. 685 01:36:05.530 --> 01:36:12.430 I'll be your boyfriend. 686 01:36:12.430 --> 01:36:31.740 He is. 687 01:36:33.740 --> 01:36:35.740 How are you? 688 01:36:35.740 --> 01:36:37.740 I am. 689 01:36:37.740 --> 01:36:39.740 What have you been doing so far? 690 01:36:41.740 --> 01:36:43.740 I have been watching the drama for the first time. 691 01:36:47.740 --> 01:36:49.740 Can I ask your impression? 692 01:36:51.740 --> 01:36:53.740 At first, I was very nervous. 693 01:36:53.740 --> 01:37:01.740 But I was able to relax in the end because the actor helped me relax. 694 01:37:01.740 --> 01:37:06.740 I thought you were smiling a lot from the beginning, but were you nervous? 695 01:37:06.740 --> 01:37:09.740 I have a habit of laughing when I'm nervous. 696 01:37:09.740 --> 01:37:15.740 I laugh when I'm nervous, so I think that's why I smiled a lot. 697 01:37:17.740 --> 01:37:21.740 I often watch porn, but I only watch actresses. 698 01:37:21.740 --> 01:37:28.740 I don't think there are many men who have this kind of atmosphere. 699 01:37:28.740 --> 01:37:31.740 I've seen your face before. 700 01:37:31.740 --> 01:37:35.740 I was surprised to see someone like that. 701 01:37:37.740 --> 01:37:42.740 How was it? Did you feel good? 702 01:37:42.740 --> 01:37:45.740 I thought it was good. 703 01:37:45.740 --> 01:37:47.740 It was good. 704 01:37:48.740 --> 01:37:57.740 I'm glad I felt a little different from my previous private life. 705 01:37:59.740 --> 01:38:15.990 What is the difference between private life and private life? 706 01:38:15.990 --> 01:38:21.990 I think I have a feeling that I like my partner in private. 707 01:38:21.990 --> 01:38:27.990 I feel like I want to do my best. 708 01:38:27.990 --> 01:38:32.990 The actor was kind to me and worried about me. 709 01:38:32.990 --> 01:38:36.990 I'm going to do my best. 710 01:38:36.990 --> 01:38:40.990 I felt a little different when I was playing. 711 01:38:40.990 --> 01:38:45.990 I think it made me feel good. 712 01:38:45.990 --> 01:38:48.990 You're very serious. 713 01:38:48.990 --> 01:38:50.990 I got a good comment. 714 01:38:52.990 --> 01:38:57.990 I think the part of doing your best is important. 715 01:38:57.990 --> 01:39:01.990 You've been an idol. 716 01:39:01.990 --> 01:39:05.990 Have you ever thought that you were different from an idol? 717 01:39:05.990 --> 01:39:09.990 Idols don't take off their clothes. 718 01:39:09.990 --> 01:39:12.990 I was nervous to take it off. 719 01:39:17.990 --> 01:39:20.990 I can only show you the sparkly part. 720 01:39:20.990 --> 01:39:25.940 It's like a woman. 721 01:39:25.940 --> 01:39:28.940 I'm not an idol. 722 01:39:28.940 --> 01:39:33.940 I was able to show you a womanly side of me. 723 01:39:34.940 --> 01:39:39.940 I was looking at the outside of the camera. 724 01:39:39.940 --> 01:39:44.940 I thought it was good to have a different spark. 725 01:39:44.940 --> 01:39:46.940 Thank you. 726 01:39:46.940 --> 01:39:49.940 I thought it looked really good. 727 01:39:49.940 --> 01:39:51.940 I'm glad. 728 01:39:51.940 --> 01:39:54.940 I felt it seriously. 729 01:39:55.940 --> 01:40:00.940 I thought I was able to see a beautiful side of me. 730 01:40:00.940 --> 01:40:05.940 I thought I was able to see a beautiful side of me. 731 01:40:05.940 --> 01:40:10.250 I'm sure your fans will be surprised. 732 01:40:10.250 --> 01:40:14.250 If they see this, they will be surprised. 733 01:40:14.250 --> 01:40:19.250 I think they will be surprised. 734 01:40:21.250 --> 01:40:26.250 You were going to Shibuya. 735 01:40:26.250 --> 01:40:31.250 You were an idol when you were a student. 736 01:40:31.250 --> 01:40:35.250 What kind of life rhythm did you have? 737 01:40:35.250 --> 01:40:39.250 What kind of school did you go to? 738 01:40:39.250 --> 01:40:43.250 I think I wake up at 7 a.m. 739 01:40:43.250 --> 01:40:48.250 I took classes until 5 a.m. and had a big live performance. 740 01:40:48.250 --> 01:40:53.250 I took a break from school when I had a big live performance in the afternoon. 741 01:40:53.250 --> 01:40:57.250 I practiced late at night. 742 01:40:57.250 --> 01:41:03.250 I practiced late at night until the lesson room was a little cheaper. 743 01:41:03.250 --> 01:41:08.250 Did you practice late at night? 744 01:41:09.250 --> 01:41:15.250 I practiced singing on days without live performances. 745 01:41:15.250 --> 01:41:18.250 I practiced singing on days without live performances. 746 01:41:18.250 --> 01:41:21.250 I felt like I was an extension of a student. 747 01:41:21.250 --> 01:41:27.250 Everyone around me was the same age. 748 01:41:27.250 --> 01:41:30.250 I felt like I was going to go back to school. 749 01:41:30.250 --> 01:41:33.250 I enjoyed being an idol. 750 01:41:33.250 --> 01:41:36.250 You look like you're having a lot of fun. 751 01:41:36.250 --> 01:41:39.250 It was youthful. 752 01:41:39.250 --> 01:41:43.250 Did you think about what you were doing when you were singing? 753 01:41:43.250 --> 01:41:48.250 Did you think about what you wanted the audience to think? 754 01:41:48.250 --> 01:41:53.250 I'm the type to be happy with my singing. 755 01:41:53.250 --> 01:41:57.250 When I'm not feeling well, I listen to my song. 756 01:41:57.250 --> 01:42:00.250 When I'm not feeling well, I listen to my song. 757 01:42:00.250 --> 01:42:08.250 I wanted to sing a love song for girls who are in the same situation. 758 01:42:08.250 --> 01:42:10.250 I wanted to sing a love song for girls who are in the same situation. 759 01:42:10.250 --> 01:42:13.250 You seem to be a person who loves idols. 760 01:42:13.250 --> 01:42:16.250 I love idols. 761 01:42:16.250 --> 01:42:19.250 You listen to idol songs and think, 762 01:42:19.250 --> 01:42:22.250 This love song is cute. 763 01:42:22.250 --> 01:42:27.250 I listen to it every time I save it. 764 01:42:28.250 --> 01:42:31.250 I thought you were a good idol. 765 01:42:31.250 --> 01:42:34.250 I imagined it. 766 01:42:34.250 --> 01:42:40.250 You said you were an extension of a student. 767 01:42:40.250 --> 01:42:46.250 How was your school life? 768 01:42:46.250 --> 01:42:49.250 I wasn't good at studying. 769 01:42:49.250 --> 01:42:52.250 I was taught by my members. 770 01:42:52.250 --> 01:42:55.250 My father taught me. 771 01:42:55.250 --> 01:42:56.250 Really? 772 01:42:56.250 --> 01:42:59.250 My father taught me. 773 01:42:59.250 --> 01:43:03.250 I learned a lot from others. 774 01:43:03.250 --> 01:43:06.250 You learned by yourself. 775 01:43:06.250 --> 01:43:09.250 I learned by myself. 776 01:43:09.250 --> 01:43:10.250 I learned by myself. 777 01:43:10.250 --> 01:43:11.250 I learned by myself. 778 01:43:11.250 --> 01:43:12.250 I learned by myself. 779 01:43:12.250 --> 01:43:13.250 I learned by myself. 780 01:43:13.250 --> 01:43:15.250 I learned by myself. 781 01:43:15.250 --> 01:43:18.250 What were you good at and what were you bad at? 782 01:43:18.250 --> 01:43:21.250 I didn't like studying, but I liked art. 783 01:43:21.250 --> 01:43:24.250 I didn't like math. 784 01:43:24.250 --> 01:43:27.250 I didn't like math. 785 01:43:27.250 --> 01:43:30.250 You were good at art and music. 786 01:43:30.250 --> 01:43:33.250 I was good at that. 787 01:43:33.250 --> 01:43:42.250 Did everyone know that you were supported by your friends at school? 788 01:43:42.250 --> 01:43:45.250 I think everyone knew. 789 01:43:45.250 --> 01:43:47.250 I didn't say it myself. 790 01:43:47.250 --> 01:43:51.250 Rumors spread because I was a student. 791 01:43:51.250 --> 01:43:54.250 Rumors spread because I was a student. 792 01:43:54.250 --> 01:43:57.250 Rumors spread because I was a student. 793 01:43:57.250 --> 01:44:03.250 I thought you were an entertainer. 794 01:44:03.250 --> 01:44:05.250 I thought you were an entertainer. 795 01:44:07.250 --> 01:44:10.250 Did you have friends at school? 796 01:44:10.250 --> 01:44:14.250 Did you have friends at school? 797 01:44:14.250 --> 01:44:17.250 I had friends at school. 798 01:44:17.250 --> 01:44:20.250 I still have friends who play with me. 799 01:44:20.250 --> 01:44:28.250 Of course, my friends told me about my activities and my debut. 800 01:44:28.250 --> 01:44:31.250 They supported me from the bottom of their hearts. 801 01:44:31.250 --> 01:44:34.250 Friends in high school are still important. 802 01:44:34.250 --> 01:44:41.250 You may have a lot of friends, but you have a good friend who supports you. 803 01:44:41.250 --> 01:44:49.250 Thank you for your support. 804 01:44:49.250 --> 01:44:57.250 You seem to have a lot of friends because you are cheerful. 805 01:44:57.250 --> 01:44:59.250 I'm not good at inviting friends. 806 01:44:59.250 --> 01:45:03.250 I'm not good at inviting friends. 807 01:45:03.250 --> 01:45:09.250 I've never been invited outside. 808 01:45:09.250 --> 01:45:13.250 Were you not good at dating? 809 01:45:13.250 --> 01:45:15.250 I was not good at dating. 810 01:45:15.250 --> 01:45:17.250 I can't appeal to my friends. 811 01:45:17.250 --> 01:45:19.250 I was not good at dating. 812 01:45:19.250 --> 01:45:23.250 I was not good at dating. 813 01:45:23.250 --> 01:45:26.250 You have a bright personality. 814 01:45:26.250 --> 01:45:28.250 You have a bright personality. 815 01:45:28.250 --> 01:45:30.250 You have a bright personality. 816 01:45:31.250 --> 01:45:35.250 Why do you want to be an idol? 817 01:45:35.250 --> 01:45:39.250 Why do you want to be an idol? 818 01:45:39.250 --> 01:45:42.250 Why do you want to be an idol? 819 01:45:42.250 --> 01:45:53.250 When I was a kid, Korean idols were popular. 820 01:45:53.250 --> 01:45:56.250 I admired idols. 821 01:45:56.250 --> 01:46:00.250 My parents were very happy for me. 822 01:46:00.250 --> 01:46:02.250 My parents were very happy for me. 823 01:46:02.250 --> 01:46:06.250 I grew up thinking that I was cute. 824 01:46:06.250 --> 01:46:08.250 You are cute. 825 01:46:08.250 --> 01:46:12.250 I thought I could be an idol. 826 01:46:12.250 --> 01:46:14.250 I started being an idol. 827 01:46:14.250 --> 01:46:18.250 I grew up being loved. 828 01:46:18.250 --> 01:46:21.250 I grew up being loved. 829 01:46:21.250 --> 01:46:25.250 I'm grateful to my mother. 830 01:46:26.250 --> 01:46:33.250 Did your parents support you? 831 01:46:33.250 --> 01:46:35.250 My parents supported me. 832 01:46:35.250 --> 01:46:39.250 My parents supported me. 833 01:46:39.250 --> 01:46:41.250 Did your parents support you? 834 01:46:41.250 --> 01:46:42.250 Yes. 835 01:46:42.250 --> 01:46:45.250 Did your parents support you? 836 01:46:45.250 --> 01:46:46.250 Yes. 837 01:46:46.250 --> 01:46:48.250 My parents opposed it. 838 01:46:48.250 --> 01:46:52.250 I told my parents how I felt. 839 01:46:52.250 --> 01:46:56.250 Did your parents support you? 840 01:46:56.250 --> 01:47:04.250 I told my parents how I felt. 841 01:47:04.250 --> 01:47:07.250 Did your parents support you? 842 01:47:07.250 --> 01:47:08.250 Yes 843 01:47:08.250 --> 01:47:15.250 I thought my parents would oppose. 844 01:47:15.250 --> 01:47:19.250 I can't wait to be able to see your parents' support. 845 01:47:19.250 --> 01:47:28.250 I'm so happy that Kasane-chan came and the people around me are cheering for me. 846 01:47:28.250 --> 01:47:30.250 Let's make a good debut album. 847 01:47:30.250 --> 01:47:32.250 Thank you. 848 01:47:33.250 --> 01:47:35.250 Thank you. 849 01:47:49.080 --> 01:47:51.080 Do you come to Shibuya often? 850 01:47:51.080 --> 01:47:55.080 Yes, I often come. I used to come to the concert. 851 01:47:55.080 --> 01:47:59.080 And I often used it for meetings. 852 01:48:00.080 --> 01:48:02.080 Oh, you'll show me around? 853 01:48:05.990 --> 01:48:08.990 What do you do for meetings? 854 01:48:08.990 --> 01:48:13.880 I do the choreography. 855 01:48:13.880 --> 01:48:17.510 I also do the set list. 856 01:48:17.510 --> 01:48:20.510 The meeting of the songs I sing on that day. 857 01:48:20.510 --> 01:48:23.510 I also do the singing part of the songs. 858 01:48:23.510 --> 01:48:27.510 I do the meeting of who sings this part. 859 01:48:27.510 --> 01:48:29.510 You're so serious. 860 01:48:29.510 --> 01:48:33.510 I thought it was a meeting to eat pancakes. 861 01:48:33.510 --> 01:48:35.510 No, it was a proper meeting. 862 01:48:36.510 --> 01:48:38.510 You were a serious idol. 863 01:48:38.510 --> 01:48:40.510 Yes, I was a serious idol. 864 01:48:40.510 --> 01:48:42.510 Sorry, I underestimated you. 865 01:48:43.510 --> 01:48:47.510 Did you play in Shibuya in this uniform and a parka? 866 01:48:47.510 --> 01:48:52.610 Yes, I did. 867 01:48:52.610 --> 01:48:54.610 It's not exactly a uniform. 868 01:48:54.610 --> 01:49:03.700 It's not exactly a uniform, but I tried not to get caught. 869 01:49:03.700 --> 01:49:05.700 You're cute. 870 01:49:05.700 --> 01:49:07.700 Is this the place? 871 01:49:07.700 --> 01:49:17.690 Yes. 872 01:49:17.690 --> 01:49:19.690 It's beautiful. 873 01:49:19.690 --> 01:49:21.690 What is your favorite food? 874 01:49:21.690 --> 01:49:24.690 What is your favorite food? 875 01:49:24.690 --> 01:49:26.690 Meat. 876 01:49:26.690 --> 01:49:28.690 What kind of meat? 877 01:49:30.690 --> 01:49:32.690 I like tender meat. 878 01:49:32.690 --> 01:49:34.690 I like grilled meat. 879 01:49:34.690 --> 01:49:36.690 It's like a symbol of youth. 880 01:49:37.690 --> 01:49:39.690 It looks delicious. 881 01:49:41.690 --> 01:49:43.690 It's good. 882 01:49:46.130 --> 01:49:48.130 Are you good-looking and fast? 883 01:49:48.130 --> 01:49:50.130 Yes, I'm fast. 884 01:49:50.130 --> 01:49:53.130 If I get lost, I think I can come back. 885 01:49:53.130 --> 01:49:55.130 You're cool. 886 01:49:55.130 --> 01:49:57.130 I hope I can come back. 887 01:50:12.760 --> 01:50:16.580 Please. 888 01:50:16.580 --> 01:50:18.580 It's delicious. 889 01:50:29.000 --> 01:50:31.000 I ate rice. 890 01:50:31.000 --> 01:50:33.000 I ate delicious rice. 891 01:50:33.000 --> 01:50:36.560 Thank you for the meal. 892 01:50:36.560 --> 01:50:41.560 After this, I would like you to show me the place where you used to work. 893 01:50:41.560 --> 01:50:43.560 Did you have other activities other than Shibuya? 894 01:50:43.560 --> 01:50:50.560 Other than Shibuya, I did Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, and sometimes Akihabara Live House. 895 01:50:50.560 --> 01:50:54.560 I used to do things like a party room. 896 01:50:55.560 --> 01:50:57.560 Was the base in Shibuya? 897 01:50:57.560 --> 01:51:02.560 Yes, the base was Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Ikebukuro. 898 01:51:03.560 --> 01:51:05.560 Do you have a memory? 899 01:51:05.560 --> 01:51:06.560 Yes. 900 01:51:06.560 --> 01:51:08.560 Can I take you there? 901 01:51:08.560 --> 01:51:09.560 Yes. 902 01:51:12.560 --> 01:51:13.560 It's over there. 903 01:51:13.560 --> 01:51:15.560 Let's go. 904 01:51:15.560 --> 01:51:20.540 Is the live the most fun? 905 01:51:20.540 --> 01:51:22.540 I like the live the most. 906 01:51:22.540 --> 01:51:24.540 The live is the most fun. 907 01:51:24.540 --> 01:51:28.540 I can see where the most fans are smiling. 908 01:51:28.540 --> 01:51:32.540 I'm glad I'm an idol. 909 01:51:34.540 --> 01:51:38.540 Thank you for the answer that looks like an idol. 910 01:51:38.540 --> 01:51:40.540 I'm happy. 911 01:51:40.540 --> 01:51:44.540 Do you practice a lot for the live? 912 01:51:44.540 --> 01:51:49.540 Yes, I practice a lot. 913 01:51:49.540 --> 01:51:53.540 How much do you practice for one live? 914 01:51:53.540 --> 01:51:55.540 I practice every day. 915 01:51:55.540 --> 01:52:02.540 I practiced every day for one or two weeks before the big live. 916 01:52:02.540 --> 01:52:07.540 I usually practice every day for two to three weeks. 917 01:52:07.540 --> 01:52:10.540 Did you do a lot of club activities? 918 01:52:10.540 --> 01:52:12.540 Yes, I did a lot. 919 01:52:12.540 --> 01:52:15.540 Are you serious? 920 01:52:15.540 --> 01:52:17.540 Please take me there. 921 01:52:17.540 --> 01:52:19.540 Let's go. 922 01:52:20.540 --> 01:52:22.540 I'm full. 923 01:52:22.540 --> 01:52:24.540 I'm full. 924 01:52:25.540 --> 01:52:28.540 By the way, how much do you eat? 925 01:52:29.540 --> 01:52:37.540 When I'm really hungry, I eat two servings. 926 01:52:37.540 --> 01:52:40.540 I'm surprised that you eat more than I thought. 927 01:52:40.540 --> 01:52:42.540 Do you eat two servings? 928 01:52:42.540 --> 01:52:45.540 I eat two servings when I'm really hungry. 929 01:52:45.540 --> 01:52:50.540 What kind of live house do you go to now? 930 01:52:50.540 --> 01:52:52.540 It's a live house when I made my debut. 931 01:52:52.540 --> 01:52:55.540 It's a very memorable place. 932 01:52:55.540 --> 01:53:04.540 There were a lot of groups and timetables. 933 01:53:04.540 --> 01:53:08.540 That's how I made my debut. 934 01:53:08.540 --> 01:53:12.540 Did I join the group? 935 01:53:12.540 --> 01:53:18.540 I joined the original group. 936 01:53:18.540 --> 01:53:25.540 What color are you in charge of when you join the group? 937 01:53:25.540 --> 01:53:27.540 I'm pink. 938 01:53:27.540 --> 01:53:32.540 It's amazing that you joined the group in the middle of pink. 939 01:53:32.540 --> 01:53:35.540 Are you in charge of this parker? 940 01:53:35.540 --> 01:53:38.540 I'm in charge of this parker. 941 01:53:38.540 --> 01:53:43.540 I'm in charge of this parker. 942 01:53:43.540 --> 01:53:48.540 Do you choose your own member color? 943 01:53:48.540 --> 01:53:53.540 I used to like pink, so I had a lot of pink items. 944 01:53:53.540 --> 01:53:57.540 I have more pink items. 945 01:53:57.540 --> 01:54:01.540 Makeup pouch, bag, clothes. 946 01:54:01.540 --> 01:54:06.540 I often choose white, black, and pink. 947 01:54:06.540 --> 01:54:11.540 Do you have a schedule for the day after tomorrow? 948 01:54:11.540 --> 01:54:15.540 I'm in charge of this time, but I'm not in charge of this time. 949 01:54:15.540 --> 01:54:19.540 I'm not in charge of this time, but I'm not in charge of this time. 950 01:54:19.540 --> 01:54:23.540 You seem to have a lot of schedules on weekends. 951 01:54:23.540 --> 01:54:27.430 That's right. 952 01:54:27.430 --> 01:54:30.430 Did you have a lot of private time when you started your business? 953 01:54:30.430 --> 01:54:33.430 I didn't have much private time. 954 01:54:33.430 --> 01:54:38.430 What did you do when you started your business? 955 01:54:38.430 --> 01:54:42.430 I like to play games. 956 01:54:42.430 --> 01:54:47.430 I played games, watched movies, and slept. 957 01:54:47.430 --> 01:54:49.430 Did you use your physical strength to recover? 958 01:54:49.430 --> 01:54:51.430 I used my physical strength to recover. 959 01:54:51.430 --> 01:54:54.430 I used my physical strength to recover. 960 01:54:54.430 --> 01:54:57.430 I used my physical strength to recover. 961 01:54:57.430 --> 01:54:59.430 You're good at using time. 962 01:54:59.430 --> 01:55:01.430 I often slept. 963 01:55:01.430 --> 01:55:03.430 I slept 80% of the time. 964 01:55:03.430 --> 01:55:04.430 I slept a lot. 965 01:55:04.430 --> 01:55:08.430 I played games and watched movies. 966 01:55:08.430 --> 01:55:16.430 When I think about my student life, I think I had more idol activities. 967 01:55:16.430 --> 01:55:24.430 I had a lot of school events, sports events, and cultural events. 968 01:55:24.430 --> 01:55:26.430 I had a lot of school events, sports events, and cultural events. 969 01:55:26.430 --> 01:55:31.430 Is there anything you remember from the school event? 970 01:55:31.430 --> 01:55:35.430 When I went to the class during the cultural festival, 971 01:55:35.430 --> 01:55:39.430 I was given a different sign by a man and a woman. 972 01:55:39.430 --> 01:55:42.430 The person with the same number is the person of destiny. 973 01:55:42.430 --> 01:55:44.430 That's great. 974 01:55:44.430 --> 01:55:48.430 When I found the same person during the cultural festival and came back to the classroom, 975 01:55:48.430 --> 01:55:52.430 the couple was together. 976 01:55:53.430 --> 01:55:57.430 I made a jinx on my own. 977 01:55:57.430 --> 01:56:01.430 I have two friends who are still together. 978 01:56:01.430 --> 01:56:09.430 I have two friends who are still together. 979 01:56:09.430 --> 01:56:11.430 It's like a drama. 980 01:56:11.430 --> 01:56:13.430 It's like a drama. 981 01:56:13.430 --> 01:56:15.430 Did you draw a picture? 982 01:56:15.430 --> 01:56:19.430 I drew a picture, but I couldn't find it during the cultural festival. 983 01:56:19.430 --> 01:56:21.430 You couldn't find it? 984 01:56:21.430 --> 01:56:23.430 I was wondering where it was. 985 01:56:23.430 --> 01:56:26.430 You found it, but you couldn't find it. 986 01:56:26.430 --> 01:56:28.430 I couldn't find it. 987 01:56:29.430 --> 01:56:31.430 That's a good thing. 988 01:56:31.430 --> 01:56:33.430 It's a story that's unique to the school. 989 01:56:33.430 --> 01:56:37.430 It's a story that makes you feel good. 990 01:56:37.430 --> 01:56:41.430 What kind of class did you do? 991 01:56:41.430 --> 01:56:48.430 I made a video of a ghost house and made a movie theater story. 992 01:56:48.430 --> 01:56:50.430 It's like a drama. 993 01:56:50.430 --> 01:57:01.430 I made a short film of a mini-drama and an action movie that was interesting. 994 01:57:01.430 --> 01:57:05.430 I made a short film of a mini-drama and an action movie that was interesting. 995 01:57:05.430 --> 01:57:07.430 It's like a movie. 996 01:57:07.430 --> 01:57:10.430 The process of making a movie is youth. 997 01:57:10.430 --> 01:57:12.430 It's youth. 998 01:57:12.430 --> 01:57:14.430 Did you play that role? 999 01:57:14.430 --> 01:57:15.430 I played it. 1000 01:57:15.430 --> 01:57:16.430 What role? 1001 01:57:16.430 --> 01:57:18.430 I played the heroine of a romance movie. 1002 01:57:18.430 --> 01:57:19.430 You played the heroine of a romance movie. 1003 01:57:19.430 --> 01:57:21.430 You played the heroine of a romance movie. 1004 01:57:21.430 --> 01:57:24.430 Do you remember what kind of line it was? 1005 01:57:24.430 --> 01:57:26.430 I don't remember. 1006 01:57:26.430 --> 01:57:28.430 It was like a lyrics video. 1007 01:57:28.430 --> 01:57:34.430 It was like a lyrics video for a romance song. 1008 01:57:34.430 --> 01:57:37.430 I don't remember which song I used. 1009 01:57:37.430 --> 01:57:40.430 I want to see that short video. 1010 01:57:40.430 --> 01:57:42.430 I don't have it anymore. 1011 01:57:42.430 --> 01:57:44.430 It's a trauma. 1012 01:57:44.430 --> 01:57:46.430 Why is it a trauma? 1013 01:57:46.430 --> 01:57:48.430 It's different from what I thought. 1014 01:57:48.430 --> 01:57:53.430 I made it with the fun of high school students. 1015 01:57:53.430 --> 01:57:56.430 The content of the bus is thin. 1016 01:57:56.430 --> 01:57:58.430 It's not like that. 1017 01:57:58.430 --> 01:58:01.430 It's like a drinking video. 1018 01:58:01.430 --> 01:58:03.430 It's like a story. 1019 01:58:03.430 --> 01:58:04.430 It's like a story. 1020 01:58:04.430 --> 01:58:07.430 I thought I should have done it better. 1021 01:58:07.430 --> 01:58:09.430 At that time, the tension was fun. 1022 01:58:09.430 --> 01:58:11.430 It was fun. 1023 01:58:11.430 --> 01:58:17.430 I thought it was fun to act as a little drama for high school students. 1024 01:58:17.430 --> 01:58:20.430 I thought it was fun. 1025 01:58:20.430 --> 01:58:26.430 I liked to do things that I couldn't do in my daily life. 1026 01:58:26.430 --> 01:58:30.430 Acting and idols. 1027 01:58:30.430 --> 01:58:35.430 That's why I changed to this AV. 1028 01:58:35.430 --> 01:58:39.430 I don't think all women do it. 1029 01:58:39.430 --> 01:58:44.430 I like to try something different. 1030 01:58:46.430 --> 01:58:51.430 You are close to Saito Kasane as a debut. 1031 01:58:51.430 --> 01:58:54.430 You are close to Saito Kasane as a debut. 1032 01:58:54.430 --> 01:58:59.430 You are close to Saito Kasane as a debut. 1033 01:58:59.430 --> 01:59:05.430 I'm looking forward to seeing you in a different form. 1034 01:59:05.430 --> 01:59:09.430 I'm looking forward to seeing you in a different form. 1035 01:59:09.430 --> 01:59:13.430 Is there a role you want to play in AV? 1036 01:59:15.430 --> 01:59:22.070 I want to play a role. 1037 01:59:22.070 --> 01:59:26.070 I want to play a student role. 1038 01:59:26.070 --> 01:59:28.070 I want to play a student role. 1039 01:59:28.070 --> 01:59:30.070 I want to play a student role. 1040 01:59:30.070 --> 01:59:34.070 I said in an interview when I debuted. 1041 01:59:34.070 --> 01:59:38.070 I want to play a cosplay character. 1042 01:59:38.070 --> 01:59:40.070 I want to play a cosplay character. 1043 01:59:40.070 --> 01:59:44.070 You look good in a wig. 1044 01:59:44.070 --> 01:59:46.070 You look good in a real cosplay. 1045 01:59:46.070 --> 01:59:49.070 I have a few things I want to do. 1046 01:59:49.070 --> 01:59:52.070 I would be happy if it worked. 1047 01:59:52.070 --> 01:59:58.070 I want to focus on Saito Kasane for a while. 1048 01:59:58.070 --> 02:00:00.070 I want to see that. 1049 02:00:00.070 --> 02:00:02.070 I want to see that. 1050 02:00:03.070 --> 02:00:08.020 Is this the place of memories? 1051 02:00:08.020 --> 02:00:11.020 I'm getting closer to the place of memories. 1052 02:00:11.020 --> 02:00:14.020 I think we can shoot from here. 1053 02:00:14.020 --> 02:00:16.020 I'll shoot from here. 1054 02:00:17.020 --> 02:00:20.020 Do you study the angle? 1055 02:00:20.020 --> 02:00:24.020 I study how to shoot. 1056 02:00:24.020 --> 02:00:27.020 I study how to make myself look cute. 1057 02:00:27.020 --> 02:00:30.020 I study how to make myself look cute. 1058 02:00:30.020 --> 02:00:33.020 Where is the cute angle? 1059 02:00:33.020 --> 02:00:34.020 Yes, it is. 1060 02:00:34.020 --> 02:00:35.020 It's cute, it's cute. 1061 02:00:35.020 --> 02:00:36.020 It's cute, it's cute. 1062 02:00:36.020 --> 02:00:38.020 All of them are cute, though. 1063 02:00:38.020 --> 02:00:39.020 360 degrees. 1064 02:00:40.020 --> 02:00:43.550 Here we are. 1065 02:00:43.550 --> 02:00:45.550 Where? Which one? 1066 02:00:46.550 --> 02:00:49.440 Ah, this one? 1067 02:00:49.440 --> 02:00:51.440 This is the Live House of Memories. 1068 02:00:51.440 --> 02:00:56.440 We're heading to the Live House of Memories. 1069 02:00:56.440 --> 02:01:02.030 This is the place where we debuted. 1070 02:01:02.030 --> 02:01:06.810 It looks pretty big. 1071 02:01:06.810 --> 02:01:08.810 It's pretty big. 1072 02:01:09.810 --> 02:01:16.810 I often ask how many people came to the Live House of Memories. 1073 02:01:16.810 --> 02:01:17.810 Ah. 1074 02:01:17.810 --> 02:01:22.810 I wonder how many people came to the Live House of Memories. 1075 02:01:22.810 --> 02:01:25.810 How many tickets did you get? 1076 02:01:25.810 --> 02:01:26.810 How many tickets did I get? 1077 02:01:26.810 --> 02:01:31.810 I didn't know how many fans came to the Live House of Memories. 1078 02:01:31.810 --> 02:01:32.810 You're a professional. 1079 02:01:32.810 --> 02:01:33.810 Yes. 1080 02:01:33.810 --> 02:01:39.810 By the way, do you have a battle with the same members? 1081 02:01:39.810 --> 02:01:40.810 No, I don't. 1082 02:01:40.810 --> 02:01:43.810 I had a lot of battles today. 1083 02:01:43.810 --> 02:01:45.810 Do you have any problems with that? 1084 02:01:45.810 --> 02:01:46.810 Not really. 1085 02:01:46.810 --> 02:01:48.810 Ah, so you're really a rival? 1086 02:01:48.810 --> 02:01:49.810 Rival. 1087 02:01:49.810 --> 02:01:50.810 A good rival. 1088 02:01:50.810 --> 02:01:52.810 Ah, that's great. 1089 02:01:52.810 --> 02:01:56.810 Even if you know that you're not a fan of yours, 1090 02:01:56.810 --> 02:02:00.810 if an otaku from another group plays the pink penlight for you, 1091 02:02:00.810 --> 02:02:01.810 you'll die. 1092 02:02:01.810 --> 02:02:05.810 I've been trying to have the live performance fun. 1093 02:02:05.810 --> 02:02:09.810 I've been trying not to forget the smiles, 1094 02:02:09.810 --> 02:02:14.810 and talk to people when I look into their eyes when I talk. 1095 02:02:14.810 --> 02:02:18.810 I've been trying to do things that I'm happy to do. 1096 02:02:18.810 --> 02:02:23.810 All of those things are connected to the idol's image. 1097 02:02:23.810 --> 02:02:24.810 Yes. 1098 02:02:24.810 --> 02:02:26.810 That's great. 1099 02:02:26.810 --> 02:02:29.810 When you talk to me, you talk to me with your eyes on me. 1100 02:02:29.810 --> 02:02:30.810 I talk to you with my eyes on me. 1101 02:02:30.810 --> 02:02:32.810 I've had this habit for a long time. 1102 02:02:32.810 --> 02:02:33.810 It makes me nervous. 1103 02:02:33.810 --> 02:02:34.810 It makes me nervous. 1104 02:02:34.810 --> 02:02:36.810 I'm an otaku. 1105 02:02:36.810 --> 02:02:42.080 When I was a student, I was also a mini-take. 1106 02:02:42.080 --> 02:02:43.080 I was a mini-take. 1107 02:02:43.080 --> 02:02:47.080 I was probably scolded by my teacher. 1108 02:02:47.080 --> 02:02:49.080 You're wearing a short skirt, aren't you? 1109 02:02:49.080 --> 02:02:50.080 I'm not short. 1110 02:02:50.080 --> 02:02:53.080 Ah, it's a short skirt. 1111 02:02:53.080 --> 02:02:55.080 The one in the picture is here. 1112 02:02:55.080 --> 02:02:58.080 Please tell me about your memories here. 1113 02:02:58.080 --> 02:03:02.080 This is the venue where I made my debut. 1114 02:03:02.080 --> 02:03:05.080 At first, I was very nervous. 1115 02:03:05.080 --> 02:03:08.080 I was thinking, what should I do? 1116 02:03:08.080 --> 02:03:13.080 I was surrounded by warm fans. 1117 02:03:13.080 --> 02:03:15.080 I was able to make my debut with pleasure. 1118 02:03:15.080 --> 02:03:21.080 After that, I was able to do idol activities for a long time. 1119 02:03:21.080 --> 02:03:24.080 I was able to graduate with a lot of fun. 1120 02:03:24.080 --> 02:03:30.080 It's the most memorable Shibuya venue as an idol. 1121 02:03:30.080 --> 02:03:34.080 It's your debut today, so please bring me to your debut. 1122 02:03:34.080 --> 02:03:35.080 That's right. 1123 02:03:35.080 --> 02:03:37.080 It's my debut. 1124 02:03:37.080 --> 02:03:40.080 It's a place full of memories. 1125 02:03:40.080 --> 02:03:42.080 It's amazing. 1126 02:03:42.080 --> 02:03:44.080 There are many artists. 1127 02:03:44.080 --> 02:03:53.080 There are bands, idols for girls, and idols for boys. 1128 02:03:53.080 --> 02:03:56.590 It looks famous. 1129 02:03:56.590 --> 02:03:59.590 There are many other customers now. 1130 02:03:59.590 --> 02:04:03.900 There are many people now. 1131 02:04:03.900 --> 02:04:10.900 I was introduced to such a place full of memories. 1132 02:04:10.900 --> 02:04:13.900 I feel like this is my place. 1133 02:04:13.900 --> 02:04:18.900 I'm tired, but I'm going to take a picture. 1134 02:04:18.900 --> 02:04:26.360 I feel like there are many people. 1135 02:04:26.360 --> 02:04:28.360 Thank you for coming with me. 1136 02:04:28.360 --> 02:04:31.360 Thank you for coming with me. 1137 02:04:31.360 --> 02:04:34.930 It's like an ending. 1138 02:09:42.070 --> 02:09:54.450 I wish I could fly in the sky 1139 02:09:54.450 --> 02:10:00.450 To see other people live in peace 1140 02:10:00.450 --> 02:10:05.450 In such a beautiful world 1141 02:10:05.450 --> 02:10:10.720 In the eyes of the sky 1142 02:10:10.720 --> 02:10:16.210 We soar up and see 1143 02:10:16.210 --> 02:10:22.210 There's no funny and no big or small person 1144 02:10:22.210 --> 02:10:26.210 In the eyes of the sky 1145 02:10:26.210 --> 02:10:29.210 And now we soar up and see 1146 02:10:29.210 --> 02:10:32.210 However people are diversified 1147 02:10:32.210 --> 02:10:38.210 No one is gonna be disqualified 1148 02:10:38.210 --> 02:10:42.210 In the eyes of the sky 1149 02:10:42.210 --> 02:10:51.760 It feels like always connecting us all 1150 02:10:51.760 --> 02:11:09.660 Birds are flying, the sky is so clear 1151 02:11:09.660 --> 02:11:17.630 Always makes me wanna cry 1152 02:11:17.630 --> 02:11:22.630 I spread my arms and reach high 1153 02:11:24.630 --> 02:12:00.960 Birds are flying, the sky is so clear 1154 02:12:00.960 --> 02:12:08.040 Always makes me wanna cry 1155 02:12:08.040 --> 02:12:13.040 I spread my arms and reach high 1156 02:12:15.040 --> 02:12:25.400 I wish I could fly in the sky 1157 02:12:25.400 --> 02:12:32.680 To see other people live in peace 1158 02:12:33.680 --> 02:12:37.680 In such a beautiful world 1159 02:12:37.680 --> 02:12:44.050 In the eyes of the sky 1160 02:12:44.050 --> 02:12:49.540 We soar up and see 1161 02:12:49.540 --> 02:12:55.540 There's no funny and no big or small person 1162 02:12:55.540 --> 02:12:59.540 In the eyes of the sky 1163 02:12:59.540 --> 02:13:02.540 And now we soar up and see 1164 02:13:02.540 --> 02:13:05.540 However people are diversified 1165 02:13:05.540 --> 02:13:11.540 No one is gonna be disqualified 1166 02:13:11.540 --> 02:13:16.540 In the eyes of the sky 1167 02:13:16.540 --> 02:13:25.810 It feels like always connecting us all 1168 02:13:25.810 --> 02:13:42.440 Birds are flying, the sky is so clear 1169 02:13:42.440 --> 02:13:49.390 Always makes me wanna cry 1170 02:13:50.390 --> 02:13:55.390 I spread my arms and reach high 1171 02:13:56.390 --> 02:14:08.370 Birds are flying, the sky is so clear 1172 02:14:08.370 --> 02:14:15.260 Always makes me wanna cry 1173 02:14:16.260 --> 02:14:21.260 I spread my arms and reach high 1174 02:16:57.960 --> 02:17:00.960 What do you think about dancing with naked body? 1175 02:17:00.960 --> 02:17:03.960 It's so refreshing 1176 02:17:03.960 --> 02:17:06.960 I'm sweating a lot 1177 02:17:06.960 --> 02:17:08.960 Can you see it? 1178 02:17:08.960 --> 02:17:10.960 It's shiny 1179 02:17:10.960 --> 02:17:12.960 It's cool 1180 02:17:12.960 --> 02:17:15.960 I was in a place where people were 1181 02:17:15.960 --> 02:17:17.960 So I didn't feel naked 1182 02:17:17.960 --> 02:17:20.960 I experienced it 1183 02:17:20.960 --> 02:17:21.960 Did you get used to it? 1184 02:17:21.960 --> 02:17:23.960 I got used to it 1185 02:17:23.960 --> 02:17:25.960 What if you danced naked at home? 1186 02:17:25.960 --> 02:17:28.960 It might happen in the future 1187 02:17:31.960 --> 02:17:34.960 Did you dance naked at home? 1188 02:17:34.960 --> 02:17:37.960 It's my first time 1189 02:17:37.960 --> 02:17:39.960 It's a rare experience 1190 02:17:52.680 --> 02:17:54.680 I want more people to see it 1191 02:17:57.990 --> 02:18:00.990 I'm looking forward to the idol costumes 1192 02:18:03.560 --> 02:18:05.560 It's cute 1193 02:18:05.560 --> 02:18:08.560 I'm nervous if I can wear it 1194 02:18:09.560 --> 02:18:16.390 I'll do my best 1195 02:18:17.390 --> 02:18:19.390 It's cute 1196 02:18:34.070 --> 02:18:54.660 Thank you for your hard work 1197 02:19:03.190 --> 02:19:05.190 I'll throw it away at the end 1198 02:19:27.460 --> 02:19:31.860 Thank you 1199 02:19:33.860 --> 02:19:35.860 It's so cute 1200 02:19:52.800 --> 02:19:54.800 It's embarrassing 1201 02:19:55.800 --> 02:19:57.800 I didn't know it was like this 1202 02:20:27.520 --> 02:20:29.520 It's embarrassing 1203 02:20:29.520 --> 02:20:31.520 I'll say one thing 1204 02:20:31.520 --> 02:20:34.520 It's embarrassing, but I'll study it 1205 02:20:43.880 --> 02:20:49.880 I'm in the AV that I always watch 1206 02:20:49.880 --> 02:20:52.880 I wish I could see the camera a little more 1207 02:20:52.880 --> 02:20:54.880 I'm embarrassed 1208 02:21:09.380 --> 02:21:14.380 It's my first time to see my naked face 1209 02:21:14.380 --> 02:21:16.380 What does it feel like? 1210 02:21:23.440 --> 02:21:25.440 I think it's not enough yet 1211 02:21:26.440 --> 02:21:28.440 I think it's not enough yet 1212 02:21:34.670 --> 02:21:36.670 It's my first time 1213 02:22:00.320 --> 02:22:06.320 I'm in the AV that I always watch 1214 02:22:07.320 --> 02:22:10.320 Professional actresses are amazing 1215 02:22:38.140 --> 02:22:46.140 It's a strange feeling to do what you've been doing 1216 02:22:49.140 --> 02:22:52.140 It's a little different 1217 02:22:52.140 --> 02:22:56.140 I don't think I'll ever experience it 1218 02:22:56.140 --> 02:22:58.140 I'm looking forward to it 1219 02:23:13.330 --> 02:23:15.330 I'll do my best 1220 02:23:41.960 --> 02:23:43.960 It looks good on you 1221 02:23:43.960 --> 02:23:45.960 Really? Thank you 1222 02:23:45.960 --> 02:23:48.960 Did you wear this when you were an idol? 1223 02:23:48.960 --> 02:23:51.960 I wore this when I was an idol 1224 02:23:51.960 --> 02:23:53.960 It's cute 1225 02:23:56.960 --> 02:23:58.960 Idols don't wear furifuri 1226 02:23:58.960 --> 02:24:00.960 There are many furifuri 1227 02:24:00.960 --> 02:24:02.960 It's cute 1228 02:24:02.960 --> 02:24:06.960 Do idols wear anything but underwear? 1229 02:24:06.960 --> 02:24:08.960 I don't wear anything but underwear 1230 02:24:08.960 --> 02:24:10.960 You don't? 1231 02:24:10.960 --> 02:24:12.960 Underwear? 1232 02:24:12.960 --> 02:24:14.960 Don't you see it? 1233 02:24:14.960 --> 02:24:16.960 You often do it 1234 02:24:16.960 --> 02:24:18.960 I sometimes see it 1235 02:24:18.960 --> 02:24:21.960 That's it 1236 02:24:21.960 --> 02:24:23.960 It's a lucky chance 1237 02:24:25.960 --> 02:24:27.960 I see 1238 02:24:30.960 --> 02:24:32.960 This is an AV 1239 02:24:33.960 --> 02:24:37.960 I'll try not to do it as an idol 1240 02:24:38.960 --> 02:24:42.960 I want to shake my skirt 1241 02:24:42.960 --> 02:24:45.960 I'm studying to be an AV 1242 02:24:46.960 --> 02:24:48.960 Shake it 1243 02:24:48.960 --> 02:24:50.960 I'll do it 1244 02:24:51.960 --> 02:24:53.960 It's good 1245 02:24:54.960 --> 02:24:56.960 Idols don't do it, right? 1246 02:24:56.960 --> 02:25:01.300 They don't 1247 02:25:01.300 --> 02:25:03.300 I can't see it 1248 02:25:08.850 --> 02:25:10.850 It's good 1249 02:25:10.850 --> 02:25:12.850 It's pure white 1250 02:25:23.430 --> 02:25:33.670 I don't think it's a good idea to be an idol 1251 02:25:34.670 --> 02:25:38.670 When the fans see you 1252 02:25:38.670 --> 02:25:40.670 They'll blow it out 1253 02:25:45.640 --> 02:25:49.640 How do you do it on stage? 1254 02:25:49.640 --> 02:25:51.640 I'm nervous 1255 02:25:51.640 --> 02:25:53.640 You're used to it, aren't you? 1256 02:25:53.640 --> 02:25:55.640 I'm used to it 1257 02:25:55.640 --> 02:25:58.640 But I'm not used to doing it on stage 1258 02:25:59.640 --> 02:26:02.640 I'm excited 1259 02:26:02.640 --> 02:26:04.640 I'm excited 1260 02:26:04.640 --> 02:26:06.640 I'm excited 1261 02:26:06.640 --> 02:26:08.640 I'm excited 1262 02:26:08.640 --> 02:26:21.360 I'm excited 1263 02:26:26.360 --> 02:26:34.470 I'm studying to be an AV on stage 1264 02:26:34.470 --> 02:27:07.180 I'm studying to be an AV on stage 1265 02:27:07.180 --> 02:27:22.260 I'm studying to be an AV on stage 1266 02:27:22.260 --> 02:27:26.260 I'm studying to be an AV on stage 1267 02:28:16.580 --> 02:28:34.140 You're doing something bad 1268 02:28:35.140 --> 02:28:50.300 Why are you so weak? 1269 02:28:51.300 --> 02:28:55.190 Does it feel good? 1270 02:30:08.670 --> 02:30:53.800 Are you embarrassed? 1271 02:30:53.800 --> 02:30:57.800 I'm embarrassed to be on stage 1272 02:31:16.380 --> 02:31:32.430 Are you the most sensitive here? 1273 02:31:32.430 --> 02:31:49.690 You're very sensitive 1274 02:31:49.690 --> 02:31:51.690 Take off your underwear 1275 02:31:51.690 --> 02:32:19.720 You can hold your own legs in that state 1276 02:32:19.720 --> 02:32:29.730 You're dressed very bad 1277 02:32:30.730 --> 02:32:42.360 I'm embarrassed 1278 02:32:42.360 --> 02:32:44.360 You're embarrassed 1279 02:32:53.640 --> 02:32:56.640 But it feels better than being embarrassed 1280 02:32:56.640 --> 02:32:58.640 Yes, it feels good 1281 02:32:58.640 --> 02:33:04.230 You're very wet 1282 02:33:05.230 --> 02:33:14.620 Are you okay? 1283 02:33:17.620 --> 02:33:19.620 I'm embarrassed 1284 02:33:33.950 --> 02:33:35.950 I'm embarrassed 1285 02:33:52.620 --> 02:33:58.110 I'm embarrassed 1286 02:33:58.110 --> 02:34:00.110 I'm embarrassed 1287 02:34:01.110 --> 02:34:05.250 I'm embarrassed 1288 02:34:16.250 --> 02:34:20.910 You're very wet 1289 02:34:26.170 --> 02:34:28.170 Do you feel better? 1290 02:34:29.170 --> 02:34:41.870 I feel better 1291 02:35:08.580 --> 02:35:25.470 What are you doing now? 1292 02:35:27.470 --> 02:35:29.470 Look at the camera 1293 02:35:29.470 --> 02:35:31.470 Look at the camera 1294 02:35:31.470 --> 02:35:33.470 What are you doing now? 1295 02:35:36.470 --> 02:35:38.470 I'm embarrassed 1296 02:35:41.470 --> 02:35:43.470 I'm embarrassed 1297 02:35:44.470 --> 02:35:46.470 I'm embarrassed 1298 02:35:46.470 --> 02:35:48.470 I'm embarrassed 1299 02:35:48.470 --> 02:35:51.910 I'm embarrassed 1300 02:35:51.910 --> 02:35:53.910 What are you doing now? 1301 02:35:53.910 --> 02:35:55.910 Look at the camera 1302 02:35:55.910 --> 02:36:00.910 I'm embarrassed to be on stage 1303 02:36:02.910 --> 02:36:04.910 I'm embarrassed 1304 02:36:07.910 --> 02:36:09.910 I can feel it 1305 02:36:09.910 --> 02:36:11.910 I can feel it 1306 02:36:11.910 --> 02:36:13.910 I'm embarrassed 1307 02:36:14.910 --> 02:36:23.240 I'm embarrassed 1308 02:37:11.000 --> 02:37:13.000 Are you nervous? 1309 02:37:13.000 --> 02:37:20.080 Wake up 1310 02:37:45.480 --> 02:37:47.480 Are you nervous? 1311 02:37:47.480 --> 02:37:49.480 I'm nervous 1312 02:37:49.480 --> 02:37:51.480 I'm embarrassed 1313 02:37:51.480 --> 02:38:03.010 I'm embarrassed 1314 02:38:07.010 --> 02:38:23.640 Are you embarrassed? 1315 02:38:23.640 --> 02:38:57.350 I'm embarrassed 1316 02:38:57.350 --> 02:38:59.350 Give it back 1317 02:38:59.350 --> 02:39:01.350 Can I take it off? 1318 02:39:01.350 --> 02:39:03.350 Please lick your body before taking it off 1319 02:39:36.290 --> 02:39:38.290 You did a good job 1320 02:39:38.290 --> 02:39:40.290 Do you feel good? 1321 02:39:40.290 --> 02:40:40.240 I feel good 1322 02:40:40.240 --> 02:40:42.240 Can I take it off? 1323 02:40:42.240 --> 02:40:51.480 I'm embarrassed 1324 02:40:51.480 --> 02:40:53.480 Please lick it from above 1325 02:40:53.480 --> 02:40:55.480 I'm already studying 1326 02:41:31.670 --> 02:41:33.670 Please do as you like 1327 02:41:33.670 --> 02:41:35.670 I like it 1328 02:41:35.670 --> 02:42:23.910 Is it delicious? 1329 02:42:23.910 --> 02:42:54.040 It's delicious 1330 02:42:58.050 --> 02:43:00.050 It's good 1331 02:43:00.050 --> 02:43:02.050 You know 1332 02:43:02.050 --> 02:43:29.430 You know 1333 02:43:29.430 --> 02:43:45.990 Can you make a sound? 1334 02:43:45.990 --> 02:43:49.680 Can you make a sound? 1335 02:44:53.570 --> 02:44:55.570 Please tell me if you feel good 1336 02:46:11.640 --> 02:46:13.640 I feel good 1337 02:46:23.640 --> 02:46:25.640 I feel good 1338 02:46:50.610 --> 02:46:52.610 How are you doing? 1339 02:46:52.610 --> 02:46:54.610 How are you doing? 1340 02:46:54.610 --> 02:46:56.610 I'm getting bigger 1341 02:47:06.040 --> 02:47:08.040 I want you to do it 1342 02:47:08.040 --> 02:47:10.040 I want you to do it 1343 02:47:12.040 --> 02:47:15.730 What kind of style do you want to be in? 1344 02:47:15.730 --> 02:47:17.730 What kind of style do you want to be in? 1345 02:47:17.730 --> 02:47:19.730 What kind of style do you want to be in? 1346 02:47:19.730 --> 02:47:21.730 I want to do something I've never done 1347 02:47:21.730 --> 02:47:23.730 You want to do something you've never done? 1348 02:47:23.730 --> 02:47:25.730 What kind of style do you want to be in? 1349 02:47:25.730 --> 02:47:26.510 I want to be a 1350 02:47:26.510 --> 02:47:27.510 I want to be a 1351 02:47:27.510 --> 02:47:29.510 You want to be a 1352 02:47:29.510 --> 02:47:31.510 Then do you want to do it? 1353 02:47:33.510 --> 02:47:35.510 I like that aggressive feeling 1354 02:47:38.510 --> 02:47:40.510 Did you want to try it? 1355 02:47:40.510 --> 02:48:04.750 Yes 1356 02:48:04.750 --> 02:48:10.240 I want to do it with you 1357 02:48:10.240 --> 02:48:14.700 I want to do it with you 1358 02:48:14.700 --> 02:48:36.990 I want to do it with you 1359 02:48:36.990 --> 02:49:10.260 I want to do it with you 1360 02:49:10.260 --> 02:49:12.260 How do you feel? 1361 02:49:13.040 --> 02:49:57.440 I feel good 1362 02:49:57.440 --> 02:49:59.440 You're going to be in there for a day, right? 1363 02:50:52.940 --> 02:50:54.940 You're doing something amazing 1364 02:50:54.940 --> 02:50:56.940 On stage 1365 02:50:56.940 --> 02:50:58.940 How is it? 1366 02:50:58.940 --> 02:51:00.940 How is it? 1367 02:51:01.720 --> 02:51:05.350 Do you think you're going to do this on stage? 1368 02:51:05.350 --> 02:51:07.350 I didn't think 1369 02:51:07.350 --> 02:51:09.350 You didn't think 1370 02:51:14.350 --> 02:51:16.350 How do you want to do it? 1371 02:51:16.350 --> 02:51:18.350 I want to do it 1372 02:52:20.030 --> 02:52:25.200 You're crying 1373 02:52:25.200 --> 02:52:27.200 Put your hands together 1374 02:52:29.200 --> 02:52:31.200 Open your legs a little 1375 02:52:50.440 --> 02:52:52.440 Open your legs 1376 02:53:17.210 --> 02:53:19.210 Can you see? 1377 02:53:19.210 --> 02:53:21.210 I can see 1378 02:53:31.640 --> 02:53:33.640 You've never done it before, have you? 1379 02:53:33.640 --> 02:54:16.250 I've never done it 1380 02:54:16.250 --> 02:54:20.400 Are you okay? 1381 02:54:21.180 --> 02:54:23.180 You don't have any strength 1382 02:54:31.480 --> 02:54:33.480 It's different on stage, isn't it? 1383 02:54:33.480 --> 02:54:35.480 Yes 1384 02:54:35.480 --> 02:55:32.520 I feel good 1385 02:55:32.520 --> 02:58:09.940 I feel good 1386 02:58:32.810 --> 02:58:34.810 It feels good to be aggressive 1387 02:58:34.810 --> 02:59:36.300 Do you like being aggressive? 1388 02:59:36.300 --> 02:59:38.300 You want to do it 1389 02:59:38.300 --> 02:59:40.300 There are a lot of MVs 1390 02:59:40.300 --> 02:59:42.300 There are a lot of MVs 1391 02:59:42.300 --> 02:59:44.300 There are 1392 02:59:44.300 --> 02:59:46.300 I want you to do that 1393 02:59:47.080 --> 02:59:52.560 Just the two of you 1394 02:59:52.560 --> 02:59:54.560 Just the two of you 1395 02:59:55.560 --> 02:59:57.560 Do you want to do it? 1396 02:59:57.560 --> 02:59:59.560 I want to study 1397 02:59:59.560 --> 03:00:04.220 Do you want to study? 1398 03:00:04.220 --> 03:00:06.220 I'll do it 1399 03:00:06.220 --> 03:00:08.220 Really? 1400 03:00:08.220 --> 03:00:12.110 You want to do it, don't you? 1401 03:00:22.590 --> 03:00:24.590 Please 1402 03:00:37.480 --> 03:00:39.480 What did you do? 1403 03:00:39.480 --> 03:00:41.480 Practice? 1404 03:00:42.260 --> 03:00:44.260 Please 1405 03:00:44.260 --> 03:00:46.260 You're serious 1406 03:00:48.260 --> 03:00:50.260 You're wearing this 1407 03:00:50.260 --> 03:00:52.260 Take it off 1408 03:01:19.360 --> 03:01:21.360 Open it and show it 1409 03:01:32.990 --> 03:01:34.990 So close 1410 03:01:34.990 --> 03:01:36.990 It's embarrassing 1411 03:01:36.990 --> 03:01:38.990 It's embarrassing? 1412 03:01:38.990 --> 03:01:40.990 It's too close 1413 03:01:40.990 --> 03:01:47.570 Too close? 1414 03:01:48.350 --> 03:01:50.350 Are you okay? 1415 03:01:50.350 --> 03:01:52.350 Are you okay? 1416 03:01:52.350 --> 03:01:54.350 What did you do? 1417 03:01:54.350 --> 03:01:56.350 How did you touch it? 1418 03:01:56.350 --> 03:02:13.870 Let me see 1419 03:02:13.870 --> 03:02:25.560 How is it? 1420 03:02:25.560 --> 03:02:27.560 Is it weak? 1421 03:02:27.560 --> 03:02:29.560 Is it weak? 1422 03:02:29.560 --> 03:02:39.340 I touched it 1423 03:02:39.340 --> 03:02:49.760 I touched it 1424 03:02:49.760 --> 03:03:01.900 It sounds good 1425 03:03:01.900 --> 03:03:03.900 It sounds good 1426 03:03:03.900 --> 03:03:13.390 It sounds good 1427 03:03:13.390 --> 03:03:15.390 It sounds good 1428 03:03:16.170 --> 03:03:18.170 It sounds good 1429 03:03:44.550 --> 03:03:46.550 It hurts 1430 03:03:46.550 --> 03:03:48.550 Is it wrong? 1431 03:03:48.550 --> 03:03:50.550 It hurts 1432 03:03:50.550 --> 03:03:51.550 Ouch. 1433 03:03:51.550 --> 03:03:52.550 Ouch. 1434 03:04:26.540 --> 03:04:34.030 Do you feel good? 1435 03:04:34.030 --> 03:04:35.030 I feel good. 1436 03:05:33.940 --> 03:05:45.470 Are you okay? 1437 03:05:45.470 --> 03:05:50.700 Yeah, I'm okay. 1438 03:05:50.700 --> 03:06:18.140 Let's stick your head out. 1439 03:06:19.140 --> 03:06:41.810 Show me your side. 1440 03:06:53.980 --> 03:06:54.980 How is it? 1441 03:06:54.980 --> 03:07:09.010 Is it okay? 1442 03:07:10.010 --> 03:07:11.010 Do you want a lot of it? 1443 03:07:11.010 --> 03:07:13.010 Do you want me to kiss you? 1444 03:07:13.010 --> 03:07:31.260 Yes, I want you to kiss me. 1445 03:07:35.260 --> 03:07:44.400 Come on, come on, come on, come on. 1446 03:07:47.990 --> 03:07:48.990 I can't. 1447 03:07:48.990 --> 03:07:50.990 What do you mean you can't? 1448 03:07:50.990 --> 03:08:01.860 I can't. 1449 03:08:01.860 --> 03:08:03.860 I'm going again. 1450 03:08:20.370 --> 03:08:32.580 You went again. 1451 03:08:32.580 --> 03:08:34.580 Don't put it on my head. 1452 03:08:49.430 --> 03:08:56.710 Oh, I see. 1453 03:08:56.710 --> 03:08:57.710 Do you like it? 1454 03:08:57.710 --> 03:08:58.710 Yes. 1455 03:09:05.970 --> 03:09:22.980 Open your mouth. 1456 03:09:22.980 --> 03:09:24.980 Come on, come on, come on. 1457 03:09:38.140 --> 03:09:40.140 Come on, come on, come on. 1458 03:09:43.140 --> 03:09:45.140 Come on, come on, come on. 1459 03:10:06.500 --> 03:10:08.500 Come on, come on, come on. 1460 03:10:08.500 --> 03:10:47.530 How do you feel when you two kiss? 1461 03:10:47.530 --> 03:10:49.530 There were a lot of people earlier. 1462 03:10:49.530 --> 03:10:57.000 Isn't it? 1463 03:10:57.000 --> 03:11:20.600 Two people are better. 1464 03:11:22.600 --> 03:11:34.420 Can I lick the ball again? 1465 03:11:35.420 --> 03:11:43.020 You have good suction power. 1466 03:11:43.020 --> 03:11:45.020 I'll keep it. 1467 03:11:54.350 --> 03:11:56.350 How many times have you been licking it? 1468 03:11:56.350 --> 03:11:57.350 What? 1469 03:11:57.350 --> 03:11:58.350 What? 1470 03:11:58.350 --> 03:11:59.350 The ball? 1471 03:11:59.350 --> 03:12:39.080 Yes. 1472 03:12:39.080 --> 03:12:41.080 You want me to kiss you, don't you? 1473 03:12:41.080 --> 03:12:42.080 Yes. 1474 03:12:42.080 --> 03:12:44.080 Say it cutely. 1475 03:12:44.080 --> 03:12:46.080 I want you to kiss me. 1476 03:12:46.080 --> 03:12:48.080 Do you want me to kiss you? 1477 03:12:48.080 --> 03:12:54.140 I wonder if I wanted to do that. 1478 03:12:54.140 --> 03:13:07.120 Can you put it in yourself? 1479 03:13:07.120 --> 03:13:09.820 Yes. 1480 03:13:09.820 --> 03:13:23.240 Tell me if it's in. 1481 03:13:23.240 --> 03:13:25.240 I can't do this. 1482 03:13:27.240 --> 03:13:32.660 Where did you learn this? 1483 03:13:32.660 --> 03:13:35.490 What? 1484 03:13:35.490 --> 03:13:39.180 Is it a secret? 1485 03:13:40.180 --> 03:13:42.180 You learned it from a bad adult, didn't you? 1486 03:13:42.180 --> 03:13:44.180 Yes. 1487 03:14:00.120 --> 03:14:01.120 Do you feel good? 1488 03:14:01.120 --> 03:14:03.120 Yes, I feel good. 1489 03:14:13.130 --> 03:14:20.940 It's cold. 1490 03:14:20.940 --> 03:14:27.540 Do you feel good? 1491 03:14:27.540 --> 03:14:35.530 Please raise your body a little. 1492 03:14:35.530 --> 03:14:37.530 That's right, that's right. 1493 03:14:37.530 --> 03:14:41.800 You're shaking a lot. 1494 03:14:41.800 --> 03:14:46.260 Are you okay? 1495 03:15:00.280 --> 03:15:15.720 Please go to the person behind you. 1496 03:15:20.990 --> 03:15:24.370 You can see it. 1497 03:15:43.340 --> 03:15:48.830 Do you like this? 1498 03:16:21.660 --> 03:16:23.660 It's gross. 1499 03:17:11.200 --> 03:17:16.050 How do you do it? 1500 03:17:16.050 --> 03:17:19.490 I learned it from a bad adult, didn't I? 1501 03:17:19.490 --> 03:17:22.630 Yes. 1502 03:17:22.630 --> 03:17:23.630 Can you do it? 1503 03:17:23.630 --> 03:17:24.630 Yes. 1504 03:17:24.630 --> 03:17:25.630 You did it, didn't you? 1505 03:17:25.630 --> 03:17:33.000 Yes. 1506 03:17:36.630 --> 03:17:37.630 Do you feel good? 1507 03:17:37.630 --> 03:18:15.760 I'm sorry. 1508 03:18:15.760 --> 03:18:17.760 I'm sorry. 1509 03:18:25.760 --> 03:18:47.480 Please go to the person behind you. 1510 03:18:48.480 --> 03:18:50.480 I can't see your butt. 1511 03:18:50.480 --> 03:18:52.480 It's embarrassing. 1512 03:18:52.480 --> 03:18:53.480 It's embarrassing. 1513 03:18:53.480 --> 03:18:55.480 You have a cute butt. 1514 03:18:55.480 --> 03:19:01.220 Please raise your legs. 1515 03:19:02.220 --> 03:19:04.220 Please stand up. 1516 03:19:05.220 --> 03:19:07.220 This side, too. 1517 03:19:08.220 --> 03:19:10.220 Please move to the side. 1518 03:19:22.340 --> 03:20:09.880 You have a great butt. 1519 03:20:09.880 --> 03:20:10.880 Are you okay? 1520 03:20:10.880 --> 03:20:12.880 Yes, I'm okay. 1521 03:20:12.880 --> 03:20:30.080 Please go to the person behind you. 1522 03:20:30.080 --> 03:20:32.080 You have a great butt. 1523 03:21:17.800 --> 03:21:24.630 Please raise your shoulders. 1524 03:23:20.180 --> 03:23:30.220 Please stretch your legs. 1525 03:23:30.220 --> 03:23:36.470 Please go to the person behind you. 1526 03:25:22.640 --> 03:26:43.740 I'm sorry. 1527 03:26:43.740 --> 03:26:45.740 You forgot to say it on the stage, didn't you? 1528 03:26:47.740 --> 03:26:53.420 I forgot. 1529 03:27:43.930 --> 03:27:45.930 Please go to the person behind you. 1530 03:31:52.840 --> 03:31:54.840 I'm sorry. 1531 03:31:54.840 --> 03:31:56.840 I'm sorry. 1532 03:31:58.840 --> 03:32:03.500 Please go to the person behind you. 1533 03:32:04.500 --> 03:32:16.130 Please go to the person behind you. 1534 03:32:16.130 --> 03:32:18.130 You studied a lot. 1535 03:32:22.820 --> 03:32:24.820 How was it? 1536 03:32:26.820 --> 03:32:28.820 I felt good and it was fun. 1537 03:32:28.820 --> 03:32:30.820 I learned a lot. 1538 03:32:30.820 --> 03:32:32.820 You are a good student. 1539 03:32:36.520 --> 03:32:38.520 It's different when you are alone. 1540 03:32:41.470 --> 03:32:43.470 It's more comfortable when you are alone. 1541 03:32:44.470 --> 03:32:46.470 I can concentrate. 1542 03:32:58.240 --> 03:33:00.240 This is the stage. 1543 03:33:01.240 --> 03:33:03.240 Are you okay? 1544 03:33:03.240 --> 03:33:05.240 Please don't do this. 1545 03:33:05.240 --> 03:33:07.240 It's a secret. 1546 03:33:07.240 --> 03:33:09.240 You have a great butt. 1547 03:33:11.240 --> 03:33:13.240 Thank you. 1548 03:33:13.240 --> 03:33:15.240 Please go to the person behind you. 1549 03:33:27.620 --> 03:33:33.810 Thank you. 1550 03:33:35.810 --> 03:33:42.000 This is my first time. 1551 03:33:42.000 --> 03:33:44.000 I was nervous. 1552 03:33:44.000 --> 03:33:46.000 I was excited. 1553 03:33:46.000 --> 03:33:48.000 This is my first time. 1554 03:34:00.080 --> 03:34:02.080 I'm being filmed. 1555 03:34:04.080 --> 03:34:06.080 It's different from other people's eyes. 1556 03:34:06.080 --> 03:34:08.080 There was a camera in front of me. 1557 03:34:10.080 --> 03:34:12.080 I was nervous. 1558 03:34:12.080 --> 03:34:16.160 I was excited. 1559 03:34:21.050 --> 03:34:23.050 I felt good the other day. 1560 03:34:30.180 --> 03:34:32.180 It's a lesson. 1561 03:34:34.180 --> 03:34:36.180 I wanted to try something I've never done before. 1562 03:34:43.510 --> 03:34:45.510 I did it. 1563 03:34:47.510 --> 03:34:53.770 Thank you. 1564 03:34:55.770 --> 03:34:57.770 I will do my best. 1565 03:34:57.770 --> 03:34:59.770 I will do my best. 1566 03:34:59.770 --> 03:35:01.770 I will do my best. 1567 03:35:01.770 --> 03:35:03.770 I will do my best. 1568 03:35:03.770 --> 03:35:05.770 Thank you. 1569 03:35:11.150 --> 03:35:13.150 I'm shaking. 1570 03:35:24.140 --> 03:35:26.140 I'm embarrassed. 1571 03:35:33.470 --> 03:35:35.470 Thank you. 1572 03:35:36.470 --> 03:35:38.470 I will do my best. 1573 03:35:46.990 --> 03:35:48.990 I will do my best. 1574 03:35:49.990 --> 03:35:51.990 I'm Kasane Saito. 1575 03:35:51.990 --> 03:35:53.990 Thank you for watching. 1576 03:35:53.990 --> 03:35:55.990 See you in the next video. 1577 03:36:38.160 --> 03:36:40.160 Thank you for watching. 1578 03:36:40.160 --> 03:36:42.160 See you in the next video. 1579 03:36:42.160 --> 03:36:44.160 Thank you. 1580 03:37:08.160 --> 03:37:10.160 I'm here... 1581 03:37:10.160 --> 03:37:12.160 today... 1582 03:37:14.160 --> 03:37:16.160 for you... 1583 03:37:16.160 --> 03:37:18.160 I'm here... 1584 03:37:18.160 --> 03:37:20.160 for you... 1585 03:37:20.160 --> 03:37:22.160 Last beautiful day. 1586 03:37:22.160 --> 03:37:24.160 Last beautiful day. 1587 03:37:47.060 --> 03:37:49.060 I showed it a little bit. 1588 03:37:49.060 --> 03:37:51.060 It's cute. 1589 03:37:51.060 --> 03:37:53.060 How was it? 1590 03:37:53.060 --> 03:37:55.060 I was nervous. 1591 03:37:55.060 --> 03:37:57.060 I'm sweating a lot right now. 1592 03:37:57.060 --> 03:38:01.460 It was tough, but it was a valuable experience and I had a lot of fun. 1593 03:38:01.460 --> 03:38:03.060 How do you feel about your debut? 1594 03:38:03.060 --> 03:38:08.660 I'm so excited. I wonder how it will reach everyone. 1595 03:38:08.660 --> 03:38:10.860 I'm so excited and looking forward to it. 1596 03:38:10.860 --> 03:38:14.060 I think you learned a lot from your debut. 1597 03:38:14.060 --> 03:38:16.060 What do you think of yourself? 1598 03:38:16.060 --> 03:38:18.060 100 out of 100. 1599 03:38:20.060 --> 03:38:23.860 It's my first video, so it's 50 out of 100. 1600 03:38:23.860 --> 03:38:28.860 I would be happy if I could get a score from everyone. 1601 03:38:28.860 --> 03:38:30.860 You were cute enough to get a score of 100. 1602 03:38:30.860 --> 03:38:32.860 Thank you. 1603 03:38:33.860 --> 03:38:39.860 Please say a word to your fans when you see your next video. 1604 03:38:44.860 --> 03:38:48.860 Thank you for watching this video. 1605 03:38:48.860 --> 03:38:54.860 I will do my best to show you the best of me. 1606 03:38:54.860 --> 03:38:57.860 Please look forward to my next video. 1607 03:38:57.860 --> 03:39:00.860 Thank you for watching my debut video. 1608 03:39:00.860 --> 03:39:05.170 See you next time. 1609 03:39:05.170 --> 03:39:08.170 Please watch it. 1610 03:39:08.170 --> 03:39:11.170 Thank you for your hard work. 1611 03:39:11.170 --> 03:39:14.170 Let's do our best. 1612 03:39:14.170 --> 03:39:16.170 See you next time.